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many players are quitting

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Crimson, let me share a story.

I worked with a group of survivors and we saw bandits on the hospital roof, 3 of them sniping in Berenzino.

I shoot and hit one, all three disconnect. We raid the hospital and the tents they were using, they came after us. I managed to kill one, my friend another, and they DCed before they dropped so their bodies weren't there for us to loot. They come back 20 minutes later, fully kitted out with camo and M4A3's. We still stopped them, they raged off and called us hackers before quitting.

What I'm saying is this: Actual Bandits are rare, most are just cowards trying to justify exploits. I can respect a man that kills to survive, that's part of DayZ, but I can't abide a man that sprays you down and DCs to avoid zombies, comes back, then loots your body, says "thanks for the gun fag" and DCs again.

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Virfortis.... Those are REAL ugh.... Not sure what words to use..... people have come up with many names for those type of people... but they are FAGS.... and shouldn"t be able to play the game AT ALL.

I have never DCed in the face of PvP that"s just for cowards and unskillful people who are kitted out really good. Here is a story such as yours....

One day walking in Stary Sobor, I hear three diffrent calibers of bullets firing off. A revolver, a CZ550 and a Makarov... the Makarov stops... being the righteous bandit hunter I am I investigate. I have a Lee Enfield and an M1911 along with a few other intermediate-class goodies. I get shot by the CZ550 and run to cover in a building.... I have 300 blood *I was bandaged* and could have easily DCed. 30 seconds later I pass out. I wake up to hear a revolver shooting at me. I empty one Lee Enfield round into the opponents chest. He falls down with blood oozing out of him, then I die. His buddy is far-away and the man would have bled out. Then I see that the player has disconnected. Now his bud can just walk over.... wait for his buddy to respawn and bandage him.

I hate these kinds of people..... But... if the game is all fair and balanced skill,intelligence,charism, and leadership save you. Eventually the dcing will be fixed.............. Cheaters alone shouldn"t deter you from enjoying the game. Unless it REALLY impacts your fun-happy time.... I will agree 100% that that cheaters mess-up gameplay.

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I agree too, but they're currently what the game caters to. I say currently because I really, REALLY hope that gets fixed. I want to be a bandit hunter too, but there's nothing for it because nighttime is just blind-mode, actually communicating with players is extremely difficult (direct is a poor system, the actual voice doesn't travel at all) and the groups I join with either want to hunt shore-bies in Cherno, or setup some RoE where they get shot before they return fire. Both groups are loud, annoying, and most of them are totally for common exploits like DCing, duping, etc. Ever tried clearing comms with 6 people chatting about nothing relevant? I died before they hushed. It makes me want to stand up and say "where the Hell have GAMERS gone?!"

There's an extreme juxtaposition where players looking for more put their hands up, log out, and wait for more content. When they express this issue? Those that claim to have fun just say to throw flares in cherno and pick off people. When the only way to have lasting fun is to mindlessly PvP, is it really that different a game? DayZ should not be played to win, it should be played to experience. To do otherwise devalues the basic freedoms we were given. We were given true freedom, but the freedom comes with a cost: It must be experienced to feel free. That's what I feel anyways, but I think history backs me up because look at Amnesia. When players stopped gaming the system by turning gamma all the way up and started experiencing it, the whole point of the game clicked and it became a HUGE hit.

I'm hoping rocket fixes this, a lot, but it seems clear to me that the majority of players cannot operate without rails, or they just go off and do what they do in every other game. :-/ I've recommended things from mini-LED lights to a tension system that worked like insanity. But of course, we can't mess with the "bandit" way of life now can we? :dodgy: I don't believe in forcing others to play a style any more than you do, but it seems to me that the only reason the general populace whined about rails is because they didn't want to see them, not about trying to break out. I speak only from my experience, which has been very poor, so I may be completely wrong, but I don't see DayZ, not the DayZ that became popular.

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It's all a matter of opinion.

IF the game keeps going in this direction, i'll probably quit someday too.

Like i said, it's my personal preference, i started playing because i wanted to kill zombies, gather weapons, ammo and supplies, and meet with other people that are doing the same thing.

All i see now is people shooting each other, hiding in bushes or inside buildings, they kill you and they don't even loot your body, killing for nothing.

People who say "this is not the game for you", "stop crying" and stuff like that should at least respect the opinion of someone who thinks that way.

When it happens to you, you know how you feel.

I just hope that when the mod is 100% finished, that the game will have a solid purpose, that it doesn't turn in to a new counter-strike with a 255km² map.

The fun factor is important, after all we are here to play a game and have some fun in the end of the day, i just hope it gets more balanced or something like that!

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Sure smells like the defense force in here.

As it stands now, there is no incentive in this game for anything other than PvP. There is no point in looting or working together. It has become COWADOODY and OP has hit the nail on the head.

What an "experiment"...

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Sure smells like the defense force in here.

As it stands now' date=' there is no incentive in this game for anything other than PvP. There is no point in looting or working together. It has become COWADOODY and OP has hit the nail on the head.

What an "experiment"...


Missing the obvious point that alpha is alpha - also adding features to provide teamwork benefits is much more complex than PvP since it is already a built in feature of Arma.

Try harder.

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ok read some posts. and wil reply to some. I am australian for 1 and cant spell for shit I know and dont care. people who have been banned for hacking said they played for a week liek normal then got bored with the game because it had no purpose and its changed to a deathmatch. so they decided they would hack the game / mod and kill everyone on the ervers, teleport all over the map and kill people all day long. hack weapons in and so much more. what would you say to these people. maybe you didn't spend 3 hours playing it safe and working hard to get all your gear. then get kiled by someone who spawned in after being killed themselves with NVG's 50cal and all the rest and teleport behind you and shoot you. you have been alive for 3 hours he has been alive for 3 mins. does a game like that satisfy you?

BASEDGOD guns rarely break? i doubt you have shot a gun in your life. i am not talking about a weapon like in the game. a real gun bigger then 7.62. if you say they rarely break how about you go ask the army how many weapons they have with a red tag on them.

simulation? there is nothing about this game or mod thats a simulation. simulations are not fun thats why people dont play them. as for more realistic. I thought thats what people are arguing about this game that if you add factions in its not realistic. if it was realistic then the human race would last no longer then 32 mins. look at the average survival rate of a player in dayz. how many deaths do you think are from zombies. in a zombie apocolyps or whatever the biggest threat is zombies. not guys running around finding weapons in every house shooting guys for a can of beans they don't need.

poeple say they kill people to survive. ok thats stupid. does a guy with a DMR, M1911 and full health need to kill a guy with an AK? especially if the guy is running away or a friednly? and blood bags are useless unless you help someone esle and if you do that they tend to shoot you so they get a useless kill point.

15 people quit? thats just I know. times that by 1000 all over the world maybe?

guys who hack really get a life go to the gym or something, learn MMA.

Eddie Silver you say there is only survival. hell I could get a backpack full of beans and sit near a pool of water and hide for 2 weeks easy and survive. does that mean I am the best in the game and I am playing it correct? boring. poeple want a goal.

sounds like there are too many fat guys in here who dont have a girlfriend or any exp in real life situations. survival. I doubt anyone here knows anyone about survival. if you did your comments would be much different.

Dogsbd: good post.

The Wolf: people call this a zombie apocoilyps simulation. simulation to real life is what this is suposto be and I have read plenty of people here say that they cant add some things because its not like that in real life.. ur an idiot.

Rocket: I was and am a soldier. boring 99% of the time? then you were a cook or something. authentic emotional responses? no one has them in this game anymore so the reason why you say the mod is there has failed. shooting someone who is helpless and has helped others and is a friendly person plays on your mind. in fact killing someone point plank who is a combattant plays on your mind. hence PTSD. I saw that in one update fear was enhanced. yes a more realistic emotional response but how about the after effect? fail.

people saying its an alpha. duhh yes and how long do alphas stay aphas for. I am new to these online game things and terms because I am not a fat pale virgin who think I am the shit because I shoot people in games or have a good geared character. I work hard in real life and have a girl you all wish you had I think. I have been told games dont stay apha for very long at all before they are a beta. it was a project that rocket made who seems to be a bloody smart guy who I am sure many of you here wish you could be.

Strongarm Steve: threat? lol you think anyone feels threatened? you are the idiot. expecting way too much. well the last two or 3 months I have been playing its changed. people claim its because its a simulation but rocket clearly said its not. so how about you call the 200 000 others out there its not and its a deathmatch game. Myself any many other like the mod Idea. its very very good but for people to play more and more its going to need more.

Dogsbd another good post. the game contradicts the purpose of the mod in so many ways but they say its not a simulator but other say it is which is why bandits in real life dont change clothes or wear 1 type of clothing. if its not a simulation then add factions in. if it is a simulation then make it more as rocket said it is to be. you cant have half simulation have un sim. then its just like wow or COD

Yak good post

Cpt.Vilja good post. this is what is ruining the game as well. but ist Captain CAPT? in australia it is.

WalkerDown yes thse are the problems. good post and think about the people that have quit and dont even talk on the forum.

Virfortis good post. being killed for a reason yes I dont care if i die then because I will do the same to someone ele. but when I see a new spawn with a mak and I kill him. i think god I am a loser I am a epic gamer with my DMR killing someone who has nothing. just as well i have not done this.

Virfortis good post again

it seems that the only come back is the people have is that its alpha. thsi is not a come back or a shut down or an in your face harden the fuk up noob comment. we all know its an alpha it sais it when we download it. if you missed it go back to the home page you cant miss it. My point is that the game play has changed. and like many other people I have read here its all the same thing. killing people is fun but I only find fun in killing bandits or killing someone with sweet gear. otherwise I feel like a 10 year old skinny pale kit with glasses who wears a head set playing death medal in the background with a fully suck name like death bringer or something. a fucking pathetic nerd. luckily I am not this pathetic character who doesn't need to make myself look good in a game because I am a loser in real life.

Rocket it is a bloody good mod mate. but it is in alpha and things will get changed we all know that and said that. but for many of us as you see its all the same reasons.

I have started playing again now with the intention of dying in about 20 mins. I run to chern get a weapon and shoot who I think is hostile or a combatant. I have the ugliest weapon and no gear so when i do die i have lost nothing that I cared to collect. then I start all over again and kill someone else who is trying to hide in chern or trick people so they can kill them. but it seems that me doing this is pissing these guys who only want to PVP off. so sorry rocket if me playing like everyone else and killing people who are only there to kill others after they are on a killing spree pisses them off and they quit. good work on the hacker ban as well that was a must for those low lifes

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people saying its an alpha. duhh yes and how long do alphas stay aphas for. I am new to these online game things and terms because I am not a fat pale virgin who think I am the shit because I shoot people in games or have a good geared character. I work hard in real life and have a girl you all wish you had I think. I have been told games dont stay apha for very long at all before they are a beta. it was a project that rocket made who seems to be a bloody smart guy who I am sure many of you here wish you could be.

I was going to give you a constructive reply on how long alpha stages can take when you are a one man team modifying other peoples engine without source code, and how most projects stay in closed alphas for exactly the reasons that people start getting impatient and whine - but then you went on a retarded ad hominem spree and completely voided any worth in any of your critique.

Stay frosty dickweed.

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people saying its an alpha. duhh yes and how long do alphas stay aphas for. I am new to these online game things and terms because I am not a fat pale virgin who think I am the shit because I shoot people in games or have a good geared character. I work hard in real life and have a girl you all wish you had I think.


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ok read some posts. and wil reply to some.


...Well that was a bloody long ramble, but I do agree to the general principle of it, that the game having become "shoot everyone on sight".

But, alas, the realities of game development are that it takes time. Its not gonna be an easy thing to change the fundamental mechanics that make the game both so great and also cause it to slowly drift in one direction. Despite all that, and despite the mod being at some amazingly buggy early stages, it was still rather unique fun while it lasted.

I'm still sticking with the game, but I'm also on the verge of stopping the playing. I probably will try to stay alive with the current character, boringly hiding in the bushes, possibly playing less hours now, and once I screw up and get killed the next time (and hopefully not by a desync bug / someone exploiting), then I think its time to take a little pause. And then I'll probably come back later occasionally to check what has changed in the game and if it has some new adventures to offer.

The game is what it is. It makes sense to give feedback and critique in the hope that it will eventually get better. The flaws get fixed. But it just also needs to be understood that any changes take time, probably longer than most players will have patience for. A little pause from the game every now and then may be a good solution.

The only thing that I find unfortunate, are the new players who are only getting into the game at this stage. I think they'll be hitting head first into a brick wall, if they come to the game expecting something it might have once been. :s

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mrducky good reply and same here with the playing. I only have about 40 DMR rounds left in chern and once I die i think i'll wait for the next patch.

didn;t last long. someone invisible killed me with an MP5 scilenced

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mrducky good reply and same here with the playing. I only have about 40 DMR rounds left in chern and once I die i think i'll wait for the next patch.

didn;t last long. someone invisible killed me with an MP5 scilenced

Yes, I wonder how many other people, the silent majority, download DayZ and expect something more than dying just off the coast. Yet I also have to point out one thing: Yes this is Alpha, but rocket could have done much better on the PR when the popularity hit. He could have told people that yes, this is a big Alpha which means it is nothing like it will be on release.

HOWEVER: Over time I have looked at rocket's posts and seen that this is disturbingly what the final product will be like. There will be no mass increase in zombie difficulty, nor will there be a damper put on deathmatching because this is what rocket wants. I sometimes wonder if he plays his own game, and if so how he can continue to advertise it as a survival mod instead of a persistent open PvP deathmatch world.

Which, and I want to say here, is fine if you want to make. I think that would be a really good idea. I wouldn't play it, sure, but it sounds like it would be fun. Just don't call it a survival game when survival is the furthest thing from everyone's mind. See, I read that there is survival involved, and that it's a hardcore game requiring guts, so I figure the survival is difficult too.

It's all just a matter of being honest, because I don't want to push for DayZ to have harder survival when that's not the goal, and if it's not I don't mind. I'll just go back to Killing Floor or whatever appeals to me.

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rocket works for a software house, he know the business. Do not expect he comes here to tell you what's his real plan (and what's the plan of BIS about DayZ).

Do you really expect that if the intentions of rocket are to make this game more like a traditional FPS, to attract more casuals, because he wants to make much more money from it when it'll be a commercial product; he will come here to post: "hey guys, here's the truth: i'm not a philantropist, you know if i can have some big buks from it .. i'll do so" ... whenever it is the truth, and whenever it is perfectly understably, most of ppl here will be pissed off and we'll scream about THE SCANDAL. DayZ atm is living of players mouth, and mostly because ppl are convinced that it IS different (and it WILL be different) ... if you start to think differently (or if you figure it will be really different = more similar to a traditional shooter) the good words on it will fall down in a couple of weeks and potentially it wouldn't have a chance to being a commercial product.

What you are asking here (know the truth) is utopic, it never happens when (potentially) money are involved.

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DayZ atm is living of players mouth' date=' and mostly because ppl are convinced that it IS different (and it WILL be different) ... if you start to think differently (or if you figure it will be really different = more similar to a traditional shooter) the good words on it will fall down in a couple of weeks and potentially it wouldn't have a chance to being a commercial product.

What you are asking here (know the truth) is utopic, it never happens when (potentially) money are involved.


I just want to know if we're making an open PvP Zombie Survival mod, or an open PvP Zombie Themed Free-For-All

BOTH are perfectly fine, but I keep hearing DayZ is the former, but in-game I can't see anything but the latter. If it's so different, why can't I see the difference in-game?

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DayZ atm is living of players mouth...

Wrong - DayZ is living off of Rocket's willingness to continue development. The mod is making no money while in development, and it won't ever make any money as long as it continues being tied to an Arma title directly.

Leave the entitlement at the door.

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Wrong - DayZ is living off of Rocket's willingness to continue

Why do you believe he's doing so...? :)

A game never lives of itself, a game exists when there's someone playing it.

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Concurrent players right now: 12480

I think this thread got way off topic to lol people are talking about bandit experiences rather then people quitting.

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I don't know if people are quitting.

If ten of this guys friends just quit, ten of mine just joined. I know I got it, and 30+ people asked me my thoughts on it. I said I loved it and One-third of those people went and got it.

Here is my experience with the game.

First major cities and coastline experience will be a harsh learning session. You may make some friends or get frustrated very quickly. Youll learn not everyone is out to help you and its best to watch chat and figure out who is a new player. Helping them is a great way to gain allies.

Keep communication low and to the point, use steam to relay positions.

Eletro is much more friendly and to my experience has better loot- This also means more bandits but they are not often.

When you head up north, You always shoot a enemy player first and ask questions later. Near Military Tents/Barracks/Airfields players will always shoot at you first because these areas have the best equipment and they assume you have it also. If given the chance, they would kill you first. The out of game reason for this also is most likely the people looting these areas are server hoppers.

As you can see, this is a REAL life situation as well. If I was in a military camp and I saw a human survivor. I would very likely be getting shot at because that equipment is dead valuable in this kind of situation.

This Mod is by far very accurate and sets the tone. This is my experience with people quitting and how 'real' life the situation is.

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The whole mod is in alpha testing... not even close to the Beta part. You are expecting too much at the moment. Just things are not going to be close to perfect at the moment and should just stay around and help the alpha testing advance.

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clearly some of you cant read yes we all knwo its an alpha thats old news known since day 1. come up with something new.

as for real life? where are the AI soldiers protecting these camps. in real life soldiers would be the ones alive because they have weapons and civilians dont. if they do soldiers while there is still order in the work have their ROE's (yellow and red cards) if this was any so what as a real life simulation there would be soldiers protecting the camps shooting us and zombies. you really think that civilians would live londer then the defence force? come on really. rocket if you served you would know that is bullshit. sure we would be dispatched and posted and sent out on patrols but what about HQ's and the VCP's or TCP's that would have been set up with coms to the CP. if you served and did any combat training you would know this is nothing like what real life would be.

I know people are throiwing it around its not a simulation so they cant do things but they they say in real life there is no good or bad or bandits. stop contradicting yourself. dont blame me or others who know better because you have no idea in your fantasy world.

you say myself and 10 others quit. 30 of your friends joined. what about the 25000 other people playing that also had 10 people quit. you think everyone one of them had 30 other people join and that these 30 people will play forever and not quit? I know one guy who loved it for a week then the game play changed and hasn;t logged in yet untill more patches are released so the concept of the game is not ruined for him.

reading some of the people post here come on your as ass kisser ro the masses. individuality you have none.

like I said i did enjoy the game while there was some sort of order in it. and not people looking to get the hiughest number of kills in the game. go play COD or something if thats your plan. how about surviving, getting a bus together, exploring. and defending yourselves from the people who want the gear you have and maybe take your bus afterwards. this means the people who want to kill people will join together to get the bus. this means others will join together to get the bus working. this means all round protection, obs on the loc, coms, and teamwork making the game have a gameplay.

am I worng? yes its alpha but it seems that the whole gameplay part has gone backwards not forwards. maybe its all of the 13 year old kids with no pubes who listen to justin beiber and get bullied at school an feel they need to be a killer in a game which ruines it

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as for real life? where are the AI soldiers protecting these camps. in real life soldiers would be the ones alive because they have weapons and civilians dont.

Seems someone else CLEARLY can't read - the military lost. The world has ended. All that is left are the few lucky survivors who hid in bunkers or in attics. The world - is - gone.

As for the weapons - alpha is still alpha. Rocket recently asked the forums on the topic of removing the pistol on spawn.

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dont have to read. it us just unrealistic that the entire defence force is wiped out. in fact they would survive over civilians. we have everything we need in the defence force from infantryman to people that fix sinks to people who do law to people who build web sites. I think AI guards at the army camps would be great. or even zombies that are maybe half infected. tricking you thinking they are alive but then they rish at you will full kevlar and take a whole clip to kill. or maybe they have better hearing so if there is a sniper sitting back on a hill side camping and there just to kill players. as soon as he shoots the infected soldiers turn and run to him from 200m away or more. that will put more of a challenge in to bandits and non bandit players. If people find the game biring why dont they actually try to survive and not kill other players. why because the other player will just kill him because he is sick of being shot by every tom dick and harry he has tried to help.

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This game is not real. It never will be. In the REAL zombie apocolypse, people wouldn't shoot other people because in the REAL world, they have a heart.

Because the game can't be real, it has to at least be fun. Something unrealistic needs to be done about bandits.

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This game is not real. It never will be. In the REAL zombie apocolypse' date=' people wouldn't shoot other people because in the REAL world, they have a heart.

Because the game can't be real, it has to at least be fun. Something unrealistic needs to be done about bandits.


More incentive to kill them maybe rewards? The only way i can honestly think to get rid of bandits is to let players make their own settlements and factions then no one will survive going lone wolf.

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