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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Finally took a moment to comment on the forum as I promised P to do (2-3 weeks ago).

This is pretty much the only server i´ve been playing on (except 4-5 smaller ones when I first heard of the game in October) and I really have nothing bad to say about it.

Players are helpful in the chat and I´ve never experienced any hackers (except for tonight it seems), and the best thing of all, the admin(s) are really great (yes I have officially kissed ur butts) when they immediately takes care of problems and puts down big efforts (and money) to keep this server running.

Im not a big gamer at all and it took some time for me to understand all the lingo and rules (even the "unwritten" ones) for the game. I admit, Ive been combatlogging in panic and I have also dc to get rid of Zs before I really understood how much it sucks when other players does it right in front of ur eyes. Here comes my advice; make people (most new members) really aware of the gamerules, both here in the forum but also ingame. I seriously believe that many players think its ok to dc at any time just beacuse they are new to the game and havent learned yet. The main issue i believe is to get people to visit this forum more regulary to keep up with news, rules and so on. Maybe add a message in the chat to invite more players to visit the forum?

Anyway, thanks for making this amazing game worth playing, and as always, wear em heatpacks, the doc aint got antibiotics for everyone!

// Doc Sueco

Nice feedback mate, Im glad youre enjoying the server. A lot of work has been put in to keep UK10 a hack free zone :) New players might just get scared in a firefight and DC, but they'll soon see people getting banned for it and this should deter them from doing it in the future. I'll add a new auto server message advertising the punishment for combat logging :)

Enjoy :)

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- Name - Pruney

- Location - UK

- GUID - c6fe140f691f456bbe36b0057683c252

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 - I just started playing DayZ and want a friendly and good server to play on. I guess this one seems cool ^^

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This is why it is important to disconnect from the server before it restarts. You disconnecting forces the server to save your data on the hive. If youre still playing on the server when it restarts your saved data isnt up to date and it will load your most recently saved data, usually 15-30 seconds in the past.

:( Cheers, I'll make sure to do that now. Any updates on the server kicking people when it hits between 70-80 players?

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:( Cheers, I'll make sure to do that now. Any updates on the server kicking people when it hits between 70-80 players?

Kicks were happening when BE was updating, most likely caused by this.

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Name: [Pvt.]Creeps

Location: Germany

GUID: 23ca71a699c4dff5c83acc46b5734720

Reason: I hate to Play with Hackers, and I Like your Forums about DayZ.

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Name : Emilko

-Location : Russia

-GUID :2adb9dd4e89025bb7c7952577855e22d

- On your server has a lot of people, I think it will be fun and hardcore :)

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Name: arthurwayne

Location: Russia

GUID: a4c8a7c36053f0069501abeff60a117a

Reason: Hacker-free server, ping is very nice for me, a lot of players (and friends)

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Hi! please add me to whitelist!

1 SuperKing

2 Russia

3 9a5e2e98d12b7285a2926b76e3666ce9

4 Friend advice!=)

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Sorry, I was wrong on one character in the GUID. It will be correct:

Name: g0ha

GUID: 5cd2458d1c87be19ea8fb36fb8f1be4b

Location: Russia

Reason: hate hackers, on your server a lot of ppl, it will be fun, friends playing

Edited by g0ha
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My name on the game is Joe

My location is Istanbul Turkey

My GUID is 677c35f29af89d1e6171cf5345eb9e3a

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Name: Nick

Location: UK

GUID: c3c422ac548f7c1f7d0b1b6e455127ac

Reason: The veins in my head explode with hackers. Being vouched for by Benny & Aonns also. :)

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Name: Nick

Location: UK

GUID: c3c422ac548f7c1f7d0b1b6e455127ac

Reason: The veins in my head explode with hackers. Being vouched for by Benny & Aonns also. :)

this is correct =)

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- Name - boLek [soA]

- Location - GER

- GUID - b14e45a3914e64e71cf3875c644e05f1

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 - i will play dayz on a server with no cheaters... ;|

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Name: Solonius

Location: Finland

GUID: 7b826f300faf3c6cdf96c841f30295f7

Reason: server seems hacker free and popular, just what im looking for!

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Name: Eleko

Location: Sweden

Guid: 06b489e6b151b7762bed190d9c8c85ca

- Play with friends on a good server.

test now

Edited by Eleko

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Name: Eleko

Location: Sweden

Guid: 06b489e6b151b7762bed1909c8c85ca

- Play with friends on a good server.

Why you no triple check your GUID? Its incorrect.

Edited by -Panda

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Name: Puzzlle

Location: UK


Reason for application: Brand new to DayZ don`t know hardly anything about the game would rather play with players willing to communicate and have a laugh than cheat and be knobs.

also how will i know if i`m whitelisted and how would i find the server?

thank you for your time.

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Name: Eleko

Location: Sweden

Guid: 06b489e6b151b7762bed190d9c8c85ca

- Play with friends on a good server.

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NAME: Copey

LOCATION: Northern Ireland

GUID: b26fa09d76de1e0e09cb2417720f1349

I have heard about this server from a friend and wish to play in a hacker-free environment, with a well organized server. This seems a popular server, so it will be a good challenge.

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Nick = Josef Meggel

Location = Finland

GUID = ea4dab6ff9e142595401a5fea68de50d

Reason = i have beeing trying to find best possible gameplay for dayz what anybody can offer and your server just look so great whitt alot players and totally hack free server ! :) i have been waiting for server like thiss !

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My friend says that he can see 'beans' on my post although, i see none on my browser and still cannot get on the server. Is there a problem?

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Name: mikemhz

Location: UK

GUID: 000b0dfbd0451d92705d277c325a58ac

Name: Marcko

Location: UK

GUID: 9946336a6c8f500a792390c41ca5009d

low ping lots of people no hackers, close to home!

Edited by mikemhz
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