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DayZ Redux - DayZ purist focused custom DayZ Mod (Formerly DayZ DIAF)

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any village(Polyana Dybrovka).ok im test more

Edited by Dambaz

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I received another report about a hacker during the night, and it turns out it's the same guy but a different incident.

Aim-X is now banned. Here's where he teleported a few other people on the server:

19.10.2012 05:25:38: Aim-X ( ca1c84ef70285aff63133bc226517bbd - 32:5 [10898,2595,60]

19.10.2012 05:25:38: Aim-X ( ca1c84ef70285aff63133bc226517bbd - 26:530 [10898,2595,60]

19.10.2012 05:25:38: Aim-X ( ca1c84ef70285aff63133bc226517bbd - 36:5 [10898,2595,60]

19.10.2012 05:25:38: Aim-X ( ca1c84ef70285aff63133bc226517bbd - 22:326 [10898,2595,60]

Submitting him to the community ban list.

Aim-X = http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/46403-makcvsdog/

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This mod sounded like every serious dayz fans dream, the purists mod they call it....and I was all ready to get it until i learned that players with established characters are allowed to switch that character complete with gear from the US server to the new EU server.

No matter which way you look at it this makes DayZ Redux a loaded game in the sense that some players are being blessed with an unrealistic and unfair start to their new dayz life, they are being handed a clear advantage over the majority of the servers other players. Hardly something the Rocket man would condone.

Very disappointed to hear this so will refrain from trying the mod. Where can a guy get a pure and fair version of this game?

Hurry up standalone and down with hacking, duping, cheating and server admin abusing everywhere.

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....and I was all ready to get it until i learned that players with established characters are allowed to switch that character complete with gear from the US server to the new EU server.

No matter which way you look at it this makes DayZ Redux a loaded game in the sense that some players are being blessed with an unrealistic and unfair start to their new dayz life, they are being handed a clear advantage over the majority of the servers other players. Hardly something the Rocket man would condone.


How do you think the main hive works that rocket created himself ?

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How do you think the main hive works that rocket created himself ?

just want to play dayz the way he envisaged it, no hacking, no duping and all players starting from scratch, this is why i play private hives, i never heard of a private hive where you can import gear from another hive

EDIT: until now

Edited by Rastamaus
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I fail to see how allowing EU players, who had no option but to play on the US server if they wanted to play, a temporary period of time in which they can transfer their characters over to the new EU server is unfair or "ruins" the mod for you.

[1] About 8-10 people total have transferred in total out of the 400 some whitelistings in place

[2] It's temporary. I am ending support for transfers on Monday.

[3] I *kill* off their US character in the DB, ensuring no gear is duplicated in the process.

[4] Only their inventory is transferred. I did not transfer their player location, so they started on the coast with everyone else.

[5] No vehicles or tents were transferred, ensuring a "fresh" map for all.

As has been pointed out already, Rocket essentially has an "always on" character transfer via The Hive. Brand new public hive server up? Just login and you immediately have your gear you gained from a long running server.

Additionally, by your logic the entire server becomes immediately unfair the second that I, as a player, die. Because now they have gear and I don't. The point I'm trying to make there is - what's the difference between...

[A] logging into a server where someone has gear because they had transferred from another server

logging into a server where someone has gear because they gained it on another server and it's a multi-server hive (like Vilayer's hive or the public hive)

[C] logging into a server where someone has gear because they were playing for hours before you had a chance to login.

In my opinion, nothing. They all have the same effect on your gameplay.

Applying your logic, the only way to make DayZ fair would be to remove the persistent nature of the server. Have the server restart fresh with no characters/tents/vehicles saved every few hours and make sure everyone starts at the same time with the same gear.

I honestly didn't think people would refuse to play the mod because I set 8-10 out of 400+ people transfer (gear only) to the EU server. I'm sure at least half of those 8-10 have since died and lost it all anyway by now. But, you're welcome to your opinion.

Edited by Venthos

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Never heard of Vilayer ?

In the case of DayZRedux it is a one time offer and a one way ticket only.

Those that started out on the US server and lived in the Euro zone had to put up with high pings until the EU server came along.

So we played for a month on the US server. Built up our characters and now we have the chance to play on an EU server with lower pings does that mean we have to start from fresh ?

Hacking and duping are bugs of the Engine. Rocket did infact envisage being able to take your char and your inventory to a different server if you so desire.

EDIT - Venthos got there before me, and with a more thourough explanation.

Edited by 4L4N

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This mod sounded like every serious dayz fans dream, the purists mod they call it....and I was all ready to get it until i learned that players with established characters are allowed to switch that character complete with gear from the US server to the new EU server.

No matter which way you look at it this makes DayZ Redux a loaded game in the sense that some players are being blessed with an unrealistic and unfair start to their new dayz life, they are being handed a clear advantage over the majority of the servers other players. Hardly something the Rocket man would condone.

Very disappointed to hear this so will refrain from trying the mod. Where can a guy get a pure and fair version of this game?

Hurry up standalone and down with hacking, duping, cheating and server admin abusing everywhere.

Christ man you really need to gain some perspective here, let me explain what the deal is here because you don't seem to be able to grasp this at all even after many explanations, so here goes.

Originally there was just a US server that was running and we were all playing on.

There was a big demand for an EU server so Vent was good enough (out of his own pocket may I add) to open one up for us all.

As a one time deal, the players that wanted to move over from the US to the EU server, as a good will gesture, were allowed to have there characters transferred with any gear they could carry onto the random spawn points on the beach on to the EU server with their US character being killed in the process (separate hives for both servers).

That's it, it's a one way deal for a single migration only so people could carry on with their character on a server with a ping more suited to them.

I think you can all agree a perfectly fair deal and hardly anything to have a hissy fit over.

Is that spelled out enough for you? Do you get it now?

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Fuck, how long did it take me to type that? Two of you got in before me damn it.

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No matter which way you look at it this makes DayZ Redux a loaded game in the sense that some players are being blessed with an unrealistic and unfair start to their new dayz life, they are being handed a clear advantage over the majority of the servers other players. Hardly something the Rocket man would condone.

You dumb?

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I appreciate your candid and in depth reply Venthos, you make strong arguments. Allow me to respond to each in turn.

As I said I heve never seen a private hive where it is possible to import gear from another private hive, and as I understand it your US and EU servers are seperate hives.

Of course characters are transferable from public server to public server and from server to server within a closed hive comprising multiple servers as in the one rocket designed originally. I didn't claim otherwise.

My logic does not imply that a player dying creates an unfair situation, my logic implies that one player spawning on the coast with a flashlight and another spawning at the coast with an AK74, a coyote backpack, mp9sd and other things creates an unfair situation. It is the fact that it is possible that pierces the veneer of fairness all games need to maintain integrity.

I see now that this arrangement is meant to help existing players and in no way is it meant to give unfair advantage, that does not change the fact that it does give unfair advantage.

I hear what you say about playing for a month and building up your character but i fail to see what you mean? In DayZ you don't really build up a character, or rather you do, but each time you die he is reset so that holds no water. What we are really talking about is importing gear. And for me at least the knowledge that some players have been allowed to import gear from another hive sticks in the craw.

I shall resist replying to the inflammatory post that follwed 4L4n's as he basically makes the same points as you only less well and with a patronising tone.

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As I said I heve never seen a private hive where it is possible to import gear from another private hive, and as I understand it your US and EU servers are seperate hives.

To stress the point further, each server is separate. If I ever turn up a US #2 or EU #2, they too will be separate databases. I do not plan to run a multi-server hive since I cannot effectively prevent ghosting/server hopping. Think of it like an MMORPG where each server is a separate community.

My logic does not imply that a player dying creates an unfair situation, my logic implies that one player spawning on the coast with a flashlight and another spawning at the coast with an AK74, a coyote backpack, mp9sd and other things creates an unfair situation. It is the fact that it is possible that pierces the veneer of fairness all games need to maintain integrity.

How is this different from if I'm a new spawn (be it first time to the server, or respawned from death) on the US server (where there have never been inbound transfers) and I login to some guy with all that same gear who just came down from his camp to kill people in Cherno/Elektro/etc.? How is he less of an impact on my gameplay than someone who transferred their character? If anything, I'd argue the transferred character is going to bugger off right quick and go try and setup a camp in the north since he cared enough to transfer his character (a lot of people just didn't care enough and started fresh anyway).

I see now that this arrangement is meant to help existing players and in no way is it meant to give unfair advantage, that does not change the fact that it does give unfair advantage.

I guess I just don't see what massive "advantage" they are getting that results in players not playing on the server. At any point in time for *any* DayZ server in existence, you are going to have new spawns and geared players (regardless how they got geared) mingling on the coast. You seem to suggest that unless everybody starts off empty handed within those first few hours of the fresh server being turned up, the server is forever tainted and unbalanced. I just don't see how that's different than if you login 1 month later as a new spawn vs within the first hour as a new spawn. There will always be people more geared up than you. I fail to see how you personally will have had your potential game experience changed. The EU box has been up for several days now. No doubt those 8-10 transferred people have lost their gear by now or that there are many more players who are as geared if not more geared. You won't be able to tell a "transferred" character (if any still exist) vs. a non-transferred player if you play on the EU server.

I hear what you say about playing for a month and building up your character but i fail to see what you mean? In DayZ you don't really build up a character, or rather you do, but each time you die he is reset so that holds no water.

That's kind of my point. Any benefit they got from transferring their gear is instantly lost the second they die. Just like how players die constantly and lose everything they worked for. If all 8-10 players have died at least once since their transfer (and didn't recover their corpse), is the server then balanced again?

What we are really talking about is importing gear. And for me at least the knowledge that some players have been allowed to import gear from another hive sticks in the craw.

Say that I never revealed to anyone that there were 8-10 transferred players on the server (which again may or may not have since been killed). You've mentioned this a deal breaker for you starting up with this mod. Explain to me how you would be aware that there were transferred players on the server and (even if you weren't aware) how it would negatively impact your experience

Thus far the only argument you seem to have vocalized is that they will have more gear than you do. The "on the coast" thing isn't really valid since I haven't transferred anyone in about 36 hours and I doubt they've just AFKd at the coast. So, up north, there's now a few more geared players than there may have been. Say you spawn in as a new spawn at Elektro. How does this now impact your gameplay such to the point you are refusing to try the mod?

That's the part I fail to understand. If it's "there's geared players already there" then I fail to see how this is any different than someone simply dying and respawning. They, too, will have to run into well geared players. If it's "they didn't work for it on this server". True, but they worked for it on the US server which was the same mod. The didn't earn it any less. In fact, you could argue it was harder for them to have earned it on the US server (crammed with US + EU folks at the time) than to have just spawned on the EU server fresh and run to NWAF and farm items.

If you could enumerate precisely how it negatively affects your gameplay, perhaps I may better understand. I'm not really sure if I'm communicating my thoughts on this efficiently, since it appears we both are misunderstanding each other.

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Well, i get your point Rastamaus.

Out of the 8-10 people that have had the transfer, and half of them have more than likely died by now, leaving 5 , it's not vey likely you are going to bump into them on the beach spawning at the same time as you.

The transfer offer ends on Monday. Now if all this transferring stuff and its offer had took place 2-3 weeks ago, im sure it would be completely irrelevent by now. So ... what about you try the DayZRedux mod in a couple of weeks when none of this transferring business will matter anyway ?

I do understand what your saying. It's just I think it would be a shame for you not to try it out if the transferring business was the only thing holding you back.

Venthos has pretty much fixed 99% of the bugs that can be fixed. The other 1% are Engine based so we are stuck with them.

Now Venthos is onto the stage of adding more content including an updated Chernarus.

But if you mind is made up then I hope you find what you are looking for Rastamaus. Best of luck.

P.S. I meant buliding up our characters as in getting better gear for them when I mentioned it im my previous post. :)

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I suppose my reaction was a little over the top, i just feel passionately about this game and was uber excited about your version and was genuinely disappointed when i heard about the gear imports. I guess i'm so used to server admins abusing their power and felt this was an example of that, it isn't and i was wrong.

Of course, having read your replies and digested what you have to say I see things a little differently now, i will be trying your mod and i am sure it'll live up to it's reputation. Thanks for taking the time to talk me through the issue and being thoroughly decent about it all.

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You guys have far more patience than me for idiots, kudos.

people disagreeing with you does not make them idiots

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people disagreeing with you does not make them idiots

Well, you've just admitted you were wrong, and wasted everyone's time, so we'll compromise and go with 'slow' instead of idiot.

Hope you enjoy the mod.

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Well, you've just admitted you were wrong, and wasted everyone's time, so we'll compromise and go with 'slow' instead of idiot.

Hope you enjoy the mod.

nice try, i admitted i was wrong in my assumption that there was something underhand going on, i still believe that all players should start from scratch and that importing gear from one hive to another is wrong.

As for calling me slow, well that is fine with me, i am comfortable with my intellectual capacity and certainly won't be worrying about comments made by someone with your level of linguistic prowess.

As for wasted time I was not alone in having concerns about this, I heard anbout it from someone else afterall, now though the issue has been discussed and explained so all can see that there is in fact nothing to be concerned about, hardly time wasted.

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Just attacked some guys with an Ural at Elektro power station on the US server. They've killed me earlier near Kamenka. (Nice job, Venthos!) Twice I think. Hence I wanted some payback. Otherwise I wouldn't have attacked. I guess that scared them. ^^

Edited by tommes

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nice try, i admitted i was wrong in my assumption that there was something underhand going on, i still believe that all players should start from scratch and that importing gear from one hive to another is wrong.

Dude, with like 5 seconds of thinking one should realize that the impact of a few characters personal belongings would not matter a bit. I for my part wouldn't have offered it in the first place but Venthos seems to be a nice guy and won't put the efforts of his loyal from the start player base to waste. Your conspiracy theory was paranoid from the start.

Now chill, bro! Go hunt those imported gear!

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