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Remove NVG and TWS


54 members have voted

  1. 1. Remove NVG and TWS

    • Yes
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    • I dont play at night.

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Then go play that! I really don't care I think whatever Rocket feels is best for DayZ is what I will use.

And for that matter, if those weapons are removed you'll be back crying because everyone is using LMG's and it isn't fair/realistic/some excuse to claim it doesn't fit. I mean why do I have to reload when they are throwing 100's of rounds at you? Or the M203 with HE rounds blasting your entire squad.

Go play WarZ or let Rocket create the game he wants. As for the L85 honestly to me it is trash, NVGs will need batteries in the stand alone. Quit griping and see what is to come and how that effects your lol balance.


'Go play WarZ if you don't like the way Rocket's cock tastes'

All I'm hearing on this forum any more, lol.

You're the one that should go play WarZ TBH, mate. Eating up anything that's put in front of you without thinking about ways it could be improved. You are aware that DayZ is still in alpha, therefore the time for making changes like this would be now, right?

DayZ was just intended as a tech demo for persistant worlds, it's hardly a polished, finished game...

Edited by mZLY

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'Go play WarZ if you don't like the way Rocket's cock tastes'

All I'm hearing on this forum any more, lol.

You're the one that should go play WarZ TBH, mate. Eating up anything that's put in front of you without thinking about ways it could be improved. You are aware that DayZ is still in alpha, therefore the time for making changes like this would be now, right?

DayZ was just intended as a tech demo for persistant worlds, it's hardly a polished, finished game...

First of I am not your fucking mate. You are real clever making gay references, you got unresolved issues in your closet?

I am not the one who wants my hand held and if the game is to hard need it fixed to fit my idea of what it should be. See the difference between you and me, i don't need a game to fit my old of ideal. I like the challenge of being out gunned, overwhelmed, and the risk of failure.

Yes it is alpha of a mod btw, the stand alone will be alot different in the long run. Unlike you i seem to understand what is happening in the mod will be changed when it is turned over to the community.

So quit being a prissy bitch and stfu! You want dayz to fit your ideal game get a private hive server and make your candyland shoots and ladders environment. Just because you think you know best doesn't make it so... Jackoff!

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I don't think it has anything to do with hand holding or crybabies. The fact of the matter is - being able to thermal scan through bushes is overpowered, having perfect vision during the darkest nights is overpowered, and a sniper rifle that 1 shot kills anything is overpowered.

Have you played SurviveDayZ mod? They have all sniper rifles, NVG, rangefinder and the L85 disabled and the game plays out much better.

It has everything to do with hand holding and crybabies. First and foremost Dayz was never balanced and it was much better for it. I'm sick and tired of people like you who think because you like a certain playstyle everybody else should as well. Well NEWSFLASH we don't!

And I've seen the SurviveN00bDayZ and it's well for people like you. So if you think it's so good play it and stop trying to turn DayZ into yet another generic boring fps like the rest.

Edited by trichome

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Remove both. Whoever likes them - please go play ArmA or else. DayZ should be with very basic weapons in order to have really unique experience and difficult PvP battles. I would even remove snipers - a way too much OP weapon for the nature of the game and maps.

I agree with this. especially with a map like chernarus. there's little skill involved with running around with a sniper, if anything i'd say keep the cz and m14 and take out the rest. despite how rare such items might start out, they won't be after a short period of time when people start looting them off of each other.

and yeah, nvgs and thermals are just crutches anyway. i'm willing to bet those that want them left in are the ones who can't play without said crutch.

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Thermal can go... NVGs are required, fix the real problem... Duping.... I find bodies all over the server i play... Fix the problem, instead of removing options......

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I agree with this. especially with a map like chernarus.

Yeah cause its just so small :rolleyes:

there's little skill involved with running around with a sniper,

I know plenty of career Snipers who would disagree with you on that one, but you know them all right?

and yeah, nvgs and thermals are just crutches anyway. i'm willing to bet those that want them left in are the ones who can't play without said crutch.

So yet again you know everybody who want's them and how they play.

you da man!

guys we got us a badass psychic here!

Watch out!

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Can't everyone agree to disagree and just wait till the standalone is released... Then most of the butthurt will be cured.

Till the mod is released to the community we have to put up with what we have, i for one am happy with the current set up, yes i aint too keen on Thermals but hey, they have a good use so why not keep them, far as i see it they are the best form of Anti-camping there is!

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I love how you make a suggestion or open a poll, and then you get these idiots who come along, and even while they might not care all that much because its not their own opinion or idea they just slant it, without offering any working or even decent counter suggestion

This is a poll people, speak with the numbers in the poll, all this cock swinging ego bashing shite is nothing more than forum garbage.

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if people only tried to fit into mindset of a game, a lot of thing would be clear to you QQ-ers.

Here is solid argument: every single of those things exist in real world. Dunno about you but if zombie outbreak would happend i most certanly would try to find nvgs and everything that will help me make trough night. on other hand, no1 would ever play night time serv w/o NVGs.

Edited by Cultus

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M107 and AS50 should be heavy (weight based inventory please?). They should use almost all of your inventory, so should M249s etc. They should make you slow. It shouldn't be an everyday carry, it should be "I see a vehicle convoy, bring the car by with the AS50.." Seriously folks, an AS50 and MP5 take up the same amount of slots in your backpack. Seriously? I wish I could carry a little SD6, but why would I when I can carry an CCO SD instead? Weight is the truly best way. That way you can carry a lightweight sniper with you at all times if you please, and then a little pistol or MP5 etc etc. Lightweight guns and heavy ones should exist.

That's the way to fix the .50 problem.

Night vision should stay, have varying scales of it. "Consumer" nightvision should exist, take less batteries, be sorta poorish quality.

Thermal shouldn't exist.

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It's not the same thing, if I have an Axe or a Mak and you have an assault rifle, I can still shoot you in the face and kill you, but when its dark and I have NVG's and you dont, nothing you can really do will save your life apart from log out, because I will either be near you with my Acog or at range with my DMR, either way a flare wont save your life.

Same thing goes for the L85 its simply far to over powered.

Happened to me last night, I snag some NVG's and while moving into town to the shop I nearly stood on top of three players all trying to hide in a little out building I think they thought the doors were closed, they could clearly not see a damn thing, one of them poped a flare and it cought my attention, I spun around and three bangs later they were all dead, they had NO CLUE what soever that I was there, hell even if I made tons of noise they would probably still not have been able to see me and I was only 20 meters away.

It's far to strong an item, and the same goes for the L85.

They should. .... NO THEY NEED, to be removed from the game.


Some people have better equipment than others and it gives them an advantage!


Sheesh guys, if there is no equipment that is better than other equipment, what is the point of looting?

WOOHOO!! I just found another can of beans....just like everyone else. :rolleyes:

You know that having high value loot spawn, makes the loot that spawns there, by definition, have HIGHER VALUE.

Is it really that hard to figure out?

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Until duping and scripting are removed from the equation, it's pointless to discuss how rare/common certain weapons are. We still don't know how ".15% drop chance" actually translates in game because cheating/exploiting/duping have skewed the game-wide inventory way, way beyond what the real numbers would actually produce. So, we're just banging our heads against the wall raging about what weapons should or should not be removed.

Once duping and scripting are gone, I think we'll see a lot fewer players risking their legitly aquired, super high-end gear picking off fresh spawns in Cherno.

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Jesus fucking christ. If you want Overpowered items removed, then lets remove most explosives, vehicles, helicopters and even zombies considering they can hit trough walls. It's a game, and it will be unbalanced. NVGs aren't really useful unless it's pitch black anyways, and when it's pitch black you shouldn't run in cities because you obviously can't see anything anyways. By the way, I've gone a 1v3, three players with military grade gear and me with an Enfield, and I won that battle unhurt. Means the Enfield is OP, right? It should definitely be removed, because there's only pros with it, no cons at all.

What I am saying is that, with every item comes pros AND cons.

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despite how rare such items might start out, they won't be after a short period of time when people start looting them off of each other.

i disagree... once youve got one/two of a weapon why bother looting more? i'd expect people to hide bodies with high power weapons or the bodies to just despawn before someone can grab the gear (ie a sniper hiding, shooting, being too afraid to loot etc). as a couple have said the REAL problem with the game is the duping. once thats fixed the whole game will completely change and the imbalanced weapons will a lot more exciting as so few people will have them i.e. a target worth chasing in a high risk strategy

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I don't understand the attitude that wanting to remove items that make the game easier (nvgs, thermals, one shot kill weapons), means that you are not a "hardcore" enough player. Being able to see perfectly at night and one shot kill things makes the game easier and this is then, by definition, less hardcore. Did I miss something?

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I don't understand the attitude that wanting to remove items that make the game easier (nvgs, thermals, one shot kill weapons), means that you are not a "hardcore" enough player. Being able to see perfectly at night and one shot kill things makes the game easier and this is then, by definition, less hardcore. Did I miss something?

it's more "hardcore" for those that don't have those items

those items are supposed to be end-game stuff. they're only supposed to spawn (rarely) at heli-crashes and the barracks. but even before people were duping and spawning weapons, it was an issue with people hording that stuff. too many people (usually server admins) would just jump in the chopper right after a server restart, and loot all the crashed heli's. plus all the server hopping in the barracks. they need to figure out how to make the upper-tier stuff not easy to farm

I do think thermal sights are OP'ed. maybe it would be cool if there was a way to counter them. I could roll around in the mud like Arnold in Predator :D

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Every weapon and item available in ARMA2 should be available in DayZ.

This is another one of those threads looking to balance DayZ. Fuck you.

DayZ will fail if it is balanced. I am someone who appreciates the realism, because if someone has better hardware than me, I have to out smart them to be victorious. This "level" playing ground doesn't exist in real life and it shouldn't exist in DayZ.

I personally hope that the cry babies give up on DayZ, and we're only left with the people who understand what DayZ is actually about.

If you want to be victorious, use your brain. Asking to have gear removed from the game because you are incapable of using the available cover, is bullshit.

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So the hardcore game experience is only available to new spawns?

That seems lopsided.

It would be nice if there were a way to counter any advantage. Then people who cried that it wasn't fair wouldn't have much to say since there was a counter to the advantage. I know the game isn't about balance but it would increase the amount of useful loot, extending the looting stage of the game.

They could add a strobe light that worked in infrared, essentially blinding people with thermals. Or an EMP type device that killed all electronics. Or whatever.

Eh, who knows what Rocket will do. I'll just wait patiently for the standalone.

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So the hardcore game experience is only available to new spawns?

That seems lopsided.

It would be nice if there were a way to counter any advantage. Then people who cried that it wasn't fair wouldn't have much to say since there was a counter to the advantage. I know the game isn't about balance but it would increase the amount of useful loot, extending the looting stage of the game.

They could add a strobe light that worked in infrared, essentially blinding people with thermals. Or an EMP type device that killed all electronics. Or whatever.

Eh, who knows what Rocket will do. I'll just wait patiently for the standalone.

The "hardcore" experience only lasts as long as someone is too afraid to go work for their loot. You can get the vast majority of endgame gear within 2 hours of play time, by just going north, you just have to work for it.

This thread is about people who want a level playing field provided to them, instead of levelling the playing field themselves through superior tactics.

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I don't think you were specifically responding to me but DayZ is what you make it. There is no right or wrong way to play it. Or that was Rocket's goal, from what I understand.

Also, giving you tools to negate advantages isn't forcing balance, it is adding game mechanics. Unless everyone spawns with all the tools, then balance, as you put it, never works into it. Some people will find the tools and some won't, every encounter will still be full of unknowns. But more tools will result in more options, and more complex gameplay. Is that a bad thing?

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I don't think you were specifically responding to me but DayZ is what you make it. There is no right or wrong way to play it. Or that was Rocket's goal, from what I understand.

Also, giving you tools to negate advantages isn't forcing balance, it is adding game mechanics. Unless everyone spawns with all the tools, then balance, as you put it, never works into it. Some people will find the tools and some won't, every encounter will still be full of unknowns. But more tools will result in more options, and more complex gameplay. Is that a bad thing?

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I don't think you were specifically responding to me but DayZ is what you make it. There is no right or wrong way to play it. Or that was Rocket's goal, from what I understand.

Also, giving you tools to negate advantages isn't forcing balance, it is adding game mechanics. Unless everyone spawns with all the tools, then balance, as you put it, never works into it. Some people will find the tools and some won't, every encounter will still be full of unknowns. But more tools will result in more options, and more complex gameplay. Is that a bad thing?

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So the hardcore game experience is only available to new spawns?

there's supposed to be something in between being a "new spawn" and having top-tier loot. that's part of the problem now: people just run around cherno/elektro until they find a body with all the good stuff. many of these people have never even made a trip to the NWAF, or spent hours looking for heli-crashes. let alone done that stuff enough to find the really rare loot

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there's supposed to be something in between being a "new spawn" and having top-tier loot. that's part of the problem now: people just run around cherno/elektro until they find a body with all the good stuff. many of these people have never even made a trip to the NWAF, or spent hours looking for heli-crashes. let alone done that stuff enough to find the really rare loot


I don't even go into those cities, unless I just got killed and spawned in by them.

If I do end up in them, I can make it through just find with nothing whatsoever.

The highest tier weapon in the game cannot be found on a crashed heli, dead sniper, or in the barracks.

It's on your shoulders-use it instead of whining how unfair it is that other people have these things and you don't.

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