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Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Guys, had an idea, As it was just thanksgiving in "MURICAAA!!!!", I will be spennding today in electro gathering all the food and drink I can find, and put in the church, I will also be giving BT's to anyone who wants them, consider this my penance for killing those bambi's :P plus, anyone who has wanted to kill me, well, you know where I'll be :P Ill be recording the whole thnig, so come with your mics and lets put a little kindness back in the game(then we can go back to killing each other for a empty soda can) :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: 4 all

Just get all the boats together and we do a big offshore Party!

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Party on Drakon island tonight? Lets get james to do some karaoke :D

fuck yeah!!!!

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It aint a part unless there's an irishman ammirite ryan? Ok, venue has been changed to Drakon Island, be there or be a bandit scumbag :P

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Can russians join your party? We could bring vodka and play on balalaika. :)

all is welcome! but bring some raw meet and wood, we gonna have a BBQ & party on the island :D (drakon is a little east of Elektro btw) :)

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all is welcome! but bring some raw meet and wood, we gonna have a BBQ & party on the island :D (drakon is a little east of Elektro btw) :)

But panda the last BBQ i went to turned into a FFA but ill be there with the meat and drugs Edited by TCC Daniel

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yeah, well, hopefully everyone can play nice for a while :P

-EDIT- Episode 3, where we gone and done stuff.

Edited by sneekygreenman
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Feel like we need to lay some ground rules for this party:

1. You must bring a party gift (this can be food/drink or some narcotic's to share around)

2. Once you are in the vicinity of Drakon island you may not shoot anyone unless they fire upon someone else first

3. Everyone must obey Panda without question (too keep order)

4. If you get lucky take it into the lighthouse (No PDA)

5. Before you start swimming to the island you must announce yourself (preferably with a creative rhyme)


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well, the dr. clan fuked tht up, sorry to weasal but as soon as ppl started shooting i was on coast lighting flares and shot anything tht moved back on island so sry i just wanted to try kill dr. guys

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np dude...as long as these fuckers are allowed to play ... im off.

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Cant wait to see sneekys footage as to what happened on that island........

Death. Lots of Death B) As fro the Dr clan, after a stiff drink, meh. They all died as well like, frankly they lost more than we did in terms of weapons, etc, etc. Frankly its going to make me alot more cautious but hell, whatever :P and seen as it got drowned in other comments, here's episode 3 for you guys, Fun fact, we ran out of steak before we all died!

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Got a great video to upload... to summerise.... 3 parties planned, 3 parties crashed and disrupted!! The last one was good fun, video will make for an interesting watch !!

And James, im sorry for the TK ... :facepalm:

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