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About Solitude

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    Yoda's crib
  1. Solitude

    Make sure you check out this great map Oring

    Hi, love the series. Also, I'd love to make thumbnails for you. PM'd you my Skype, even if you're not interested I'd still like to talk. Cheers! :)
  2. Solitude

    What's Your Favorite Gear-Out?

    -DMR. -FAL or Lee Enfield -M9SD
  3. Hey guys. I am really, really incredibly bored. There's nothing for me to really do to keep myself entertained so therefore I'm giving away YouTube thumbnails, backgrounds, avatars etc. for free. Do you answer to any of the following criteria..? ★ Have a YouTube channel with DayZ related gameplay or videos? ★ Want someone to make you a new channel theme/thumbnail/avatar/whatever for your DayZ related channel? ★ Have unprofessional DayZ-related thumbnails on your videos? If so, add me on skype. jsparks225 Cheers. EDIT
  4. Heh. I enjoy being a driver, just putting it out there. I'm not too active on the forums anymore and nowadays I only play DayZ+, but if you're recruiting I'd love to give it a go! Side note: I love terrorism and the sale of drugs to children. Good luck recruiting!
  5. Solitude

    US-LA Private Hive.

    I'll vouch that. This server has heaps of admin abuse. I was banned for being in a AH6X little bird I found off Elektro. I was looting crash sites and had an ALICE pack, Bizon, and had recently found a ghillie at the crash site. They accused me of hacking, but if I had been, would I really be running around with one of the worst PvP weapons in the game, flying legitimately in a helicopter I found? They're not at all reasonable, they're very biased and they won't listen to you if you want to appeal your ban.
  6. Solitude

    New Vehicles to DayZ

    I do play ArmA 2 CO. I just dislike the amount of vehicles unsupported in DayZ.
  7. Solitude

    I lost all my stuff WTF?!

    If you're using DayZ Commander go to recent servers and make sure you're in the same one you were when you had your gear.
  8. Solitude

    Is this a hacker's script?

    RemoteExec is a hacker's bypass.
  9. Solitude

    Trading some weapons/items.

    Thanks! ^^ Out of debug and taking trade requests! Add me on skype! :D
  10. Your question is confusing, but I think I know what you seek. Presuming you mean vehicles on servers, I'd assume it to mean that vehicles that were once spawnable (yet not legal), have now been made legal into the game. I know there's been some new additions, and I'm really excited about this. :D
  11. May I just recommend that you guys try out Haven Australia? Fully customized private hive server, possibly the best in the whole mod, definitely the best I've played. Custom vehicles, buildings, soon to be custom skins.. Still going under constant updating but it's a really great server! As with all properly secure servers it has whitelist protection and a password. Head to their homepage to register! Hope to see you there! :)
  12. Solitude

    Poison Darts

    Then it would destroy the entire purpose of it.
  13. Solitude

    Trading Antibiotics

    1 M1911 mag and a Lee Enfield, final offer.
  14. Solitude

    Underrated Weapons

    Personally, I love some guns that haven't quite made their way into this mod, but are available on some private hives. Recently I've been playing a private hive (Haven Australia, for the record) - Custom map, weapons and spawns. Anyway I'm not here to advertise so I'll cut to the point. I am in love with the G36. Amazing gun, great sights, particularly the G36K. Its accurate, small,great looking, and just an all-around great weapon. The G36C SD is a good assault rifle for quick and silent kills, so I don't see a real downside.
  15. Solitude

    Why you kill unarmed players

    It gives bandits a bad name. Killing a fresh spawn isn't banditry, its simply being a dick. As stated in other posts, to be a true bandit you need to head to a more populated and dangerous destination. That's why I love nwaf.