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Why no IP bans for hacking?

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In my Universe in the year of 2012 you have to pay a shitload of money to have a static IP.


it depends on the type of connection. Kabel Badenw

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I figured you had to call your ISP to reset your IP. If it truly is that easy I could see why they don't IP ban. However, I am assuming IP banning doesn't take more than 10 seconds which in my mind is worth it if you can deter a few hundred hackers.

Did anybody even read my post about a banned IP being assigned to innocent players, seriously some people on this forum are complete F'wits or simply don't read properly.

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Americans have to learn that America is not the only country on the planet of Earth. And in most other countries FBI doesn't break your door for using torrent.

Haha, Almost well played mein freund, but alas..

Here in THE UK ;) A lot of internet providers have blocked access to some popular torrents sites plus companies like Facebook and Google for example love compiling information of yours they really shouldn't.

My point stands.

Edited by Never

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Yes. In 90's dial-up modem era it's like that.

if you have no idea what you are talking about, stop it.

several areas in germany are supplied with static IPs for any normal customer.

(e.g. the area around luebeck provides 100mbit and static IPs for any private houses in the surrounding villages and smaller towns)

no dial-up, but 100mbit instead.

Haha, Almost well played mein freund, but alas..

Here in THE UK ;) A lot of internet providers have blocked access to some popular torrents sites plus companies like Facebook and Google for example love compiling information of yours they really shouldn't.

My point stands.

the fact that thepiratebay is blocked in UK, BE and several other countries does not mean the traffic of the torrent itself is blocked. (which is not the cause, for obvious reasons).

I dont get the reference to facebook really, but it dont think that matters anyways.

you can use public hotspots (caffees, universities, a.s.o) to obtain fast internet connections without authentification, or just use 1clickhosters for god's sake...

or have you heard of any users of megaupload getting actually caught?

your point just fell down the stairs into the basement... europe != USA, my friend :)

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if you have no idea what you are talking about, stop it.

several areas in germany are supplied with static IPs for any normal customer.

(e.g. the area around luebeck provides 100mbit and static IPs for any private houses in the surrounding villages and smaller towns)

Unfortunately, I've worked in the field and had to explain idiots how these things are working, so I know WTF i'm talking about.

Just curious, what percentage of DayZ players the area around luebeck represent?

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Unfortunately, I've worked in the field and had to explain idiots how these things are working, so I know WTF i'm talking about.

Just curious, what percentage of DayZ players the area around luebeck represent?

if you have worked "in the field", why on earth do you try to tell us that a static IP is uncommon?

any customer of Kabel Deutschland, Kabel Badenw (GOD DAMNIT WHY DO UMLAUTE KILL MY POSTS?)uerttenberg or ANY company not reselling tcom-servivces gets static IPs in germany afaik.

its more common than you think...

Edited by AlcApwn

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DId quick search on google and used google translate although they just collected that info on me ;)


Hello, dear community.

I am currently preparing a more or less solvable problem. Although I hope it is released ^ ^

We hear quite often that you get assigned a static IP at KD - obviously not quite right, like most here, I think to know. The IP is changing, albeit very rarely and irregularly.

So what you can tell me now in your defence, dear European friend? :)

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Did anybody even read my post about a banned IP being assigned to innocent players, seriously some people on this forum are complete F'wits or simply don't read properly.

Doesn't seem like it, and it is one of the reasons that IP bans are a stupid and pointless idea.

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DId quick search on google and used google translate although they just collected that info on me ;)


So what you can tell me now in your defence, dear European friend? :)

the IPs change rarely, yes. (usually after maintenance work of the ISP)

but that does not change the fact that they are NOT dynamic, as you are not disconnected every 24h as well.

those services are not intended to be used for servers, but it is done very often as it works pretty well!

the problem with KD is, that it is officially forbidden to host servers with private connections. but no one gives a shit anyways

i dont believe this started with my arguments AGAINST IP-banning :D

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So you're saying that IPs are changing yet they're not dynamic? If i'm not mistaken, in English it's called oxymoron. The fact remains the fact - IPs are changing and the reasons or time intervals for that are irrelivant. If you want to have a real static IP then you have to pay a fee.

Another fact of dynamic IP dominance is that things like DynDNS are flashed into stock routers' firmware.

The initial argument was that IP-bans are useless and will do only harm and zero good. People who suggest such things are internet-illiterate and need to spend 5 minutes for self-education.

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A lot of confusion for something so easy to explain.

Dynamic: it can change (every time you disconnect... or you may have the same for a couple of times coz you're lucky.. but normally it changes anytime you disconnect your modem).

Static: it NEVER changes (you can turn your modem off for a month.. turn it on again and you have the same exact IP, because it is assigned to you and only to you). It doesn't costs "shitload" .. here is about 5 euro/month ... some ISP offers it for free on business accounts.

Edited by WalkerDown

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A lot of confusion for something so easy to explain.

Dynamic: it can change (every time you disconnect... or you may have the same for a couple of times coz you're lucky.. but normally it changes anytime you disconnect your modem).

better say:

dynamic: you receive a new IP AT LEAST every 24h hours AND every time you reboot your modem (the 24h reconnect is initialized by the ISP and not your modem, afaik)

static: you are guaranteed that the IP will defenitely not change

but there are connections in between - where the IP will usually not change. a rootserver of mine keeps it's IP for up to 3 years by now, but it is not guaranteed to do so.

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it depends on what you spend it for.

a stable, well-maintained connection or an ill-bred bunch of code with securitystandards from the 80s?

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it's also conceivable that people might share an IP. is it fair that you get banned because your roommate/sibling cheated

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it depends on what you spend it for.

a stable, well-maintained connection or an ill-bred bunch of code with securitystandards from the 80s?

My first investment in this "ill-bred bunch of code with securitystandards from the 80s" was in 2003 and the product still brings me joy and entertainment.

No other "AAA" crapload with flashy graphics, dull gameplay and securitystandards from the future ever lasted that long on my PC.

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People here cant afford a one-time investment of $30 and you're taking about spending additional $6 every month?!

I'm not talking about spending anything.. i've respondend to the "shitload money" comment. A static IP is pretty cheap, and you usually chose it for a reason.

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better say:

dynamic: you receive a new IP AT LEAST every 24h hours

Please do not confuse (more) the ppl... there's no such feature in the dynamic definition. A dynamic IP means what i said: you gonna have a new IP at each instance (it can be the same IP for a matter of luck) .. a reconnecton is issued by the user (ie: you reset your modem). If you provider resets your connection every 24h, it is a poor ISP, and i would chose another one... it has nothing to do with the IP dynamic.

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Please do not confuse (more) the ppl... there's no such feature in the dynamic definition. A dynamic IP means what i said: you gonna have a new IP at each instance (it can be the same IP for a matter of luck) .. a reconnecton is issued by the user (ie: you reset your modem). If you provider resets your connection every 24h, it is a poor ISP, and i would chose another one... it has nothing to do with the IP dynamic.

And yet he tells me that I don't know what I'm talking about. That's the reason I said that "unfortunately" I worked in this field. Unfortunately because I had to have this argument on regular basis with stubborn people.

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@void-false stop talking if you don't know what you are saying. You may know how things work in your country but don't assume something for the whole world.

The 5€/month is not extra price but the ONLY price you pay. I have a static ip and i don't pay shitloads of money, instead it's a normal price. Now i'm not 100% sure but all cable internet users have static ip at least in my country.

Dynamic ip get assigned from a pool, so if you ban an ip you could potentially ban a legit user. The best thing you could do is like steam: an account with access to games. If you ban the account, there is no way to get it back.

Edited by Hawc

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The best thing you could do is like steam: an account with access to games. If you ban the account, there is no way to get it back.

And on? They create a new account and move on. Yao-ming-meme.jpg

Edited by Nik21

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How about damage to intellectual property, why the fuck does BIS not get a legal team to put the hard word on these cunts selling hacks and having shit right there in public view on websites.

I really don't give a rats ass anymore about dayz, but I was looking forward to Arma 3, but after seeing what's happened here I have zero faith that A3 won't be hack to death too.

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