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M240 or SAW?

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I would use M240 for the damage/damn cool tracers! (Light up the night)

But then again i would also use the M249 for it's big ammo, smaller agro radius.

Ughm, hard choice isn't it? I'm going to have to go with the M240.

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It really is. I love the range and power of the M240 but the SAW is quieter and holds more ammo.

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M240 due to the massive amount of damage it does in PvP situations, plus I seem to find ammo for it quite often.

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SAW. Shoots faster, less recoil, more bullets..

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Ughm, hard choice isn't it? I'm going to have to go with the M240.

i would go with M240 purely because of the longer range and higher damage of it the ammo itself is more common than the 200 round m249 belts and is more efficient in inventory space than stanags even thought the m249 can use them

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I prefer the SAW, the tracers on the M240 are cool though. I find the M240 has a longer range and higher damage but also more recoil. M249 is a lot more accurate especially when moving but shorter range and less damage.

Edited by smasht_AU

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M240 nothing quite as good as saying "get out of my yard" than a GPMG using 7.62mm

M240 for that exact reason!

SAW however is so damn good at surpressing targets because of it's higher rate of fire and i find it slightly more accurate over 150-200m... perfect for a squad to have at least one M249 SAW on them.

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i wonder why the game doesn't have a RPK in it...

Yes, the lack of Soviet machine guns in DayZ has bothered me. Why is there such a variety of western MGs in an east European country, yet not a single Russian MG? I think Arma 2 has PKs, RPDs and RPKs, why didn't Rocket include them?

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SAW is great for mowing down zombies and providing suppression in a squad, M240 is more of a PvP gun due to its high damage per bullet, but always take a Mk48 over an M240, Camo and sight provide major advantages.

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This a complex question. So many different considerations. I'll break it down into two situations and why one is better in the other.

Primarily as a solo surviror you want a gun thats a crutch. The M240 gives you range, suppression and knock down power. You can suppress players, kill Zeds will ease and one hit other hostiles. I pick the m240 because it does different tasks. Want to know what the GMPG stands for? Genral purpose machine gun. I'd stronly argue that anything that performs more roles is better for a solo player.

In a group you want to take the SAW. It carries twice as much lead than the M240 (critical for firefights), you can suppress for twice as long, mow down Zeds, and then if a hostile is out of the effective cone of the SAW your marksmen can engage futher distances. It's called the Squad Automatic Weapon for a reason.

But there is one consideration that I might but above all else. Whatever you're most effective with.

Edited by Trizzo
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Want to know what the GMPG stands for? Genral purpose machine gun.

Clearly it stands for General Machine Purpose Gun

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Clearly it stands for General Machine Purpose Gun

Sh*t...i let slip my secret hacked gun...

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You'll eventally get one shot killed by a douchebag with an AS50 TWS either way, but I enjoy running around with the m240 before that happens - knowledge that you've got the advantage over pretty much anything else. I couple days ago I was heading up Green Mountain when an ATV appeared directly in front of me ridden by 2 bandits. Nothing was more satisfying than pumping rounds into them and watching them fall off on a bloody heap (spoiler - one of them teleported back to me and hack killed me 60 seconds later but it was still fun).

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