Carbon (DayZ) 10 Posted October 5, 2012 How about fix the issues that are breaking DayZ for the legits.Honestly, do that before adding some assbackwards content thats going to just introduce more exploitable bugs. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eviljezza (DayZ) 39 Posted October 5, 2012 A chainsaw, needs fuel to run but very very deadly in melee. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted October 5, 2012 (edited) Seperate melee action, for unarmed and armed(strike, riflebutts, bayonets, pistolwhipping).Bayonets for rifles(AR, AK, Lee Enfield, toptier combat shotgun).Knifes(tactical, fishing, hunting, bowie, swiss, small knives mostly for ulility, larger for weapons).Pitchforks(longer reach).Axes(fireaxe, wood axe).Sledgehammer(oh yeah).Baseball bat.Rusty claymore(very rare at castles).Crossbow(new, with scope).Crossbow(old version without).Modern compound bow(think rambo).Improvised bow(requires axe, knife, animal intestines).Improvised arrows(axe, knife, string, chicken feathers).Improvised alarms(string, used cans, bottles, smokegrenades, flares).Improvised traps(handgrenades, pointy sticks).Walter PPK(modable, suppressor).Markarov(w/wo suppressor).Browning Hi-Power handgun.Revolver(black).Revolver(snub nosed).Revolver(sexy version, modable, crome, long barrel, flashlight, cco sight, loud!).Double-barreled shotgun(over-and-under).Remington 870(without flashlight but modable).Remington 870(black version, with wooden stock).Remington 870(grey, wood stock).M1014(modable).Ichita 37(grey, wood).Ichita 37(pistol grip, front grip, black).Mossberg 570(top tier, black, heatshield barrel, modable: holo, flashlight, melee bayonet).Masterkey attachment for M4/M16 variants(shotgun instead of 203 grenadelauncher).Pumpgun animations.Cz550(without scope).Remington 700(with, without scope, wooden stock).Remington 700(with, without scope, black stock).MP5A5(integrated flashlight, rare).MP5(modable, cco sight, old-fashioned long suppressor).Parka(Bright, increase dehydration in daylight).Parka(Camo, Army, Navy<-dark blue for nights).Light clothes(decrease temperature at night).Civilian rain clothes(bright colors, red, yellow, greem, easy to find).Military rain clothes(subdued colors, grey, army, black, rare).Wetsuit(little-to-no temperature loss in water).Life-jacket(ability to carry main inventory/rifle while swimming, but not backpack).Army poncho(military spawn, possibly decrease aiming while walking, turn backpack into floating device(think river crossing), allows swimmer to fire rifle poorly).Chernarus-plus(few more islands, harder to reach islands)Chernarus-plus(winter textures).Wither clothing(warm, hoods, gloves, bright colors, grey, white). Edited October 5, 2012 by Dallas 22 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Major Asspain 2 Posted October 5, 2012 Make a system where you can add scopes, silencers, handles, flashlights etc to guns so you can fully customize them and make a simple hunting rifle into a silenced inferred rifle. But once again the rarity of the spawns should be considered. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoeySTM 4 Posted October 5, 2012 Just out of curiosity will any short clips be put up before release showcasing some of the features added to the standalone? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted October 5, 2012 Repair Truck.1 per server should do the job. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvtjace 37 Posted October 5, 2012 Hey, just first off I don't use redit and the other forum thread on here is full of people talking trash about “Fix hackers blah blah”. Iv been writing this over the last few months and Il post it up now, I will slip it in and a mod can repost it elsewhere if they feel like it. My opinion is a mix of my friends and mine after 4 months together on this game.Cheers Pvt JaceREMOVALS FOR STANDALONEAny .50 Cal RifleAny Thermal RifleUnlimited usage of a GPS or NVGNo barbed wire inside buildingsNo tents inside buildingsIDEAS FOR STANDALONE3 Hr Battery life NVG, NVG Use battery which can be found.5-6 Hr GPS Battery lifeAny car can be stripped of parts with tool kit.Any car can have fuel stolen from.Torch can be used with any sidearmTorch is applied to tool slot not secondary slot.Torch light attracts Infected.Infected numbers are multiplied by 2/3x inside of Large cities & Military campsDehydration leads to passing out or blurred visionLarger amount of fixable and drivable carsLarge amount of bikesSmall Light airplane added as drivable.Ability to drag dead bodiesGenerator with flood light ( fuel powered )Personal NotepadCooked meat rancid after one weekColored Hats, Shirts, Pants for initial survivor so we can identify each other.Faster boatsFar more boatsFishing docks have tuna can lootRun Speeds with backpacks variable.Camo netting throw over for carsMore Bin firesMore major towns towards centre and far corners of mapLess Kamenka spawn rates-Last but not least: The ability to hide a bag on the ground like a tent, to allow users to leave valuables behind before entering towns. Wiped after server restart if not claimed.- 30 Second log out timer for disconnect --ITEMS & WEAPONS FOR STANDALONE-- GENERAL- Flare handheld, Flare gun, Small Firecracker, Pipe bomb, Molotov, Walkie Talkie Set 1kmWire Cutters, Repair toolbox, Smoke grenade, Tear Gas, Gas Mask, 3Hr NVG Battery, Bricks.TRAPS-Bear Traps, Tank Trap, Barbed WireBACKPACKS-Standard small, Standard Medium, Standard Large, Camo Medium, Camo LargeWEAPONRY:START UP- Hatchet Axe, Baseball bat, Shovel, Pick Axe, Small plank, Small Pipe, Kitchen Knife, Hunting Knife, Machete, non-camo camping tentMID RANGE--Pistols: Makarov PM M1911 Revolver-Hunting Bows: Compound & Long bow-Hunting Rifles: CZ550 Blaser R8 Sauer 202 -Combat Rifle: Lee Enfield-Shotguns: Double barrel shotgun Winchester 1866HIGH RANGE--Storage: Camo Tent-Side Arms: PDW G17 M9-Military grade Scoped Rifles: SV98 M24 SV Dragunov DMR -Military grade Battle Rifles: M14 M14 Aim-Military grade automatic Rifles: M4A1 M4A1 CCO M16A2 M16 FN-FAL M4A1 Holo -Military grade automatic LMG: M249 Saw MK 48 Mod 0-Military grade automatic SMG: All current Dayz Mod variations.-Military grade Shotguns: M1014 Remington 870-Rebel grade automatic Rifles: AK-74 AKS-74U AKM-Attachments: Silencer attachments for M9 M4A1 PDW MP5-Explosives: HE Nade, Ball bearing Charge, Land Mine, Satchel Charge, Roadside IEDCheers fellas. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
traumaplayer 5 Posted October 5, 2012 How about a GPS tracking device? Should be pretty rare but would add a whole new dimension to taking vehicles, you never know if the guy you stole it from is tracking you down. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kichilron 8550 Posted October 5, 2012 (edited) On 10/5/2012 at 12:39 PM, vacalouca said: I would love melee system worked well, be free to use simple things like a stick and stones, hitting and throwing objects, I feel powerful when using my hands to create chaos in the apocalypse lolFeel the power: I'd really love to go a bit more in this direction: Edited October 5, 2012 by kichilron 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thoxon 26 Posted October 5, 2012 Rocekt, I'm wondering with the new inventory system if you are going to change how we interact with the enviroment through the middle mouse button. we sort through loot, apply blood transfusions,..etc. It's one of the biggest turn offs for the friends that I've tried to get into this game. And even for myself, a dayz hipster so to speak, I think it should be changed as well. It can be very janky when trying to pick up a backpack when it's surrounded by other items. It's pretty cumbersome. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeppa 562 Posted October 5, 2012 (edited) I need my gun with bayonet. or some other mean of not killing someone, rope or something to tie people. Edited October 5, 2012 by Zeppa 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deathrush 37 Posted October 5, 2012 Keep in mind that all of these are just ideas. I see a lack of crappy middle-ground weapons in the game, and most of my ideas are along those lines. It seems like there shouldn't be such a leap to go from a winchester to an AK-74 with Kobra sights. So middle ground weapons would be nice, especially since the military ones will be few and far between in the standalone.Before I list any weapons, I would like to say that there should definately be some really crappy WWII weapons laying around in chernarus. Stuff like Thompson(.45ACP), Sten gun, PPSH, M1 Carbine, Mosin Nagant, Mauser....etc. These weapons stay around for awhile, and would be cool to use. You could make them really crappy from the age of them and be not durable, but occasionally have one spawn in pristine condition.....just an idea.BowsCrossbow - Increase the range slightly, maybe attachable scope. Definately needs better iron sights.Longbow - Make range better than crossbow but not as long as the compound bow.Compound bow - Best bow, effective up to like 200-300meters, but requires "lobbing" arrows at that range.Quivers - Just make a quiver using the clip mechanism in-game. One quiver contains say 5-10 arrowsand equals one "clip" for the bows. Make bolts seperate than arrows. Quiver of bolts/Quiver of arrows. Arrows craftable by combining scrapmetal and pile of wood, if you have a toolbox.MeleeFashioned stick- a big spear made from wood. Right-click wood pile and have "Fashion into spear" as an option. Also have the option to fashion it into pungi sticks if possible. Less effective than bear traps but have a 30% chance to break legs. Must have some sort of knife to fashion.Pitchfork- Do it.Entrenching Tool (Unfolded) - Same mechanic as moving axe from inventory to weapon slot.Hunting Knife - Same as aboveMilitary Knife - Can be used for melee or thrown. More damage than hunting knife.Bowie Knife - Big knife with longer reachLong Katana - I know this is silly, but you can't tell me that not one guy in all of chernarus isn't some loser sword collector who never gets laid. Make it super rare. I know if I found one I would carry it in my backpack and use it for CQB instead of my pistol. Would also be great for slaying attack speed, good reach, quiet, and looks pro.Tomahawks- nuff said.Pistols.22 Pistol - Quieter than makarov. Low body damage, but still one headshot kill.Old revolver - Think wild west, worn out and damaged from years of use, but better than nothing. Probably won't last past 5 or 10 clips.Glock 18 - fully auto like the PDW, does more damage than PDW but harder to control spray. Fires fast in full auto.Browning .45 High Power handgun - Better than current 1911/revolver. Better range but louder.44. Magnum - As loud as a double barrel shotty, but ultimate player killer for bandits. Slow fire rate, long range, high damage. Possible to find with attached scope or to attach a scope (Not sure if your doing spawned in attachments or what, would like to know this if you can Rocket)Desert Eagle (Chrome, Gold, or Black) - This is just me being selfish. I would love to have some better "endgame" pistols, and if I found a black desert eagle, I would cream my pantalones.Flare gun - Common noob loot. Used to make Dayz more appealing at night. On my server, it will go from 40 people to about 3 once it gets dark. Maybe alleviate this a little by making road flares shootable with this pistol, and make the flares kind of hang in the air for up the area. Shooting zombies will light them on fire when within a certain range. Maybe same for players.ShotgunsOver and under Shotgun - Like a Citori model. Better range than a Double-Barrel with slugs due to better sight picture and barrel alignment. I use one of these bird-hunting, definately a masterpiece.Sawed-Off Double Barrel- You know you want it. Crappy range, big spread when using pellets for killing multiple zombies. Able to make Double Barrel into Sawed-off using Toolbox.Tactical short-barreled, like a benelli or something.SPAS-12 - Military grade shotgun. Best one, better than m1014. Keeps shotguns viable even with well-geared players. Really fast fire-rate (for a shotty).Rifles.22 rifle - Iron sights, no scope, good range. Uses same ammo as .22 pistol. Your usual family varmint gun.Scoped .22 rifle - 6x scope, not made for long distance sniping, but still has some range on it. Make the rifles do more damage than .22 pistol, but still only 1 shot kills can be achieved in the cranium..270 - Basically what the CZ550 is, but I would like to see different models of hunting rifles in the game. Make it Chrome with synthetic stock to change it up. Scoped and non-scoped variants available..30-06 Lever-Action - Everytime I get a winchester I am pretending I have one of these. Iron-sights, good range, decent fire-rate, durable, sexy. No scopes can be attached..30-06 Hunting Rifle - Scoped, bolt-action.Muzzleloader - Even today people use improved muzzleloader models for hunting. Ironsights or scoped. LONG LONG LONG reload time. EXTREMELY powerful but requires super long reload, maybe incorporate the gunpowder and bullets but seems like too much trouble for one rifle. I'm thinking make this the most powerful rifle next to the AS50, but you have to deal with its terrible reload time if you want to use it. Make bullets semi-Rare.M40A5 Camo- It's already in the game, it's already ghillied up. Use it. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want a sniper rifle in the game that has ghillie on it, and has a 12x scope. I was so excited to use the SVD when I finally got one b/c it matched my ghillie suit, made me less detectable, and had a built in rangefinder in the scope. Much to my dismay I found out that it doesn't have a full 12x zoom. I understand the PSO-1 scope isn't meant for super long range sniping, but if you have a sniper rifle made for people who are wearing "sniper clothes" give it a SNIPER SCOPE. Sorry for the rant, just really like the camo'ed rifles and would like to see a legit scope on one of them. Until then I will stick to my M24. I have 2 AS50's sitting in my tents with plenty of rounds, but I'd rather use something more realistic and practical. I like the sleek accurate M24 with zero'ing and 12x scope....just wish it had ghillie on it.SMG'sTech 9- Crappy POS that gangsta-wannabe's like to tote around. Think the "Makarov of SMG's". Cheap and very unreliable much like the idiots who carry them around. Uncommon, but probably better off with a shotgun or .22 rifle....:-DIMI UZI - The full sized UZI, not the Mini or MICRO versions that Hollywood has glamourized. The full sized honking chunks of steel that could almost equate to an automatic rifle. Military drop, pretty rare, full auto.Steyr TMP - Please no MP7's. My personal favorite SMG IRL except for the MP5A2 with folding stock. Can be silenced. 9mm so can take advantage of all the 9mm mags like the glock 17. Possible secondary weapon maybe?Assault RiflesI honestly like the selection of current military rifles in the game, I just think some balancing issues need to be addressed concerning damage to players with certain rifles, but I already know Rocket and his awesome team are working that out. I do have a few ideas thought IF they were to add more.AK-47 - ChernaRUSSIA! Any game that has guns in it that doesn't shoot lasers has an effing AK-47 in it. And this game is supposedly set in RUSSIA!!!! I really would like to see this weapon.Steyr AUG - Not the new version. The old Counter-strike version with the foregrip and crappy scope.IMI GALIL - Crappy low-end assault rifle. Probably make it as effective as the L85 is now....CRAP.LMG'sRPK - fits the setting, and would be nice to get some middle-ground LMG's at sites other than helicopter crashes. Can use other AK-type mags.Pecheneg - My personal favorite probably b/c its my No. 1 weapon in BF3. Just need more russian stuff in the LMG department.L86 - Its in the game, and again one of my favorites IRL. This is a great middle-ground LMG. Smaller clips than most LMG's but more accurate at full auto than most as well.ToolsFirst-aid kit - Holds 1 of each medical item in-game except bloodbags. Can refill used items. Saves space in inventory from medical crap.Toolbox - Definately increase the uses of this. Make a Double barrel shotgun into a sawed-off, sabotage vehicles, can open locked "chests", Remove glass from stores quietly, pull out lodged bullets in players, Needed to apply attachments to any weapon.Night-vision - Batteries....nuff said.Flashlights - Shoulder-mountable or tactical carry with the pistol so you can aim and shoot. Change the lighting when up close to things, right now it is terrible being close to something with your flashlight. The beam should'nt just disappear.Signal mirrors- Develop a signal diagram for players to use. 2 flashes = Query, 3 Flashes = Don't come near...etc.Animal Traps - Once set they stay in the same spot even through server reboots. Have a chance to spawn raw meat after one day cycle or 12 hours. Once meat is harvested the trap is removed, or you can clean it with water to reuse it. If you don't clean it you could get infection from your next meat.Notes - Someone already said this, but it would be nice to put a piece of paper on a tree that is pretty visible to someone. Have a set font that looks like handwriting and we could type in what we want on it when we set it up. Have them last until the next rain. After raining for 5 minutes the paper will disappear. Unless its inside a building. Make notes something that is permanent through server resets. Imagine going into Elektro and there is a whole wall of notes from people over the "years". You get frustrated and rip them all off, or you can write your own and add to it.Lamps - Sick of flashlights retarded tight beam and no ambient light from it. Use lamps, carry in one hand and pistol in other. Make lamp fuel a semi-common drop, if you can't find lamp fuel you can use chemlights but doesn't light the area as effectively, plus u can customize your lamp color that way. Flares in lamps is silly, don't even try. Can set lamps down in a room so you can loot.Energy Drinks (Monster, Red Bull, Rockstar) - Can SPRINT (Double tap "w") without slowing down for say 5 minutes. Used to get the hell outta dodge from players or zeds. Uses up your food meter faster though. Too many energy drinks within so long, and you pass out OR you can just make them fairly rare.Breathing Strips or Chewing gum - You only get 50% as out of breath as normal when running and recover from it twice as fast when stopped.Cigarettes - Multiple uses, light with box of matches. Can be broken down and chewed to remove shock. Light signals at night, think fireflies. Some cool effect when smoked, like improved accuracy by 20% for 10 minutes. Plus it would be funny to walk in to elektro firehouse and there is just some dude sitting there smoking.Fuel Siphon Kit - Basically a funnel and hose. Make it an item, not something in the toolbelt. Spawns in industrial areas. Can siphon fuel from someones vehicle into jerry cans. Could also make it a requirement to getting fuel from tanks into jerry cans. I think Takistan life already has these, maybe talk to the devs there to get the scoop on it.Scrap Metal - NEEDS MORE USES. Armor up vehicles, fashion weapons using fire, make arrows by combining with pile of wood.Camo Nets - Cover up vehicles, and make the netting look alot like something in the environment, not something that makes the vehicle stand out even more.Tents - Needs an inventory screen that shows amount of space left for what items. Maybe make them better camo'ed. Combine camping tent with bear trap to create decoy tent that causes broken leg when looked into. People with toolboxes can tell if it is trapped or not.Sandbags/Barbed Wire/Tanktraps - Need someway of changing the coding for these to validify the fortification of buildings. Like when the player dies that set them up, they disappear. Idiots fortify firehouses, get killed, and now nobody can loot the firehouses for days until soemoen with a toolbox undoes them....really aggravating. Also make it easier for you to cross your own fortifications.Player Skins.Telling the difference b/w heroes and bandits is hard right now. I've been killed by so many "heroes" recently it is rediculous, and I have survivor skin. Make humanity score way more permanent, and not exploitable. If I see a hero, I want to feel comfort and safety and not be afraid to run up to him and ask for help. Unless he decides he is done being a hero of course....then im screwed. I think the clothing changes for bandits/heroes should be in tiers. If your "kind of" a bandit, then you get some slight changes, but if you are on sniper hill in Elektro for the next 3 days, Your gonna be the most banditty looking bandit ever. I don't know what all of the clothing changes are going to be, but I know Rocket said there is a lot more options, and I really hope that it will allow us to still look badass, whether we are bandit, survivor, or hero.Also, there is a huge problem with telling if a person is bandit/hero if they are wearing any other type of clothing such as a ghillie suit. Maybe make two different types of ghillie. Slightly different model for each bandit/hero. Bandits look kinda of darker brownish with stringy like ghillie on them, and hero's get the one we have now or improve it. Make survivors different too. Should be able to tell the difference. 13 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skin69niks 72 Posted October 5, 2012 I see a lot of ideas posted here and everyone seems to have a different opinion about most things, making the old adage "you can't please all of the people all of the time" glaringly true. I would like to see thermal removed, that is my only request with regard to weapons. Lock up the game from hackers as much as possible and I will enjoy whatever new ideas you and your team come up with. Thanks Rocket, I have sincerely enjoyed my DayZ experience and will support the new game as soon as it is commercially available. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Burt_Reynolds 15 Posted October 5, 2012 duct tape clips together will take one slot instead of two 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heiduk 265 Posted October 5, 2012 On 10/5/2012 at 12:04 PM, rocket said: I've been working on the new inventory system.Bricks are being shat.Don't make it to streamlined. Someone recently made the excellent point that as clunky as the current system is it adds an important element of additional pressure to situations where you are already time limited.I don't want to loose my rifle because I didn't have space for it in my bag but I also don't want to be able to field strip it and attach the holo sight, M203, and suppressor that I just picked-up in 10 seconds while zombies are streaming through the door. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daze23 549 Posted October 5, 2012 I don't think we need a bunch of redundant melee weaponsit seems most people would like to see some sort of weapon attachment system. that sounds cool, but it should have realistic limitations. for instance I shouldn't be able to use a pistol silencer on my sniper rifle. and it should take time, unlike the on-the-fly system WarZ copied from Crysis 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ju Ju Bean 6 Posted October 5, 2012 (edited) On 10/5/2012 at 11:59 AM, rocket said: I'm looking at somewhere between 50-100 new items over the development from the alpha release onwards so there is a good opportunity now to get the recipe right.50-100 new items on top of the items currently in the mod or starting from scratch? The latter, I hope, as there are too many weapons in the mod at the moment. I'd rather have few but balanced items than a ton of pointless or overpowered gear.Please keep it smart. :( Edited October 5, 2012 by Ju Ju Bean Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icomrade 201 Posted October 5, 2012 (edited) On 10/5/2012 at 8:15 PM, Ju Ju Bean said: 50-100 new items on top of the items currently in the mod or starting from scratch? The latter, I hope, as there are too many weapons in the mod at the moment. I'd rather have few but balanced items than a ton of pointless or overpowered gear.Please keep it smart. :(There's like a total of 15 weapons in DayZ...Any who, I'd vote for an HK416 or HK417, I'd settle for an MP7A1 (because we need some high-end sub machine guns). Edited October 5, 2012 by icomrade 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hawc 63 Posted October 5, 2012 On 10/5/2012 at 8:15 PM, Ju Ju Bean said: 50-100 new items on top of the items currently in the mod or starting from scratch? The latter, I hope, as there are too many weapons in the mod at the moment. I'd rather have few but balanced items than a ton of pointless or overpowered gear.Please keep it smart. :(Variety is good so you don't just see every person with the same weapon. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ju Ju Bean 6 Posted October 5, 2012 On 10/5/2012 at 9:19 PM, icomrade said: There's like a total of 15 weapons in DayZ...Any who, I'd vote for an HK416 or HK417, I'd settle for an MP7A1 (because we need some high-end sub machine guns).There are 40+ weapons in DayZ not counting the hatchet and the crowbar and many of them are pointless. How many different versions of ak74 and m4a1/m16 do you really need in a game? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Karlhu 7 Posted October 5, 2012 (edited) -Clothing with effects e.g. waterproof clothing to stay warm during rain, thermal clothing for night, leather jacket to take slightly less damage from sharp melee weapons, rare bullet proof vest, helmets/knee pads and such for better protection against blunt damage (rare riot gear to tank/hold of zombies?)-Rope. A multipurpose item. Some uses could be to tie players/zombies, make tripwires/traps and alarmsystems, climbing and tying splints-Longer range melee weapon like fork or spear made of wood-Lighter that you can fill at fire stations as a more valuable option to matches. Maybe a flint?-No thermal weapons, .50 cals or range finders(since there's no wind effect sniping has to be made harder than it's in the mod)Also silencers and military grade weapons should be very rare and hard to obtain. Something only a well organized group or clan could get their hands on, and maybe occasionally experienced and lucky individual.Hunting gear, police gear and WWII weapons that people have in their homes should be the more common "high tier" Edited October 5, 2012 by Karlhu 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mitor 176 Posted October 5, 2012 (edited) Adhesive tape.It could be used to attach a torch to a gun, it also has medical uses, it can (Temporarily) repair a broken backpack... Edited October 5, 2012 by Mitor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Askeladd 26 Posted October 5, 2012 People need to understand that this is chernorussia we are Taking about, why would an russin farmer have à Thompson??????? Its an russin country in war with america as an participator. Im Sure someone could look up à BUNCH of more fitting Weapons than ww2 stuff as mid Tier Weapons:) remember that the rest of the world aint america..... Next to no one have functioning ww2 Weapons at home exept hunting rifles! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Askeladd 26 Posted October 5, 2012 Srry for spelling, on My Phone and auto cucumber at work;p 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites