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Kronzky's SP "hack" removed (his words)

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Rocket' date=' honestly I love you and everything you have done for the gaming community. Today I blasted away god knows how many hours on DayZ. I thought id show some appreciation unlike the assholes who are trying to make you look like the bad guy here, Because you KNOW that they waste entire days playing the mod and still have the balls to try and call you out.

My only advice would be to continue on with the project and just fuck everyone else, keep whoever you know is loyal to you at you're side and fuck everyone . This is one of those times where listening to the community and there stupid shit would be at the bottom of you're "to do" list. Honestly, this is where you see how low the people around you really are...

Rocket, I really don't think you should waste your time arguing with the fucking twats on this forum, Its almost like at every corner there's another halfwit claiming they know more about EULA's and Game deving than you do... Thats exactly why there not on there OWN fourm's for THERE OWN amazing fucking mod... Honestly your way too good for the assholes here, don't waste time or brainpower trying to make scene to these shitheads. Just get on with using you're god given gift to deliver this kickass fucking amazing mod, and put smiles on the children's faces... and fear in there hearts.

Ps. I swear I'm not a professional ass kisser.


No, I think you are. I really think you're a pro at kissing ass.

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These are Kronzky's words:

"It is NOT a full-scale SP conversion' date=' but just a hack, to activate the ModZ code for SP"

From the reddit discussion:


"How many times do I have to explain this?

Kronzky initially released it without asking me, and I discussed it with him and asked that he wait because it was causing an issue for the development. I was receiving large numbers of reports and bug requests because the system isn't designed for single player. It was distracting from the main effort.

We came to an agreement, and I gave him access to my source repository so he could begin researching to develop the single player version but I required him to discuss and work with me around timing for releasing it and how it was released. He didn't do this, and just did whatever he wanted.

So I terminated my relationship with him, as this was a complete betrayal of my trust as far as I am concerned.

From Kronzky's own site: "Please DO NOT MIRROR any content from this site." and "I appreciate your contributions to the community, and the fact that you are spreading the word about new content for ArmA, but having outdated versions is in nobody's interest."

The same is true here. I don't want confusion, I gave him the option of working with me and even gave him access to my private source repository and he abused that privilege. As such, I made the necessary arrangements to have it taken down.

1. I wanted a single repository of download, version sync'd so that there was no confusion.

2. Security issues were greatly increased. A known hacker site was using Kronzky's version for testing of their hacks prior to using them on public servers.

3. I think he was being disrespectful, and he betrayed my trust with his actions.

4. Single Player was not the focus of the mod. I was prepared to work with him to develop this in future but I wanted the timing to be right.

I haven't made ONE SINGLE DIME out of this mod. I could have made a shitload out of it. It really disappoints me when people make assumptions without checking my side of the story, especially here on reddit where I generally find people try and balance both sides. I made plenty of forum replies about this - but new threads keep poping up that continually post the one side argument."

and a very telling reply:

"It's really easy for a few sensationalist or heated posts to get a subreddit (or even most of reddit) into an uproar. It's happened time and time again, and this is no different. When someone can convince redditors that they've been wronged, it's just a snowball effect from then on. It's just the hivemind at work. I know I don't represent any bit of reddit or this community, but I apologize for the entitled middle school drama in this thread. I think for the most part that this situation has been handled, but it may have put you on a tight rope that you don't deserve to be on. My only fear now is that a disgruntled chunk of the community here and at the DayZ forums may be waiting with bated breath for you to "mess up" or make another "corporate" style move, and then this will all happen again. I've seen it happen before and it's all too easy to happen again, but really hard to recover from. It only takes one hole to sink a ship."



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Kronzky Reply;


"I really don't know why these things are discussed in public, but since big claims are made here, I think it's about time to respond.

Rocket and I never had an "agreement". We had a brief conversation after my announcement of the SP mission was deleted from the DayZ forum, and he gave me access to the sources (but I didn't need those to create the wrapper—that was already working). Rocket asked me to do some code reviews, which I did and I reported some bugs I found.

He told me he wasn't categorically opposed to a SP version, but that he didn't have time to concentrate on that at the moment. He mentioned that he might want to work with me on a full SP conversion at some later point.

NEVER did he ask me to stop developing, or hosting the mod (until BI contacted me a few days ago). This whole behavior seem quite childish to me, and to spread false information about me in public, without so much as trying to discuss the issue with me personally is pretty weird, to say the least...

(Since my account on the DayZ forum was blocked, I am unable to respond there—where it matters.)"

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Gaming industry needs to take note here. Rocket is a true artist. Nothing but respect.

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Rocket' date=' honestly I love you and everything you have done for the gaming community. Today I blasted away god knows how many hours on DayZ. I thought id show some appreciation unlike the assholes who are trying to make you look like the bad guy here, Because you KNOW that they waste entire days playing the mod and still have the balls to try and call you out.

My only advice would be to continue on with the project and just fuck everyone else, keep whoever you know is loyal to you at you're side and fuck everyone . This is one of those times where listening to the community and there stupid shit would be at the bottom of you're "to do" list. Honestly, this is where you see how low the people around you really are...

Rocket, I really don't think you should waste your time arguing with the fucking twats on this forum, Its almost like at every corner there's another halfwit claiming they know more about EULA's and Game deving than you do... Thats exactly why there not on there OWN fourm's for THERE OWN amazing fucking mod... Honestly your way too good for the assholes here, don't waste time or brainpower trying to make scene to these shitheads. Just get on with using you're god given gift to deliver this kickass fucking amazing mod, and put smiles on the children's faces... and fear in there hearts.

Ps. I swear I'm not a professional ass kisser.


No, I think you are. I really think you're a pro at kissing ass.

wall of text ass kiss.

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I don't know the next thing about these matters from a legal side.

Bohemia Interactive have done right by me ever since Operation Flashpoint, they've made games that I've consistently enjoyed and as a result I've supported them as best I can by being a return customer.

Rocket has created an excellent mod for one of their titles, I've had more fun playing it than I have many other games in the last few years, he's been very open throughout the development and kept a pretty active presence on these forums too. I honestly don't care if he's in the wrong or right, he's done right by me as a player, the least I can do is support him in this.

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Interesting. didnt knew of a SP mod.. hmm.

Rocket dont bother with all that stuff, people do what people do. Do not think the majority of players are these guys hacking and doing stuff. We are here, not reading and posting so much on the forums.

I am just shocked about how many childish responses there are in this thread. If I were a mod, i would just delete them.

Why is good stuff always a magnet for attention whores and people who like to destroy everything?

People just play the mod if you like it. And make suggestions in the suggestions thread. Who do you think you are? Just try to view it out of the devs view? Most internet users think they are special.. they are not.

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So after being absent for almost a week, i read this thread and gathered the following events, in order.

- Rocket gives access to some random dude.

- Random dude exploits rare privilege for himself.

- Rocket pulls the plug on the 'agreement'

- Reddit explodes in anger, accusing Rocket. (Where the fuck did Reddit get involved?)

- Rocket is threatened by 12 year old kids screaming "EULA!," "IP!," "Sue!" and "My Lawyer!"(Typical Temper tantrum.)

- Rocket makes the most amazing post in the history of the universe. (Now named "The Unite Speech")

- Trolls still trolling.

Rinse and Repeat.

This was bound to happen, all i have to say is that you have to overcome it just like every other issue.

Trolls will be Trolls. Reddit will be Reddit. Assholes will try and steal your work. People will try ruining your image because you said no. The snowball will continue rolling, and the kids will continue complaining.

But at the end of the day, look what you have accomplished.

You created a mod that made an old game launch back on top. You brought together a horde of hungry gamers, and fed them a 5 course meal of everything they love. You made corporate game companies spill their coffee and scratch their head. You made DayZ.

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So after being absent for almost a week' date=' i read this thread and gathered the following events, in order.

- Rocket gives access to some random dude.

- Random dude exploits rare privilege for himself.

- Rocket pulls the plug on the 'agreement'

- Reddit explodes in anger, accusing Rocket. (Where the fuck did Reddit get involved?)

- Rocket is threatened by 12 year old kids screaming "EULA!," "IP!," "Sue!" and "My Lawyer!"(Typical Temper tantrum.)

- Rocket makes the most amazing post in the history of the universe. (Now named "The Unite Speech")

- Trolls still trolling.

Rinse and Repeat.

This was bound to happen, all i have to say is that you have to overcome it just like every other issue.

Trolls will be Trolls. Reddit will be Reddit. Assholes will try and steal your work. People will try ruining your image because you said no. The snowball will continue rolling, and the kids will continue complaining.

But at the end of the day, look what you have accomplished.

You created a mod that made an old game launch back on top. You brought together a horde of hungry gamers, and fed them a 5 course meal of everything they love. You made corporate game companies spill their coffee and scratch their head. [b']You made DayZ.

^ This.

Rocket, ftw.

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I find it interesting that a modder does not like people modding his work though. Im unsure how that is actually "distracting" unless your some kind of absolute control freak.

If it was made an official version from the getgo and kronzky told to run with it then... I fail to see how bug reports for it could be distracting the devs as they would all have gone to kron.

Guess I must just not get it.

I think its a bit silly getting annoyed over people modding your game. Highest form of flattery IMO.

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People on the internet being fanbois surprise surprise. At least it's being aired publicly. Or maybe that's a bad thing.

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So I make the thread' date=' and the people who made all the other threads, don't come in here. Instead, people come in here and say "hey, what is this thread about".

Honestly, at this point, I just started pissing myself laughing at the complete absurdity of it all :)


This is when you shake and hit them with wooden sticks.

Can i still use the SP version?Or is it hacking now?

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Wtf guys... until now you had the SP and the "private servers". Now if you remove the mod (that was someway under a "controlled enviroment") you're not helping anyone, coz ppl will continue to use the SP mode, hosting a "private server". Plus there's good chance that the SP mission development will continue "underground", so you're going to loose the controlled evenviroment. At the top of this, those hackers doesn't need a SP mod at all to develope their own hacks.

Defending.. not defending.. i've read 12 pages of this thread, and i still do not understand how being against the "SP" would help anyone, if this will result in:

1) SP still there via private servers;

2) The same mod will probably continue underground;

3) The hackers aren't blocked because of this;

You're really fight the poor "christ" that isn't capable of using google to try to figure himself how to circumvent the "officiality"? If so.. good luck!

Can i still use the SP version?Or is it hacking now?

That's the first question i placed.. and none have replied. I guess ppl are much more interested to the drama, rather than the concrete things. None have said yet that the single player STILL WORKS! ...maybe you'll start to smell bad if you use it, i dunno.

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Wtf guys... until now you had the SP and the "private servers". Now if you remove the mod (that was someway under a "controlled enviroment") you're not helping anyone' date=' coz ppl will continue to use the SP mode, hosting a "private server". Plus there's good chance that the SP mission development will continue "underground", so you're going to loose the controlled evenviroment. At the top of this, those hackers doesn't need a SP mod at all to develope their own hacks.

Defending.. not defending.. i've read 12 pages of this thread, and i still do not understand how being against the "SP" would help anyone, if this will result in:

1) SP still there via private servers;

2) The same mod will probably continue underground;

3) The hackers aren't blocked because of this;

You're really fight the poor "christ" that isn't capable of using google to try to figure himself how to circumvent the "officiality"? If so.. good luck!


Can i still use the SP version?Or is it hacking now?

That's the first question i placed.. and none have replied. I guess ppl are much more interested to the drama' date=' rather than the concrete things. None have said yet that the single player STILL WORKS! ...maybe you'll start to smell bad if you use it, i dunno.


you read all 12 ?

guess you missed the post by rocket explaining that The guy who makes the SP version broke an agreement

so is the way in business ....

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So after being absent for almost a week' date=' i read this thread and gathered the following events, in order.

- Rocket gives access to some random dude.

- Random dude exploits rare privilege for himself.

- Rocket pulls the plug on the 'agreement'

- Reddit explodes in anger, accusing Rocket. (Where the fuck did Reddit get involved?)

- Rocket is threatened by 12 year old kids screaming "EULA!," "IP!," "Sue!" and "My Lawyer!"(Typical Temper tantrum.)

- Rocket makes the most amazing post in the history of the universe. (Now named "The Unite Speech")

- Trolls still trolling.

Rinse and Repeat.

This was bound to happen, all i have to say is that you have to overcome it just like every other issue.

Trolls will be Trolls. Reddit will be Reddit. Assholes will try and steal your work. People will try ruining your image because you said no. The snowball will continue rolling, and the kids will continue complaining.

But at the end of the day, look what you have accomplished.

You created a mod that made an old game launch back on top. You brought together a horde of hungry gamers, and fed them a 5 course meal of everything they love. You made corporate game companies spill their coffee and scratch their head. [b']You made DayZ.

yes enough said:


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You know though, that's just the internet. Sometimes you may get angry about people making up their own stories and frustratingly ask them to 'grow up' (which trust me, I do all the time) but the internet is always like that, and always will be, there's no use crying about it and you just need to learn that the internet is a very strange place, this of course not just being aimed at Rocket (I'm sorry about the whole SP mod situation btw) but at everyone on who is tired of these people, you've just go to learn to ignore them and hope that when the job is done you can explain your side of the story and have them understand it, and if not so be it.

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Hi, i just created an account,

because i wanted to thank Rocket and every one that is involved in the Dayz Mod.

I really enjoy playing it and hope you guys keep up the good work.

kronsky really fucked up. i tryed the SP hack to play around with the vehicles, but the fact that he abused your trust really sucks.

BTW if you manage to make Dayz into a Full standalone Game, i would buy it on day one. (and a ton of my friends too)

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BTW if you manage to make Dayz into a Full standalone Game' date=' i would buy it on day one. (and a ton of my friends too)


Wish I had a ton of friends. :(

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Look, god now this is going the other way.

We had a DISAGREEMENT. That doesn't even mean he necessarily did anything WRONG. We had a disagreement, I requested - strongly - the files be removed. Don't crucify the man. The butt-hurt I displayed in this thread is directed at the people who were going all lawyer crazy. I mean shit how does Kronzky feel?

Now I feel like shit. See? This is why I didn't want to say anything about this. It all gets blown out of proportion and people start filling in the gaps.

Maybe if everyone could just leave me and Kronzky alone, because really, its none of anyones business.

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Right, the next attack on either Kronzky, or me, I'll close the thread. And if you don't have anything to add - please don't reply in it.

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This topic is now closed to further replies.
