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Posts posted by The_Lonely_Bandit

  1. Just because you have color on your screen doesn't mean your base health is fine. 

    Stop running around and ignoring zombies constantly hitting you otherwise over time they will wear down your health stat. 
    Which is different to your blood levels (Which control what level of color you see). 

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  2. @Vattenlarv I'm sorry but I'm really struggling to see what your post has to do with what I was talking about. That video I (forced myself to) watch was just basic pvp. There was no banditry involved there whatsoever. All I saw was horrendous shooting and basic 3pp generic pvp. At no point was anybody robbed nor attempted to be robbed (atleast based on the time stamp you gave). 

    If you read my first original comment to me banditry is all about the robbing and interaction side of DayZ.

    But anyway moving on with the rest of your comment(s).

    'Since DayZ plays the way it does, gear is the only thing that matters' 
    Is that serious? :/ I mean in terms of survival gear is a massive thing that determines how well you survive.
    But DayZ has a whole other side to it that you seem to be ignoring. Which is of course the way players interact with each other. Which is the very base of this thread originally. 
    Also where did the 3pp and overall realism over DayZ become involved here? :/ I have no idea what happened to this entire thread as it is entirely off topic now :D
    Do note I DO agree 3pp is a gimmick and general movement and combat need to be addressed (which it is being done as we speak) but again none of this has anything to do with this topic I began. 

    I think you've gone on a bit of a venting spree and mistakenly somehow thought this thread was the place for it. 

     All I wanted to know was if anybody else here does robberies besides the very tight handful of people that have claimed they do.

    A mod may as well close this thread as it is completely off topic now.. 

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  3. I think its important to realize that banditry is NEVER truly about the gear. At least it shouldn't be. If you focus too much on drooling over gear chances are your going to hardly interact with the poor bugger you are robbing. 
    Even if you think it doesn't make the interaction worse I can guarantee it does in some manner no matter how slight. 

    Which is not to say you won't get good gear, more often than not you will (If you actually get off the coast and stop robbing bambis!) but gear should never be the goal. It is merely a means to an end.


  4. @cirkular Cheers for checking it out mate!
    And I agree it affects general gameplay rather than just banditry. But banditry is mainly affected by those things I listed (If that makes sense? :P)
    My point is most other changes in game don't really affect banditry whereas the few things I listed do. 

    As for game crashes since this video I've only had a couple, it's gotten a LOT better since experimental! 

  5. @WOLFGEIST No that isn't banditry but I have a high level of respect for people that interact on any level mate :) Good on you! At the end of the day survival is always the number one goal so if you gotta pull the trigger you gotta do it. No matter your playstyle in general I wouldn't feel bad about it or anything. 

    Maybe next time words can come before shots but who knows? DayZ is mysterious ;)

    @Vattenlarv I would love to see the system from Escape From Tarkov implemented. Its an incredibly slow movement system but it is also the most realistic I've seen in any fps. Arma to me is hardly more different than DayZ, nearly the same running speed and arma is just incredibly wonky in general. 
    You should check out the movement on EFT if you haven't already!

  6. @Blyatimov I disagree completely mate. Although I acknowledge that it can be difficult robbing people from other languages and cultures but I have done it many times from many different nationalities. When you have somebody tied up after knocking them out or when you are putting a gun at a player but not shooting most of the time they put their hands up (Or just run away like many other players).

    Different languages definitely isn't a good enough reason to at least not TRY. In fact some of my more fun robberies came from the language barriers I had to over come. My favorite without a doubt would have to be a French guy I robbed, I was trying to get him to give me a saline as I was solo but he didn't understand for like 20 minutes :D

    You should try it mate :)

  7. Pretty simple post, I'm curious to know how many of you that come here do actual REAL legit banditry. Now to me banditry isn't simple basic KOS. To me it is robberies, providing an interaction on a level that is not only incredibly fun but needed in DayZ. During the days of initial DayZ KOS was still a thing, but nowhere near the level it is now. Banditry was a lot more common, - interactions - were a lot more common! To me it is the role of a bandit to provide interactions. Sincerely dark but fun interactions that provide a "boogey man" or something else to fear other than the "You are dead" screen.

    Essentially banditry is about interacting whether the other person wishes to or not :)

    Whether you agree with me or disagree on the definition of banditry please save for another post and discussion. The purpose of this post is just to find out if any of you other survivors prefer (and actually do) rob people instead of just mindlessly killing anything and everything.

    I thought about doing a poll but I would prefer to see some of your opinions as to WHY you do or do not like to rob other players.

    • Like 3

  8. They should just be controlled by the developers. Not rented or controlled by consumers.

    No point in being controlled by players as its seemed to cause nothing but issues. Admins being "reported" for banning people based off nothing but getting an advantage in game is not uncommon at all. As stated in the OP they are used mainly for duping and ridiculous abuse of server hopping. Server hopping is by FAR the biggest issue with public servers. It was a massive issue in DayZ mod and is still an issue with very little done to counter it.

    Have public servers controlled by the devs and PLEASE remove the public "hive" system all together. It just does not belong in a survival game.

  9. To all my bandits out there (And really anybody that wants to learn how to interact) the best thing you can do is learn from your mistakes. All it takes is the tiniest little inconvenience and you can screw up an interaction. Here is a video where I go in detail and analyze a situation I found myself in.

    I learned a lot from this, hopefully you will too :)


  10. bro, I wasn't calling you scared lol, I meant that I thought when you had a lump in your throat that you sounded quite emotional after you left them behind, and it made for a great end of series vid.

    Oh hahaha well I was terrified earlier :P But yeah it was a roller coaster man, I know at the end of the day its just a game. But when you interact with real people in such heart pounding situations you cant help but develop a connection to it. 


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  11. Well done on completing your journey, just watched the last episode and I thought you were going to finally run out of luck when those two guys spotted you, methinks you had a wee lump in your throat when they let you go on! Was a good watch brother :thumbsup:

    Thanks mate, I definitely was terrified :P 

  12. how did you get your video to show up.  It use to be [ media ] [ /media ].....then it was [ youtube ] [ /youtube ]. what is it now?  i had to put spaces in between the brackets for it to show up.  I know the spaces are not suppose to be there.




    edit...never mind...i was forgetting to remove the "s" in the https

    FYI I just copy and paste the link and it automatically does it for me :) 

  13. I was also very sus of the finaldayz servers having epoch. But trust me when I safe being "wealthy" is barely a possibility let alone an objective. It is basically about just gathering essential supplies, and storing them. You basically have to build every single thing yourself. Safes and lockboxes can be built, but it takes a massive amount of work to do so. It will take you a solid week or two of playing to get up to that level. 

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  14. I HIGHLY recommend the FINALDayZ Servers. Their Namalsk server is outstanding, constantly challenging even the most hardened veterans of DayZ. Despite the low population I find myself constantly struggling to prosper, survive against the PVE elements while simultaneously dealing with PVP threats. Basics such as eating, drinking and staying warm are a constant threat. But not in a way that seems unfair, you just have to THINK before you do. Plan out your survival. Not to mention the base building is spot on, no traders (Except one player who is currently setting himself up as a trader), no plot pole required to build.

    Not to mention they have recently launched a Chernarus server that is still in development, right now it has basic hard core elements. But updates will be coming shortly!

    IF this interests you but your still not sold, feel free to check out my videos on the Namalsk server here

    I hope to see you on those servers soon!
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