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Bandanas: Making armbands/face coverings to identify yourself and your group.

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Simple player identification system that doesn't rely on HUD markers or GUI tweaks.

Allow players to find colored bandannas in the world and wear them as:

Armbands: http://a1.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/9/49407b0d93204824885cf917fb1fef84/l.jpg

Masks: http://www.galaxyarmynavy.com/prodimages/large/3142blue.jpg

This would serve multiple purposes:

[*] Allow a simpler, voluntary bandit/survivor identification system. Generally speaking, bad guys wear masks. Chances are if you're donning a face mask, you're up to no good, you know it, and are proud. It fits the bandit appearance and general feel. With an armband, you'd have the same ambiguousness of a survivor outfit.

[*] Allow clans and factions to more easily self identify. "People in our clan all wear orange arm-bands." In a group conflict, chances are you can hold your fire at people w/orange arm bands.

[*] If bandannas are lootable, this allows infiltration into groups. Assassinate a member, steal his band, relish in their momentary indecisiveness.

[*] Meanings for different colors could evolve over time.

[*] Plausible trading unit. Specific colored bandannas are some of the only possible items that some groups could need but not others, while being less common than tin cans and bottles and without use as a survival supply.

[*] Makeshift bandage?

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This would be great!

Thanks for the support!


Even better if player can specified theses color hum? =]

I was thinking that, but I feel like making it a challenge to find your clan's colors is more realistic and adds some authenticity to the whole deal.

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Good news,Rocket already said there will be armbands ingame to distinguish factions. There is unfortunately a problem that its fairly difficult to add, so it will take time. I definitively support this idea

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This would be great!

Thanks for the support!


Even better if player can specified theses color hum? =]

I was thinking that' date=' but I feel like making it a challenge to find your clan's colors is more realistic and adds some authenticity to the whole deal.


yeah but you'll end up with no team building system at all. People will just have all kinds of colors for fun.

Think of it like gang tattoos. You don't need to 'find' a tattoo, just tell the artist what the design should be and he'd make it for you.

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Yeah, but you also can't magically transmute a rag into whatever color you want.

Teams w/discipline may want uniforminty in their ranks. Ragtag groups of survivors may not care.

And I'd heard that rocket was considering arm-bands for identification. I figure arm bands plus face coverings allows for a little more flexibility.

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Yes we want to be able to identify friendlies in our groups, everyone wearing the exact same outfit doesn't quite cut it

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Yes we want to be able to identify friendlies in our groups' date=' everyone wearing the exact same outfit doesn't quite cut it


Especially on servers without nametags, which sucks because nametags are awful.

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I wear some nice color shades in game and changed my face in game. It seems like everyone uses the default face, accessories, and voice.

They have like 10 different eye wear choices, and what seems like 70 faces.

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I have an idea for the DayZ Mod. In the way of Arm Bands,


White arm band for friendly players,

Black for bandit Players,

Green for group/clans Players.

Red for a group/clan player that turns on other group/clan members.

It will help players identify other players in the game without having to chat.

Whats your thoughts on this.

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That people will wear a white arm band and still shoot on sight. Armbands though, good idea, but not easy for him to implement. Maybe in ArmA 3.

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Arm bands would be cool but it should be up to the person or group to choose which ones they want.

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Everytime people suggest arm bands, I draw the same arm band in paint, but I always end up deleting it again.

Anyways here's the arm band I usually decide not to post:


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The idea is that the arm band colour depends on your actions in the game,

So if you are friendly you stay on a white band, but if you shoot a friendly your

arm band changes colour to Red, then black depending if you keep killing players.

To get your arm band back to white you would have to convince players you will not

shoot them, then after a period of time your arm band would return white.

Groups clans that work together over a period of time would go from white to green bands. think you get the idea. :)

just my thoughts here.

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I think its a good idea but not the whole "tagging" the good and bad players.. COME ON FFS there is no way this would happen ! It would take away from some of the anonymity and BALLS of what makes the game. It defenetley sucks getting killed by some arse fuck bandit/masturbator but I beleive it would still take something away from the game that we all love.

Seeing everyone identified with different colours kinda defeats the whole " damn zombie wasteland, can i trust this survivor prick " feel

I beleive it would just have to be something nice and basic implemented for you and your crew members to wear to save from fucking shooting eachother with all the buggy player model bs that goes on !

Good idea, just not the " im on this colours team " idea ^_^

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I suspect this idea (if ever implemented) is going to have to wait for Arma3 and its new uniform/gear system. Arma 2 would probably require a different model for every permutation of character + armband (unless some kind of tricky coding was used like coding the armbands in a similar way to backpacks, undoubtedly a fuckton of work for a workaround).

Not to dismiss the idea, it does have some merit. Its just probably going to be tough or impossible to introduce on the Arma2 platform.

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Dear OP. Could you please use the search function before you make a suggestion next time? I've seen three other threads discussing this same idea in the exact same fashion as you have suggested.

Thank you for your time.

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Everytime people suggest arm bands' date=' I draw the same arm band in paint, but I always end up deleting it again.

Anyways here's the arm band I usually decide not to post:


What does the F mean?

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Well, a colour, not a design, and it should be fine.

Armbands, bandanas, whatever. Especially if they are "By choice". Yeah, all for it.

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