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Petition to remove Krutory Cap spawn

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I love spawning far from populated areas. It adds to the immersion, and I can really formulate a good plan to survive.

If I spawned at Krutory Cap I would run to Tulga, then hit the deerstands on the way to Three Valleys (which is a very productive area). Then Msta, Dolina, Polina, Berezino, NEAF, Krasnostav, Devil's Castle, NWAF etc...

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I rarely go to Cherno or Elektro to gear up, you have to be lucky to find anything good and it's to risky.

And whoever's doesn't see the benefit of Kamenka or Krutoy-spawns is obviously used to - dieing fast

Go north from Krutoy and you'll pass 5 vehicles spawnpoints, which you can fix right away due to the concentration of indutrial buildings here.

You can gear up at Berezino, and find loads of stuff in the appartments, military tents, hospital and 2 supermarkets.

Then go to NE airfield or go west towards Dubrovka and start running into a million crashsite's.

You 'Chernoists' are missing all the fun.

Edited by gooogle

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The fact OP actually mentions suiciding as a legit means of play speaks volumes about him.

Stop deathmatching.


Why wouldn't it be a legit way to play? I bet you are one of those people that, if you owned a BF3 server, would have a rule against using Helis to reach otherwise inaccessible rooftops. The zombies are pretty buggy and serve as just as obstacles, it is pointless to play the game for the sole point of surviving a zombie apocalypse because their AI is fundamentally broken. I'm not blaming the mod crew, the Arma 2 engine is probably at fault here and maybe it will be different when the game becomes standalone. Until then, like most people I'll play the game for the PvP. Maybe you think of bandits as "noob kids" who just run to the Elektro fire stations and try to rack up as many kills as possible with the first weapon they find until they die. Well...you are wrong. My crew spend most of the time searching the airfields, gathering vehicle parts, searching for crash sites, going camp hunting in the wilderness, and going to nearby towns to get basic gear like food and med supplies. Then if the server has enough people online without being over populated, we go hunting for players either along the coast or at other high traffic military loot spawns.

So who the hell are you to tell me how to play the game? Maybe you prefer spending hours of your time running to find your next can of beans, but I will achieve victory with superior tactics and gear. Don't hate us just because we are better killers...if you are just going to throw a hissy fit whenever someone else kills you, then why play? Remember, this game is a MOD for a MILITARY SIMULATOR, if you don't want PvP then go play Minecraft instead. Most of the friendly players are pretty nice, but all of the ones that posted here are just extremely smug/ignorant and can't accept that not everyone wants to play the game for same reason they do. If "survival" is that important to you, get off the computer and go backpacking for a week like everyone else.

Edited by basilonereborn

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Why wouldn't it be a legit way to play? I bet you are one of those people that, if you owned a BF3 server, would have a rule against using Helis to reach otherwise inaccessible rooftops. The zombies are pretty buggy and serve as just as obstacles, it is pointless to play the game for the sole point of surviving a zombie apocalypse because their AI is fundamentally broken. I'm not blaming the mod crew, the Arma 2 engine is probably at fault here and maybe it will be different when the game becomes standalone.

I, like most people, play the game for the PvP. Maybe you think of bandits as "noob kids" who just run to the Elektro fire stations and try to rack up as many kills as possible with the first weapon they find until they die. Well...you are wrong. My crew spend most of the time searching the airfields, gathering vehicle parts, searching for crash sites, going camp hunting in the wilderness, and going to nearby towns to get basic gear like food and med supplies. Then if the server has enough people online without being over populated, we go hunting for players either along the coast or at other high traffic military loot spawns.

So who the hell are you to tell me how to play the game? Maybe you prefer spending hours of your time running to find your next can of beans, but I will achieve victory with superior tactics and gear. Don't hate us just because we are better killers than you...if you are you just going to throw a hissy fit whenever someone else kills you, Minecraft would make a better survival game for you.

  1. The arma engine is great but yes is does cause the zeds to weave. Also I f you want to play tactical PvP play arma 2. Every one has a gun, you can play as a team, and no zed obsticles.

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Don't hate us just because we are better killers...


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  1. The arma engine is great but yes is does cause the zeds to weave. Also I f you want to play tactical PvP play arma 2. Every one has a gun, you can play as a team, and no zed obsticles.

But if I played the game because it is tactical, I would be playing BF3 or Rainbow 6 instead. Arma 2 isn't really a game, it is a hardcore simulator. I like playing smart, but most of the Arma 2 people take it too seriously for me to consider it fun. I like to play as a well coordinated team, but without taking orders...it is a game after all. Following the chain of command when probably half of the players never served in the military just seems like BS to me.

What makes this game different from my other favorite shooters is that you must first collect your gear, and then the combat can get pretty scary. Of course I'm not actually going to die, but when you hear the rounds cracking overhead you know that there is a chance you might lose everything you've been collecting for many many hours of play, it is pretty damn intense. When you die in BF3 you just spawn on a squad mate 10 seconds later with all your gear, so there is hardly a consequence for dying.

Edited by basilonereborn

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Following the chain of command when probably half of the players never served in the military just seems like BS to me.

I've always hated that argument. Look at the shit storm of nonsense that goes on in games like BF3 and R6. That chaos is a result of the anarchy.

I get the impression you think milsim players are just trying to "be like rambo" and role play some fantasy they have about being a hardcore soldier. When in reality they're mostly just trying to have fun. Chain of command and proper communications are used because they work. You can't have large groups casually chatting it up in combat. "hey, dude, you wanna maybe go down there and see if freddy is okay? he's been shot i think. No rush, but he's dying and stuff, thanks" Chain of command makes it clear who is calling the shots and who needs to shut up and do their job.

I don't play Arma2 multiplayer, but I don't look down on those who do and want to follow the military way of handling things. It's a tried and true system that has worked for thousands of years. Besides, if you don't use that system, you're at a disadvantage to those that do.

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But if I played the game because it is tactical, I would be playing BF3 or Rainbow 6 instead. Arma 2 isn't really a game, it is a hardcore simulator. I like playing smart, but most of the Arma 2 people take it too seriously for me to consider it fun. I like to play as a well coordinated team, but without taking orders...it is a game after all. Following the chain of command when probably half of the players never served in the military just seems like BS to me.

What makes this game different from my other favorite shooters is that you must first collect your gear, and then the combat can get pretty scary. Of course I'm not actually going to die, but when you hear the rounds cracking overhead you know that there is a chance you might lose everything you've been collecting for many many hours of play, it is pretty damn intense. When you die in BF3 you just spawn on a squad mate 10 seconds later with all your gear, so there is hardly a consequence for dying.

you just pulled some wild numbers out of your ass. You have no idea why other people play ArmA. I personally find it a lot of fun. What you consider tactical and what actually is tactical are two different things. While BF3 gives the player the option to be tactical, the game is mostly unorganized chaos. BF3 isn't a "realistic" game because that is not it's goal/genre.

I agree with you about what makes DayZ Mod thrilling, and the lack of consequences involved with BF3 deaths.

It is not uncommon for certain ArmA game modes to only give each player a single life.

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when you hear the rounds cracking overhead you know that there is a chance you might lose everything you've been collecting for many many hours of play, it is pretty damn intense. When you die in BF3 you just spawn on a squad mate 10 seconds later with all your gear, so there is hardly a consequence for dying.

What makes this game different from my other favorite shooters is that you must first collect your gear.

It's already a huge set back to be killed and lose everything...being stuck in the corner of the map adds insult to injury

It is a consequence of death.

If you want to spawn only in Elektro with your buddies and your superiority disorder, this isn't the game for you.

Don't sit and rattle out bullshit excuses. You're a lazy ass KoSer, you don't play the game properly, and you want to change it to suit your laziness.

Not happening.

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Breaking news: This is not BF3.

I hope we'll see the consequence of death increased in the standalone, so all the deathmatchers constantly getting themselves killed in Elektro and constantly killing themselves, trying to spawn at Elektro, gets to waste more time waiting to spawn. I think the more often you respawn, the more your respawn cooldown timer should increase, just like in mmos.

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The fact OP actually mentions suiciding as a legit means of play speaks volumes about him.

Stop deathmatching.

I don't deathmatch and have the hero skin and I suicide from time to time. Krutory Cap is the lamest spawn in the game (besides the wilderness to the west of Kimenka). There is nothing there, and you have to run around for 15 minutes before you can even find a single house to loot. Sure running is a major part of the game but it doesn't make it fun to have to run 15 minutes before you even get to an area where you can actually play the game.

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Burying this useless thread, Berenzino is 15 minutes run away. It has all the needs a fresh spawn could ever need.

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the spawn should be kept in the game as an incentive against dying

eg: "Pleaaase god don't let me die, i might spawn somewhere horrible and have to run a long ways!"

be thankful you spawn on the coast and not way up north in the trees

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Suicide by lighthouse, or 'respawn button' deaths should all be rewarded a Krutoy Cap spawn. and unbreakable legs + no fall/zombie damage for half an hour.

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Is this spawn really that big of a deal? A couple minute auto run and you're dead. Maybe next time you wont get it. Sometimes I like this spawn, they all can be situational.

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1) There is nothing useful that can be done close to here, unless you have your tent(s) nearby

3) It's already a huge set back to be killed and lose everything...being stuck in the corner of the map adds insult to injury

3) DayZ gameplay is already relatively slow paced, spawning almost 15 minutes from the nearest [meaningless] town can make the game a painful experience

4) There is no way to suicide for another spawn without running a far distance

ha ha I hate spawning there, count me in :D

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I've always hated that argument. Look at the shit storm of nonsense that goes on in games like BF3 and R6. That chaos is a result of the anarchy.

I get the impression you think milsim players are just trying to "be like rambo" and role play some fantasy they have about being a hardcore soldier. When in reality they're mostly just trying to have fun. Chain of command and proper communications are used because they work. You can't have large groups casually chatting it up in combat. "hey, dude, you wanna maybe go down there and see if freddy is okay? he's been shot i think. No rush, but he's dying and stuff, thanks" Chain of command makes it clear who is calling the shots and who needs to shut up and do their job.

I don't play Arma2 multiplayer, but I don't look down on those who do and want to follow the military way of handling things. It's a tried and true system that has worked for thousands of years. Besides, if you don't use that system, you're at a disadvantage to those that do.

Arma 2 looks like a fun game, but I don't want to be taking a game "too far". One of the DayZ servers I played on was hosted by Arma 2 clan, and I went to their website once. They had all these rules that you had to follow for the most simple tasks. You had to ask permission from the CO to leave for a bathroom break, for example. Now I doubt he would say no to anyone...but I'm still not going to ask someone for permission to take a piss....that is just ridiculous.

Following the chain of command with large teams is definitely going to get you further, I agree. I never said that it wouldn't. But in small groups you can do just fine without, if everyone has the common sense to stay calm while speaking.

you just pulled some wild numbers out of your ass. You have no idea why other people play ArmA. I personally find it a lot of fun. What you consider tactical and what actually is tactical are two different things. While BF3 gives the player the option to be tactical, the game is mostly unorganized chaos. BF3 isn't a "realistic" game because that is not it's goal/genre.

I don't know what tactical is? I'm in one of the high tier clans for one the best tactical RTS games ever made, Company of Heroes (Men of War may have more strategic depth, but is much slower paced and lacks a good interface).

If players respect the chain of command, it undeniably makes a team of unacquainted players more efficient. But a group of friends that are well acquainted with playing as a team together will not benefit by ordering each other around. It may help to have someone calling the shots in a very large team game like Arma 2, or even BF3 if you are playing with 30 clanmates. In DayZ when you are generally working in small groups of 3-6, you don't need to have a CO. Naturally the group (if they aren't noobs) will trust the judgement of the most experienced player, but that doesn't mean someone needs to assert themselves as the leader.

I agree what you said about about BF3 not being realistic, and I never said that it was. Also agree that for the most part the game is chaos. I don't play BF3 with a humongous clan of 30 players, I usually just play it with 2-3 others and we try to be the best squad. If most of the team is being retards doesn't really matter much to me, if we played well is what counts. A few good squads is all that is needed to win, even if half the team are braindead.

It is a consequence of death.

If you want to spawn only in Elektro with your buddies and your superiority disorder, this isn't the game for you.

Don't sit and rattle out bullshit excuses. You're a lazy ass KoSer, you don't play the game properly, and you want to change it to suit your laziness.

Not happening.

Ok I've been respectful to everyone else until now. Calling me lazy because I don't want to run for an extra 20min in a game? You are the noob, if you want to run then get off your ass and do it outside. Come to anyoneincherno registration server and I'll show you how to play.

I'm not in favor of spawning in Cherno or Elektro every time, I just don't want want to be spawning 15 minutes away from even the most basic materials. Adding spawns outside Zelanogorsk or Berezino would be great, I'm tired of all the action happening at the 2 noob cities.

Edited by basilonereborn
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Arma 2 looks like a fun game, but I don't want to be taking a game "too far". One of the DayZ servers I played on was hosted by Arma 2 clan, and I went to their website once. They had all these rules that you had to follow for the most simple tasks. You had to ask permission from the CO to leave for a bathroom break, for example. Now I doubt he would say no to anyone...but I'm still not going to ask someone for permission to take a piss....that is just ridiculous.

Just reminds me of the yesterdays Domi game. Somebody sat in undeployed MHQ and went AFK. He stuck the game for the whole server! Good there was admin on that kicked him.

Can you point me to that clan BTW? Just curious who has such a rules.

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Arma 2 looks like a fun game, but I don't want to be taking a game "too far". One of the DayZ servers I played on was hosted by Arma 2 clan, and I went to their website once. They had all these rules that you had to follow for the most simple tasks. You had to ask permission from the CO to leave for a bathroom break, for example. Now I doubt he would say no to anyone...but I'm still not going to ask someone for permission to take a piss....that is just ridiculous.

Following the chain of command with large teams is definitely going to get you further, I agree. I never said that it wouldn't. But in small groups you can do just fine without, if everyone has the common sense to stay calm while speaking.

I don't know what tactical is? I'm in one of the high tier clans for one the best tactical RTS games ever made, Company of Heroes (Men of War may have more strategic depth, but is much slower paced and lacks a good interface).

If players respect the chain of command, it undeniably makes a team of unacquainted players more efficient. But a group of friends that are well acquainted with playing as a team together will not benefit by ordering each other around. It may help to have someone calling the shots in a very large team game like Arma 2, or even BF3 if you are playing with 30 clanmates. In DayZ when you are generally working in small groups of 3-6, you don't need to have a CO. Naturally the group (if they aren't noobs) will trust the judgement of the most experienced player, but that doesn't mean someone needs to assert themselves as the leader.

I agree what you said about about BF3 not being realistic, and I never said that it was. Also agree that for the most part the game is chaos. I don't play BF3 with a humongous clan of 30 players, I usually just play it with 2-3 others and we try to be the best squad. If most of the team is being retards doesn't really matter much to me, if we played well is what counts. A few good squads is all that is needed to win, even if half the team are braindead.

Ok I've been respectful to everyone else until now. Calling me lazy because I don't want to run for an extra 20min in a game? You are the noob, if you want to run then get off your ass and do it outside. Come to anyoneincherno registration server and I'll show you how to play.

I'm not in favor of spawning in Cherno or Elektro every time, I just don't want want to be spawning 15 minutes away from even the most basic materials. Adding spawns outside Zelanogorsk or Berezino would be great, I'm tired of all the action happening at the 2 noob cities.

I agree with you. I came of a little harsh when I said you don't know what tactical is. BF3 can be tactical and sometimes I play it that way with friends.

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I think it's great that the entire south coast is a designated spawn zone.

I'm fine with one single random spawn at Novi Sobor, but in general I like the idea that people you meet in Berezino/Zeleno isn't the Elektro/Cherno PVP spam respawners, who have the 10 minutes patience it requires to run up there.

Edited by Dallas

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ok, i am going to agree with you, there needs to be something in there, they could add something in there, but we are just circumnavigating the bigger problem, once we learn all the good loot spots we go to either elektro or cherno, and after that its stary , then the Airport, after that you can go east to berezin and krasnostav. The problem is that all the paths the players take in gear aquiring is too obvious, we know already all of the sniping spots in all places, when spawned in kamenka or away from loot piles we find a high place, break our legs and respawn. Balancing the cities importances should be one of the priorities, but with cherno plus it has become a priority that is becoming almost complete, so when you spawn in nowhere's'ville you will be able to not need to go into cherno or elektro, unless you want to KOS, which most people will but without that much importance to elektro or cherno as it used not only it will make those cities safer but also solve OPs problem.

confusing but i think it tackles the problem

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DayZ is not a military simulation. It's a survival simulation. If you don't want to do the "survival" part (scavenging/looting/running) you're playing the wrong game.

Can't understand why you decided to whip out the unfounded "noob" remark. Was "yo' mama" busy? :lol:

EDIT: indominator has it right with the loot spawns being too predictable. But the map is HUGE, even now the only reason to go to the main cities is if you're looking to KoS.

Spawning in the back-of-beyond gives the opportunity to do something other than just the "
" loot run.
Edited by Chabowski
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ok, i am going to agree with you, there needs to be something in there, they could add something in there, but we are just circumnavigating the bigger problem, once we learn all the good loot spots we go to either elektro or cherno, and after that its stary , then the Airport, after that you can go east to berezin and krasnostav.

All the good loot spots are not only in Cherno or Elektro or the other popular spots. My goodness, how boring some of you people are when it comes to surviving.

Try deer stands, major military loot can be found there, such as DMRs and M16s, nevermind GPS and maps, ammo, food and drink. Heli crash sites tend to have better guns than Airport, Stary, Elektro and Cherno combined. Then there are all these smaller cities with supermarkets and high value residential buildings (ghillie and tents anyone?).

Really sick and tired of hearing the "OMG, there is no good loot nearby so I need to spawn closer to the big popular cities so I don't have to walk for 10 minutes".

Please enlighten me why walking as a new spawn is more painful than walking as a seasoned player with gear? You're still walking for a prolonged period of time or at the very least until you find a vehicle anyway.

The whole argument is pointless and based on laziness and the flawed logic that somehow walking isn't so bad all geared up. Nonsense, complete and utter nonsense backed up with lame excuses.

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