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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Name: Redard

Location: Sweden

GUID: 70709c4513b3837b27b7e52abcf98adb2

Reason: Old server died and friends who are already on this server recommended it.

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Name: Jammy_Doger

Location: England

GUID: 2a1967f10e921321a4e13369b3717de6

Name: =ADK= Dozer

Location: England

GUID: 0115fc4628db438b8ecb1c0846a3c0a8

Me and my friend have recently started playing and have enjoyed the game for the most part. I would say that 90% of the servers we have played in so far have hackers which has ruined our gaming experience. By the amount of posts in this thread and the helpful information I would say this is a friendly community to play in.

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hey :)

Name: Applecore

Location: Malta

GUID: 7e72081cf9ab4253a263a0a20fafcaad

I just want to play on a hacker free server as I love this game and want to play it in peace not in pieces. Thank you.

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Name: Brisket (Aka Nick)

Location: Cornwall, England

GUID: 668f2d4214459cf6fe3bb17c31c5c659

Hi there, I'm applying a long with my friend Dan (Aka Apple core) who should have a post of his own. We've both been playing DayZ for quiet a while now and have often found homes on particular severs. We've found ourself in need of a more secure home; In short we're fed up of hackers. I suggested to Dan we found a whitelisted server and after some searching we've found yours to not only have the server type we're after but also a friendly and active community/admin team.

We both like the idea of a closed community where we can get a more immursive experience from the game; We take it seriously and will hopefully find our new home here.

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Name: Nervous

Location: Florida

GUID: a4804e85842662966e5d744666bf03d44

A couple of my friends just signed up for this server. Didnt know I had to get whitelisted before I could log on.

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Name: Nervous

Location: Florida

GUID: a4804e85842662966e5d744666bf03d44

A couple of my friends just signed up for this server. Didnt know I had to get whitelisted before I could log on.

guid to long!

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Strange. Why online on the server quickly cut in half? :(

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Name: Redard

Location: Sweden

GUID: 70709c4513b3837b2b7e52abcf98adb2

Reason: Like i mentioned earlier in my apparently failed attempt to post my guid, i had this server recommended by friends and since the old server we played on is empty i want find a new place to survive in.

Please tell me what's wrong if my application isn't good enough.

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I'd like to submit an application on behalf of my friend.

Name: Danny

Location: Scotland

GUID: c01e83263ee66ac99dcf0c15692af04d

Reason why: He has been looking for a server for a while, and after I told him about your server and it'S features he'd like to play with me on the server.

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Strange. Why online on the server quickly cut in half? :(

No more ppl to kill hops :'( but yes server numbers have more than halfed in last 2-3 days... Wierd lol

Well, one reason this could be is like me peole have been playing DayZ for a long time now and have started to discover there are more things to do on arma like Wasteland or Insurgency just to add some variety :)

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Well, one reason this could be is like me peole have been playing DayZ for a long time now and have started to discover there are more things to do on arma like Wasteland or Insurgency just to add some variety :)

Doubt it lol those games have been out for a while. The weekend will be a better reflection of player numbers. The numbers have fallen a bit the last few days but we still hit 51 players last night :)

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I'm just waiting for my friend to get whitelisted before I jump back on.

I just added him now :)

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Name: Redard

Location: Sweden

GUID: 70709c4513b3837b27b7e52abcf98adb2

Reason: Old server died and friends who are already on this server recommended it.

guid to long!

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♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ u weaseal :)

not public..otherwise cat get jealous.. D:

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No more ppl to kill hops :'( but yes server numbers have more than halfed in last 2-3 days... Wierd lol

now there is no hunting on people

Doubt it lol those games have been out for a while. The weekend will be a better reflection of player numbers. The numbers have fallen a bit the last few days but we still hit 51 players last night

I really liked it when the server had 70 + people, I hope those days are back.

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Name: Cacner (ingame)

Location: Malta

GUID: aac234947def1e487d0e67172ba95bf5

Hi 2 of my mates just applied here (Apple and Brisket) and I wanted to join too :) Just want to play on a server with no hackers. Hope to here from you soon. - Cacner

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now there is no hunting on people

I really liked it when the server had 70 + people, I hope those days are back.

Well go find some new players and invite them to our server :)

I wouldnt be panicing yet just because weve had a few weekdays without 70 people lol ♥♡♥

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Well go find some new players and invite them to our server :)

I wouldnt be panicing yet just because weve had a few weekdays without 70 people lol ♥♡♥

I recommend this server to all friends.

Well, let's hope that the weekend will be more people

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