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ALRA | EU | 1PP | Immersive Loot Economy | Expansion Market | Missions | Key Cards | Vehicles
Caatalyst posted a topic in Server Advertisement
Server Name: ALRA | EU | 1PP | Immersive Loot Economy | Expansion Market | Missions | Key Cards | Vehicles Server Address: Map: Chenarus Discord: https://discord.gg/synPR6qU SERVER OVERVIEW Welcome to ALRA! A unique and perfect balance for players looking for a vanilla experience with carefully selected modded content, traders and quality of life improvements to enhance the experience. Getting decent equipment won’t be easy. Here you will be rewarded for exploration and taking risks. The loot economy has been fine-tuned, truly embracing the environment to give that vanilla survival experience all while adding new layers of progression and objectives to work towards. There won’t be piles of decked out high calibre modern rifles in military tents. Finding a decent weapon will be a rewarding experience. Open world military locations spawn low quality eastern equipment and weapons Tiered key card progression system. Pristine, top tier military equipment and weapons can only be found only in locked containers Damaged modern military equipment can be looted from helicopter crash sites Air drops (food / key cards / meds / repair items / tents / fuel ) Missions that reward key cards and equipment Toxic zones strong holds that require key card access and hazmats for the best pristine loot Drugs, pelts and rare collectable farming which can be sold to traders The best equipment is loot only and cannot be purchased at traders Tougher zombies that spawn around high tier key card locations First person only for immersion and fair PVP Server max pop cap will never exceed 65 to ensure it never feels like a deathmatch arena and vehicles performance is stable BALANCED AND ORGANISED TRADERS On ALRA there are two survivor safe zone traders (Green Mount and Klen) and one black market trader which have been tweaked for optimal balance for the intended immersive atmosphere. Survivor safe zone traders sell only basic civilian equipment, supplies, weapons and vehicles. They also have a shady dealer who will buy any military equipment and collectables but only for poor prices. For the hunters out there, a trader will also buy your pelts for a fair price. At the black market you can buy low and mid tier military grade equipment and vehicles. Narcotics and rare collectables can be sold at the BM for a good price too but make sure you’re not been followed! Boat and Military Helicopter Traders Expansion market system – The best and cleanest UI QUALITY OF LIFE Auto run – Because nobody wants to get wrist ache! Expansion Map System – Clean and functional UI marker system (2D Only) Spawn selector and base spawn – Tweaked to stop spamming or exploitation Third person while driving Reduced vehicle damage OTHER FEATURES Carefully selected armour, clothing, equipment, weapons and vehicle mods that retain the vanilla feel Base building plus 2.0 – For the best base building and raiding system Rotating seasons depending on the time of year 2 hours day / 30 minute night Carefully selected base storage system which removes clutter and focuses on containers that do not heavily impact performance C4 Raiding System Come and join our community! https://discord.gg/synPR6qU -
I'm really glad to see this thread was created and is getting attention and discussion going. I've got 1.6k hours in Dayz and I have over 2k hours in Arma 3. I used to love Exile mod and vehicles were a huge part of the game. It's disappointing to see the dev post early on down play how bad vehicles are in the game. They run terribly and this can occur even when servers are low pop. I've played on plenty of community servers, different maps and vehicles suffer the same issues everywhere. This is an incredibly common issue and for this reason I rarely drive them, especially during high pop times. In a game that is so brutal to start with it is incredibly infuriating to die and lose hours or even days worth of progress due to bug that has been present in the game since vehicles were first introduced. I for the most part play on servers that use QOL mods like no vehicle damage. If I was playing vanilla I would never use vehicles because of how frequently they glitch out. One thing I cannot wrap my head around is how they had them working so well in Arma 3 and Dayz they are completely broken.
What are people's thoughts on the current state of DayZ
Caatalyst replied to Boruto89's topic in General Discussion
As a returning player, from my experience it seems that the community has fragmented off into modded servers. IMO the current state of vanilla is barebones. The game looks and runs great but it is severely lacking in content or purpose. It's the same gameplay loop that it's always had. Spawn, run to mili sites gear up die and repeat. Base building may add longevity but even that's barebones (Few wood pieces and tents) and in order to introduce realism vanilla bases are sadly mostly a waste of time. What might take you days / weeks to build and store loot can be wiped clean in a matter of minutes by some bambi and a tool. If we had some tiered base building materials going up to metal and concrete that required explosives to penetrate that would be a game changer but it's unlikely at this stage. The dev's seem to have wound down and are now focusing on smaller content updates that fix bugs and add back legacy content (the odd new gun and food items etc). I suspect they are focused on Arma 4 now. One of the biggest downers is that vehicles were added but they behave terribly on servers and as far as I can tell work on this has been abandoned. It's a real shame because what this game needs more than anything is a mode of transport that doesn't involve getting serious hand injuries from holding shift and forward for what feels like hours and hours. Assuming Arma 4 is getting built on the same engine we may see a major update come to Dayz in the future that massively improves vehicle performance as large scale vehicle combat is a big part of Arma 4. We can only pray... Your best bet is to grab the DZSA launcher and look at community / modded servers. Since mod support came out there have been some pretty big strides made with modders adding a lot of the promised content that never came and building on the vanilla game. A lot of mods are still in their infant stages and due to server performance they can be quite unstable. That said I've been having a blast so far. Expansion mod is probably the most polished addon for Dayz currently that I would recommend. So yeah if you're gunna jump on, find a modded server community that tickles your fancy. -
User Interface / Inventory Management Overhaul
Caatalyst replied to Caatalyst's topic in General Discussion
I wasn't suggesting a carbon copy of what the creator has produced. You could of course add a preview character page on the equipment panel. A crafting page could also be accommodated on the inventory panel. Hit the crafting button and it gives you a list of items that can be crafted from your inventory. This would include crafting requirements and show you whether you have them or not. Of course the finer details would need to be worked out and I imagine creating a mod like this would be very time consuming. I just wanted to throw it out there as the QOL improvements it comes with would be a massive game changer. -
Hello there! A mod that improves / overhauls the Dayz UI and feels like it was made in 2021 would be a great addition. Inventory management in this game is tedious and frustrating at times. This can be amplified even further on modded servers with all the modular and customised outfits and lets face it, modded servers are where it is at! Found this concept somebody made and it would be so much nicer! Full link to all other UI assets: https://www.behance.net/gallery/37881693/DayZ-StandAlone-UI-VISUAL-ART-CONCEPT
User Interface / Inventory Management Overhaul
Caatalyst replied to Caatalyst's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Wrong section please delete this thread! -
Hello there! A mod that improves / overhauls the Dayz UI and feels like it was made in 2021 would be a great addition. Inventory management in this game is tedious and frustrating at times. This can be amplified even further on modded servers with all the modular and customised outfits and lets face it, modded servers are where it is at!
Dayz User Interface, Inventory Management & Vehicle Performance
Caatalyst posted a topic in General Discussion
Hello there! I haven't been able to find out much info so I thought I'd ask here as these are my two biggest gripes with this game and put me off playing. Are there any plans from the developers to improve on the user interface or expand the number of vehicles / improve vehicle performance? The UI in Dayz is so unbelievably clunky and ugly. I feel like I spend most of the time faffing around trying to move stuff and figure out what is what, scrolling through all of your storage items. Why not combine your inventory into a single unit which increases in slots depending on the item you are wearing? This would certainly be a step in the right direction. Ontop of sorting your own inventory out it only gets more painful when you are interacting with another storage container or player body etc...There are so many survival games out there now that handle this better for reference. A polish / QOL overhaul to bring the UI into 2021 would be so much appreciated. If the devs aren't handling this I really hope we see modders get access to tools so they can make improvements. Next up vehicles. The walking simulator effect really is beyond boring at this point. I was a massive fan of Arma 3 exile mod and this handled vehicles so well on a map as large as Dayz. I appreciate that vehicles are supposed to be a privilege and I'm all for the hardcore experience but surely we could have some low tier, entry level vehicles that are common around spawn areas like ATVs. Easy to fix or or in full working order but with low fuel. Also what happened to aircraft? A game this hardcore with a map this big is crying for more vehicles and better vehicle performance. I do love this game but it's so hard to get back into at this point for these two reasons and I just hope that improvements are coming or modders get access to the tools to make them better. I found this from an earlier concept and it would be so much nicer! Video: Full link to all other UI assets:https://www.behance.net/gallery/37881693/DayZ-StandAlone-UI-VISUAL-ART-CONCEPT -
+1 so long as it has a long cool down
The vanilla base building and crafting in Dayz is a bit... bland. Is anybody working on more advanced stuff? Things to build more interesting bases with... a cabin in the woods maybe or even a fortress? Also crafting stations to create more advanced weapons, tools and clothes / armour would be amazing.
Is this the extent of Basebuilding?
Caatalyst replied to Weyland Yutani (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
I was really hoping to build a cabin in the woods with a fire and crafting workstations. I'm really disappointed with the current base building. Hopefully modders will fix it. -
Yes! - this is awesome! I'd love to see some mods that bring pick axing rocks for resources and smelting and crafting. I'd love to see in depth crafting, workbenches and more advanced base building.
In your posts you talk like the concept of base building in a game is something almost out of reach and unheard of. I totally appreciate what you have said about a lot of the discussion around base building been pretty minimal, especially from the developers. There are tons of games out there that have successfully implemented a system that works and is balanced within their environments. Exile mod in particular is one that I would have chosen for Dayz because it worked well with the Arma engine. - Tier bases into different materials of different strengths. - Tier raiding tools to correspond with different materials (e.g concrete raiding charges harder to loot and / or craft than wood raiding charges) - Raiding takes time - Between 5-60 minutes depending on how well the base is designed, the materials used and whether players online or not - Mobile app that notified you when your base was been raided so you had a chance to come and defend - Raiding was noisy and could be heard across the map which made it really risky and often a failure Explosive raiding was great for groups and if you were a sneaky and committed solo player you could go down the thermal scanner route. I had some of my best times in that mod. The PVP and raiding was fantastic considering the Arma engine is so buggy.
Arguably two of the bet and most popular mods for Arma 3. Does anybody know if either are been looked into or something similar is planned for Dayz? I'd love to see a more fleshed out version created now that Dayz modding is here. It sounds like so much more could be done.
Basebuilding - How far Away? What's Coming? The Hopes and Dreams....
Caatalyst replied to Caatalyst's topic in Suggestions
I'm not sure if that post was targeted at mine or just a rant about Exile as I only referenced Exile once with regards to the thermal scanner. I completely agree the construction method for Exile is completely immersion breaking but it has a pretty good raiding mechanic in place so I definitely would not be disappointed to see some of those approaches used in Dayz like tiered charges and thermal scanners. The finer detail on how building parts are created is still up in the air but it already looks like the devs plan on having a blue print system where you feed the blueprint with the parts which should put your mind at rest in that regard. The workstations would be used to turn raw materials into the components needed for the blue print. The main focus of my post was not necessarily about how you place and handle building parts but how base building as a whole could be implemented and how much it has to offer to game play if provided with enough content to work with.