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Robert Neville

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About Robert Neville

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  1. Robert Neville

    Reverse robberies

    The only way to play safe is to avoid any encounter. And even with this you can get killed on sight by some piece of crap who decided to play sniper.
  2. Robert Neville

    How I Became The Best Player In DayZ

    You sound like a sociopath. This is a sure way to spoil the game experience for anybody who is on the same server as you.
  3. Robert Neville

    Firestation upper floors are inaccessible

    Opposite corner of the small room where the stairs begin? Or opposite corner of the fire station altogether (where the last big door is)?
  4. Robert Neville

    Firestation upper floors are inaccessible

    It's all of them. Having or not something in my hands does not make a difference; neither does being standing up or crouching. However I haven't tried sprinting, I'll try that one next time. I could make a video but it wouldn't be very useful, it would only show my character immobile at the bottom of the stairwell.
  5. It seems one can't use anymore the stairwell on the fire station, so loot spawned on the upper floors (and that can be seen from the roof) can't be collected. It is just me or it's a new bug?
  6. Houses with open doors is a sign they've already been visited and looted. Same experience here.
  7. Robert Neville

    22/11/2017, servers down?

    It works now, thanks pals.
  8. Robert Neville

    22/11/2017, servers down?

    Are all DayZ servers still down? The usual server maintenance (Wednesday 0600-0900 GMT) should be finished by now.
  9. My character is invisible on the start screen. I only see the words "Left" and "Right" and my name underneath. The scenery behind looks fine. I've already tried "Verify integrity of game files" on Steam, it corrected 1 file but this didn't solve the issue. OTOH, I am experiencing very frequent crashes, reported here: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T125486
  10. Robert Neville

    Bugreport tool public issue

    When filing a DayZ bugreport on https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/2/ , all the data is public. This includes DxDiag diagnostics and a copy the DayZ homedir folder. Isn't this an issue? Sharing it with the devs is fine, but having the info from your customers' computers posted publicly for the whole Internet to see isn't a very good idea. Thanks for your concern about this.
  11. Robert Neville

    Dayz Duke's Private Hive Trader - PVE - PVP-RP - Clan Events

    Is this server still on? If yes, where is it located?
  12. Now it appears to work. I was able to login and create a crash report.
  13. I've the same problem. Time for the devs to have a look at their bugtracker and see why it isn't sending any mail.
  14. Robert Neville

    Loot In Dayz Stand Alone

    How do you find a private server that doesn't kick you out? Sorry for the newbie question, I have been away from DayZ a couple of years, I'm joining back just now (just after buying a new tower PC).
  15. Robert Neville

    I've bumped into the most dangerous bandit group in chernarus [2:36]

    Buffoons. But you shouldn't have shot them first. I am usually for a "talk first, shoot later" approach. Usually.