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HFB, Vilayer, and DayZCommander need to knock this crap off..

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For some reason the basic tenets of capitalism are lost on many people on the internet, I am not saying I hate or love Vilayer but I enjoy some of the easily accessible content that both Vilayer and Dayz Commander offer. I was playing Panthera before Vilayer got their hands on it and sure it was fun for the forty people who knew about it and went through the install process (not hard but sometimes things go wrong and from server to server they had different files, talk about fragmenting the community). I sort of understand the anger at Vilayer but from a strictly legal perspective they are not selling community content they are selling server hosting. They make purchasing a Vilayer server more appealing by offering easy tools for a variety of maps, but they are not selling maps (lawyered, just kidding but nothing illegal is happening).

That was my tought until i realized what's happening here... what you have said above is possible WITHOUT taking someone else work, rebrand it, and make it exclusive (incompatible with the original one), then "damaging" (indirectly) the community, and who's actvely supporting it, while you're making money from someone else work.

Angry at Dayz commander, not really sure why.

Because they are supporting what Vilayer is doing: if you add to the list ONLY their fake version of the maps, a normal user is invited (forced) to go on their servers, this makes you evil exactly like Vilayer.

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Thanks for your opinion on my reading comprehension.

No problem.

So someone is taking something that is free, changing it, and offering it for free...OMG quick call the interwebz police!!! .

It's called copyright. The map authors are not happy with the situation at all.

They are taking a map made with permission from Rocket and making it accessible for everyone the shame!!!

Rocket doesn't have anything to do with the maps mentioned here and I am 100% sure he condones what's happening regarding this situation.

They are not charging anything more than any other server hosting company for the extra maps so I don't see how they are profiting other than by giving more options....

Are you really that naive?

Host 1 - Give what you should expect from a hosting company

Host 2 - Gives what you should expect from a hosting company + extra awesome free maps!!11!! OMGZDZZ11!!!

Who do you think will have more clients?

Anything else?

Edited by Timberwolf
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Thanks for your opinion on my reading comprehension. So someone is taking something that is free, changing it, and offering it for free...OMG quick call the interwebz police!!! They are taking a map made with permission from Rocket and making it accessible for everyone the shame!!! They are not charging anything more than any other server hosting company for the extra maps so I don't see how they are profiting other than by giving more options....

Some is taking something for free << this is the only correct part of your message.

But making money with it (this is already wrong, legally, since those map cannot be used for commercial purpose): in the moment you attract potential customers with someone else work, you're using it for commercial purpose. No matter what's the price, we're not talking about the price here.

Not only this, they are MODIFYING the mod, making it not compatible with the original one. Why you should do that if the SAME mod already exists?

If you don't see anything wrong into doing this, then i don't think there would be any space to discuss with you further. Thanks.

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Its fine for vilayer and all the others to develop, np there.

The issue is when they start to develop crap outside of the community, like they are now, and telling people they cant get the codes.

Share your stuff like EVERYBODY ELSE ARE.

If people didnt share, vilayer wouldnt have gotten a fricking private hive business up and running in the first place, and now they claim to own a free mod, coz they changed a couple of lines? wtf really?

So the maps created by fans of arma II are now owned by vilayer? How can that make sense in any world lol

Cmon, am i the only one who can see theese companies for what they are?

Money hungry capitalists. They are not doing this to make dayz better and if you believe that, you my friends are as screwed as them hehe.

Edited by Byrgesen
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DayZ Commander author should get in here and explain his view of the situation.

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so where is this big 'DayZcommander download stolen free maps right here!" advertisement on 'this website"?

i don't see it on DC or on this forum or the homepage?

well... maybe i need to dig further then the pages i'd expect it..

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so where is this big 'DayZcommander download stolen free maps right here!" advertisement on 'this website"?

i don't see it on DC or on this forum or the homepage?

well... maybe i need to dig further then the pages i'd expect it..

Oh, you just missed the probable most visited page of the website, the download page.

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Some is taking something for free << this is the only correct part of your message.

But making money with it (this is already wrong, legally, since those map cannot be used for commercial purpose): in the moment you attract potential customers with someone else work, you're using it for commercial purpose. No matter what's the price, we're not talking about the price here.

Not only this, they are MODIFYING the mod, making it not compatible with the original one. Why you should do that if the SAME mod already exists?

If you don't see anything wrong into doing this, then i don't think there would be any space to discuss with you further. Thanks.

I see something wrong but don't think you can blame Dayz Commander for this they allow more than just vilayer servers. So they are not limiting where you can access the game from. They are providing links to the other maps yes I agree. My question is why blame commander. Vilayer is the one doing all the wrong doing. Commander is providing an access point nothing more nothing less from everything that I have noticed I'm not limited to only Vilayer servers when I use it. I don't like what they are doing so ban Vilayer not commander. Do you see where I'm coming from?

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Wow, and i wondered why i only found villayer servers for panthera, which basically suck and get restartet when you shoot the admin every time....

going to deinstall DayZ Commander, sad they turned the wrong way... awesome tool, but i wont be using it, since i can write my own batches and dont really need it

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There seems to be some serious misconceptions being thrown around here. By the OP.. and others.

If you visit this page http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7467

You will find Panthera, a map created by IceBreakr.

This map has been around since Date: 2010-05-09 09:16. ViLayer simply took a map that was already created and added the DayZ Code... Just as the other guy did who had 2 servers running the map.

ViLayer spent the time to place each vehicle spawn.. Loot spawn in the building models... (of course it will look the same.. there is no other way to add the dayz code...)

It appears that the OP is mad that someone else did the same thing he did... only better, And now he claims that the server files he created are somehow Official, and that the ones someone else has done are fake... ??? Are you really serious?

There is nothing being sold... there is nothing being stolen.. Anyone can go to the link provided above and download the map... or any other map for ArmA2 or Arma2 OA and go spend hours and hours of time coding and adding in the proper spawning for vehicles and players... then go host a hive that has hundreds of thousands of players in it... then setup a support system to deal with any issues that people have with the map you have created... All without getting paid for it BTW.

Then go spend thousands and thousands of dollars for the best that money can buy servers and put them into data centers around the world... allowing anyone who chooses... not forced, to rent space to host ANY SERVER VERSIONS OR MODS they wish to play on.

I want to THANK ViLayer for Supporting the DayZ Community.. For adding content... For having a Hive that has so many maps and options...

I want to thank DayZ Commander for a FREE program that allows players of this FREE mod to have a fast , easy way to download these new maps and search for the most popular servers, the populated servers... and enjoy this MOD that so many people love to play.

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Oh, you just missed the probable most visited page of the website, the download page.

why should i go there if i got DayZ already?

all those 'launchers" have Update options, so yeah i missed the download page.

thanks btw.

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o wtf? hmmm guess they warned us for this shit........


Dayzcommander is not an officially supported application. <-----------------------------------------

The DayZ team cannot help with or be held accountable for any problems caused by its use.

For Dayzcommander support, please visit http://www.dayzcommander.com/

or discuss it on this forum post

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bla bla bla

Nice propaganda.


Anyone can go to the link provided above and download the map... or any other map for ArmA2 or Arma2 OA and go spend hours and hours of time coding and adding in the proper spawning for vehicles and players... then go host a hive that has hundreds of thousands of players in it... then setup a support system to deal with any issues that people have with the map you have created... All without getting paid for it BTW.

Sure, for non-commercial purposes.

And from the map creator:

"It has come to my attention (tnx guys) that Vilayer dot com website is using my map content commercially. Guess they didn't read the file supplied with my island that states that "Any military or commercial use is strictly prohibited.""

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That was my tought until i realized what's happening here... what you have said above is possible WITHOUT taking someone else work, rebrand it, and make it exclusive (incompatible with the original one), then "damaging" (indirectly) the community, and who's actvely supporting it, while you're making money from someone else work.

Because they are supporting what Vilayer is doing: if you add to the list ONLY their fake version of the maps, a normal user is invited (forced) to go on their servers, this makes you evil exactly like Vilayer.

Evil and dishonest are two different things, rebranding someone's work is dishonest, kicking puppies is evil. At worst Dayz Commander is just being lazy in taking the path of least resistance and since it is a free launcher I find it hard to be mad that they have taken this path.

Edited by Zombie Jesus

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Are you really that naive?

Host 1 - Give what you should expect from a hosting company

Host 2 - Gives what you should expect from a hosting company + extra awesome free maps!!11!! OMGZDZZ11!!!

Who do you think will have more clients?

Anything else?

More proof that some of us just do not understand how capitalism works. If I own a server hosting company I will do everything in my power to attract more clients than the competition. If the competition is slow to react then they get left in the dust. I am not saying rebranding maps (which I too dislike) is a good thing, I am just saying this falls into the no shit category of life.

And from the map creator:

"It has come to my attention (tnx guys) that Vilayer dot com website is using my map content commercially. Guess they didn't read the file supplied with my island that states that "Any military or commercial use is strictly prohibited.""

I get why it might rub the creator the wrong way, but from a legal perspective all Vilayer is "selling" is server hosting with existing content. They are not selling the map, they are offering a free mod of the map to server owners. It is one of the main draws to renting a server from Vilayer, but it is not the service you are paying for so in a legal sense it is fine.

Edited by Zombie Jesus
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if someone takes a map made by another person, and mods it, and then makes a deal to only use the version used by a certain server provider, that is not illegal(afaik), but a so-called "Dickmove"

just like warz says they were the first zombie survival guys, its not ilegal, but a dickmove

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Nice propaganda.


Sure, for non-commercial purposes.

And from the map creator:

"It has come to my attention (tnx guys) that Vilayer dot com website is using my map content commercially. Guess they didn't read the file supplied with my island that states that "Any military or commercial use is strictly prohibited.""

So you are saying that the guy who has another version of this map running is not doing the same thing? He took a map coded it for dayz...

Then put it up for download on a site that is AD-Driven (tunngle) and is asking for donations in the servers he is running..... Nice Try.

Are you new to ArmA??? How about the ACE MOD... or any of the other MODs that are out there for ARMA??

No one is taking anything from anyone... The fact is that this is a Free MOD... not being sold... Someone is adding content for all to enjoy...

The guy who " supposedly " ran the Panthera map with the DayZ Code in it first is really adding to the community... however ... he didn't take into account that others might want to play it... and that he had no way of getting it out there.. (other than tunngle) and no way to help people install it... (most people are too lazy or do not have the skills required to do it) so now there is someone posting that this is somehow now the Official version... and another one is a FAKE... lol...

You really are only out for yourself... as you claim the other guys involved here are.

You are trying to have a monopoly on the Panthera Map coded for DayZ... You are claiming that they are doing that.. when in fact.. they are making it available to the masses to enjoy.

Edited by Leadcatcher22
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DayZ Commander is a great tool for DayZ. If you can give me a tool that does it as easily and simple, then I could be persuaded from using it. However If Modders have an issue with their maps then thats their business with Vilayer. I can not believe they haven't brought it up with Vilayer on copyright grounds on a commercial basis. I am a deep fan of ownership and respect map owners views on this matter.

DayZ Commander offers users the latest maps and allows me to play them, that is all I want. If it is with other host provider I don't mind as long as it is for free. tbh all other maps bar Chernarus, Lingor and Panthera are crud so I don't play them.

I don't want to be copying files in and out and changing lines of code, I want simple update and play types of programmes most of us do. Only when there is a problem do people shout "down with ###############"

Give me other choices for other maps and I will choose them over Vilayer, But until you do, I will stick with what I know works.

I hope the SA acts on this, I will welcome it, But for now I believe the community needs more than two outlets for the Mod, whether this is Commander or not. An in game update on SA would sort this out (With permission from map creators who give it away for public use)

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So sadly, I'm not as educated about arma2 as most of you might have thought and didn't do the research first before adding to commander. I very naively thought that all the maps that have been coming out (other than Lingor) were just standard arma2 maps with the dayz/zombies mod added. If there was any question in not respecting someone's license, I would have not included it. Again, I blame myself for not researching more thoroughly. I'm going to address this. My sincere apologies.


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So sadly, I'm not as educated about arma2 as most of you might have thought and didn't do the research first before adding to commander. I very naively thought that all the maps that have been coming out (other than Lingor) were just standard arma2 maps with the dayz/zombies mod added. If there was any question in not respecting someone's license, I would have not included it. Again, I blame myself for not researching more thoroughly. I'm going to address this. My sincere apologies.


you have my respect, sir

though i bet you wouldn't even have considered it if there wouldnt have been legal issues

gonna think twice before using dayzcommander again

Edited by Zombo
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So you are saying that the guy who has another version of this map running is not doing the same thing? He took a map coded it for dayz...

Then put it up for download on a site that is AD-Driven (tunngle) and is asking for donations in the servers he is running..... Nice Try.

Where did I said that? Two wrongs don't make a right. he can be killing babies for all I care, that doesn't make ViLayer actions right in any way.

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So sadly, I'm not as educated about arma2 as most of you might have thought and didn't do the research first before adding to commander. I very naively thought that all the maps that have been coming out (other than Lingor) were just standard arma2 maps with the dayz/zombies mod added. If there was any question in not respecting someone's license, I would have not included it. Again, I blame myself for not researching more thoroughly. I'm going to address this. My sincere apologies.


Hello Josh,

No one in here is blaming DayZ Commander or you as a person. It is a great tool and helps a lot of players. I personally do not use it but from what I've seen your software is advertising the company mentioned here and said company is making something that a lot of us find deplorable, which is taking advantage of someones free work without it's consent. Unfortunately, DayZ Commander is indirectly associated with it since being so popular it makes said company popular too despise it's methods. I just want you to understand this.

Edited by Timberwolf

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Perhaps the "original creators" should of made their map more accessible? Fact of the matter is, most people don't care. This is a free mod, and they like when a new map is available to use, using their free downloader. Welcome to the world of game modding, this happens a lot.

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