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    Arizona, United States
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    God, Family, Guns and Games!

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  1. ShallowTech

    Good game server host to rent from?

    What platform are you playing on? I think if you are using XBox you have to go with Nitrado. PC you could probably do a quick search and see what is available and I am not sure about PS4. I rented from Nitrado to play around a little and the server seemed to run well. However, the max player base on my server was 10 and I don't think I ever hit 10.
  2. ShallowTech

    A few Question...

    So I think doors stay locked until someone unlocks them or beats on them long enough to break in. Land mines are persistent I believe, so they should stay until removed or setoff. Yes I think you can drive without all tires but it does not handle well. Magazines have always been hard to find. If duping still exist in this build then I think that also impacts the loot table.
  3. ShallowTech

    Wound infection

    Agree, keep your character warm (heat buff), stealth kill zombies or try to avoid them all together by being stealth, disinfect everything (rags, bandages), stay well fed and hydrated. Once you get your character healthy enough, then head north. I think part of the problem is, players were used to logging in, running through Zombies to head North for PvP or military loot... they can not do that anymore or they will mostly likely be dead on the way or once they get there. So the game is now more balanced and people are complaining. It is really great how it is now, actual most fun I have had on this game playing official in a long time.
  4. ShallowTech

    Watchtower building behaviour

    Agree, play on official and base building needs a lot of work.
  5. ShallowTech

    Official Server XBox LA4296

    So is anyone on the forum playing on LA4296? We have a few bases now on this server, one that was stolen from us... we are coming back, so be prepared!
  6. ShallowTech

    DayZ Update 1.13

    I disagree with you on this. Zombies need to be hard, it is a zombie survival game... Surviving should be equally has hard, it is a survival game! 😉 There are some things that need to be fixed in this last update, such as the zombies reach, swinging through zombies, etc. and some other inventory bugs. However, the game play in the current state as far as difficulty is what the game needs. Once you survive for a little while, it gets pretty easy to have enough food, meds, etc. to stay alive. I would suggest that you focus on stealth kills, using fire to get heat buff if your temp is in blue, stay well fed and hydrated. There is plenty of food in the game to stay a live and sickness can be remedied. Again I think the difficulty is exactly where it needs to be, people just need to try and survive vs. trying to just run to a military base to get gear. This is a survival game first, with PvP in the mix. My biggest issue is the duping, inventory bugs and some of the melee combat bugs. Other than that the game has really come a long way. Plus it is a port from a PC game/mod that has been around forever. Realistically, it is time for a new DayZ game but this time actually developed to be a new game. Would love to see this type of game with updated graphics, inventory, etc. but with the size, scale and survival aspect of the current DayZ. It would be amazing to have the combat mechanics of say Battlefield but focused on survival like DayZ is now. Plus a huge open world . One mod that I thought was really good was Breaking Point, ArmaIII mod. That game was a lot like DayZ, a bit more focused on PvP but the one thing I really liked about that is the classes. You could choose to be a bandit, ranger, survivalist or neutral. You would get points to increase your level (3 levels for each) and you would get little perks, like healing people fasters or starting with a .22 pistol. If you were a ranger and killed other rangers you would loose points, drop levels and ultimately become a traitor. This really helped balance out the game because you did not want to shoot a good guy.
  7. ShallowTech

    DayZ Update 1.13

    I was under the impression that duping had been fixed in this update. However, I am starting to hear rumors from other players that it has not. I play on Public servers, personally I like being in a server with out private management because typically the people running private servers already have a bunch of gear and so do their friends. Duping has been an issue in this game for far to long and completely ruins the game. It is very frustrating to put in the time to play the game the right way, build a base only to be raided by a guy that found 1 grenade, that he turned into as many as needed to break through our walls. So I just wanted to check in to see if anyone knows if duping is still an issue.
  8. ShallowTech

    Tips for returning player?

    I find food by killing zombies, checking houses, killing animals or checking fruit trees. Normally have not problem surviving early game. In this build you can get sick very easily if you do not monitor your temperature and you also loose a lot of food/water when your temp. is low (love it ;-)) So first thing I would suggest is finding a knife or making one, make a fire and get the heat buff. This helps, then find some warm clothes and food. You can still find stones, actually I see more stones now then I have ever seen in the game. Start to move North as soon as you can as there are more items and better loot. Most people are getting stuck on the coast because they do not know how to survive.
  9. ShallowTech

    Heavy swing is broken.

    There should be some fixes, the zombie contact distance for sure and the melee can use some improvements but I don't think it is that bad. This is a zombie survival game, of course the zombies should be hard... Use stealth, running through the middle of a town will get you killed, as it should. I play, use stealth by crouching and I can move through an area with zombies with out getting in too many battles. Normally I can kill most of the zombies with a stealth attack, which is what I prefer. The one major issue with that is the glitch that can happen on the stealth kill where the character just sits their glitching out until you stop trying to stealth kill or the zombie turns to hit you. Regardless their are bugs and things that need some adjustments but if you play carefully, these issues do not normally result in death. I think to man players got used to just being able to run around and not worry about surviving against zombies or the environment. Now all that has changed, surviving is difficult and players can not just spawn, run north, grab guns and start killing everyone. Furthermore, people can no long dupe 😉 All good things for this game!
  10. ShallowTech

    Official Server XBox LA4296

    Anyone on the forums playing on this server? This server is normally heavily populated, typically medium to high pop. Currently we have a couple of bases setup on this server and would like to do some trading with other players. This is an official server but we would like to setup trade outpost. Our primary currency will be nails, barbwire and camo netting. We have supplies to get you to the North! :-), food, guns, clothing, etc. If interested in joining our trade network, please send me a private message. It seems with this new build, that surviving has become even harder. No complaints here, we love it but would also like to assist others. We have a location near the coast and a location to the North. Good luck out there fellow survivors! Oh, be aware, we are packing non-lethal and lethal rounds. You will get a warning but only one and aggression will be met with deadly force.
  11. ShallowTech


    This is how I understood it working as well. Personally I have not had to use it yet 😉
  12. ShallowTech

    Survival Crafting, what happened to the bow ;-)

    Any chance a mod can point me to a road map or something that discusses any of this items?
  13. ShallowTech

    Why I don't play on official....

    Crazy clips by the way! Can't beleive people would even play like that. What is killing you? Is this an exploit on console too? I was in the other day and died in a similar fashion to a guy that did not have a gun.
  14. ShallowTech


    Well it really depends on the night, how full the moon is and if there is cloud or tree cover.
  15. ShallowTech

    Why I don't play on official....

    The one good thing about playing on console, little to no cheating... besides people duping. Hopefully this game never becomes cross platform because PC games are rampant with cheaters!