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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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K i have now chanced my name in game and forum ! and i tell my sorrys that my name wasnt really anykind good for ingame !

Guid = ea4dab6ff9e142595401a5fea68de50d

Nick = Jarax7

From = Finland

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- Name Rainbow

- Location Israel

- GUID 3820be34e253231583428d64eb84c155

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 I am looking for a hacker free server to play The REAL Dayz, with good players and an active community. I am a real DayZ Player, one who will do anything to survive the apocalypsis and stay alive as long as possible. I am not a bandit nor a hero, I am simply a Survivor. Mic and communication methods are possitive. I am not a new player, Im'a Veteran who used to take place in different huge communities. Hope I can meet you guys ingame.

Edited by AlphaAce
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- Name Rainbow

- Location Israel

- GUID 3820be34e253231583428d64eb84c155

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 I am looking for a hacker free server to play The REAL Dayz, with good players and an active community. I am a real DayZ Player, one who will do anything to survive the apocalypsis and stay alive as long as possible. I am not a bandit nor a hero, I am simply a Survivor. Mic and communication methods are possitive. Hope I can meet you guys ingame.

Please follow the steps I previously explained to Sley and show us what ping you get please.


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- Name: [sAS]Richy

- Location: Wales

- GUID: 334de257bb8555890048979883f42ead

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10: Playing along side Preecey and Others

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- Name Adas

- Location United Kingdom

- GUID 76a3e0b72f133c2179f4b5386af3f17a

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 looked for good server to play on and i found it i like where is alot people playing making new friends in game talking and doing more fun in the game

Edited by AdasT
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- Name Adas

- Location United Kingdom

- GUID 76a3e0b72f133c2179f4b5386af3f17a

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 looked for good server to play on and i found it i like where is alot people playing making new friends in game talking and doing more fun in the game

there's no ping there m8, that i can see anyway

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there's no ping there m8, that i can see anyway

there is ping click on the picture

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u must live next door to datacentre then with 0 ping :P

i dont know but i am next to it my internet is right on mine table i tried to double check it same thing

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panda can you tell me you unban me i have chanced my nick from megmel to Jarax7 like your post at loging told ? and i dont see any reply for it ?

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i dont know but i am next to it my internet is right on mine table i tried to double check it same thing

says u are in uk so u should be fine regardless unless im missing something

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- Name H4WK

- Location Newcastle upon tyne, England

- GUID 117d713ddb5c6641d87ed2f431b6a0ad

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 I'm looking for a decent server with minimal cheaters and script kiddies plus 80 slots sounds like a lot of fun :)

Edited by H4WK
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Name: N33KO

Location: UK

GUID: b5c887b253c37665f27e6412741b7445

Reason: This is without a doubt the best server i've played on. I have 2 copies of Arma 2 OA and therefore 2 characters, I want to continue playing on an almost hacker free and very popular server

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I Would like to get put on the whitelist!

Name: AmerStark
GUID: GUID: d9b33882eb2455721c7593209b8622b9

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I Would like to get put on the whitelist!

Name: AmerStark
GUID: GUID: d9b33882eb2455721c7593209b8622b9

Location is missing

Edited by -Panda

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Terrible lags. :( Popularity is going to ruin this server.

This is due to the Battle Eye updates, always happnes when BE updates!

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panda can you tell me you unban me i have chanced my nick from megmel to Jarax7 like your post at loging told ? and i dont see any reply for it ?

You are unbanned, will take effect from next server restart at 9pm GMT

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