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We have a noob friendly server!

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Join our Teamspeak 3 Server OR SKYPE @ TMGDayZ for Whitelisting!

Whitelist is OFF DURING THE WEEK We will also Auto Whitelist Players during the Weekdays!


If your Contacting us via Skype @ TMGDayZ there may be a little wait in the response time, we're whitelisting people in flocks.


New Banner had to make a new one



Donator Packages are back,

$2.00 Skin (Soldier, Rocket, Hero)

$5.00 Skin, Side Arm, Backpack (example: M9)

$10.00 AOB + Perm Hidden Base on the Map with Med Supplies

$12.00 AOB + Perm Hidden Base with a Vehicle of Choice Spawn which will spawn each time the vehicle is lost, Basic Weapons Crate/Med/Food.

or You just like our Server. If new comers are wondering about hese weapon creates mentioned our server is like "DayZ on Meth" as it was put to me. Base Warefare seems to be pretty fun! :thumbsup:

Note: These Donor Packages are Perm!

Update: 1/7/2012

Military Zombies will now Spawn in All of the 7 Major Bases and Military Zombies can drop

Soldier Skin, Camo Clothing, M16A1, M9.

Outpost Whiskey now has a Barracks and Barracks have been added to Elek, Cherno and other Towns around the Map.

Also Ammo Crates will Spawn in all of the Major Bases if it's a US Base then US Weapons will spawn RU, RU Weapons will spawn and so on.

Also when Script Kiddies do come in we will Rollback the Server, we have a Deadicated Server Running so our Main Admins can Backup/Rollback. SQL Databases are backed up every 20 Minutes (AUTO) as well as Admins Manually Backing up the Databases.

Update: 12/17/2012

We've have added in over 300! Buildings 7 Major Bases, 180+ Vehicles and even a new major city called Metro. We also have custom spawn points! meaning its actually rare to spawn on the coast now.

When looking at your map you will see the locations of the bases/cities/barracks etc to make it a little easier on you. We also have accepted around 5 clan submitted bases onto our map.

Our Server has been staying Full Pretty much 24/7 and our Admins have been taking care of the script kiddies, that being said we now rollback our server incase one of the script kiddies decide to ruins everyones game play.

Hope to see you on!

Also as the Admin for the Server I live stream while playing, this shows that I'm not a "hacking admin" and it makes it really fun for me and my team due to stream snipers.



We've added over 150 more Buildings to our Map all of which you can enter! We've added 3 new Major Cities! 50+ Barracks, 150 Vehicles, Map Markers, Clan Bases.



image hosting sites




Update: We've added Custom Buildings, Weapons, Increased Zombie Rate. Military Bases & Clan Bases.

Update: We've added custom loot tables!

Update : November 16, 2012

We've updated our Server Once again! We are also running 50 Slots of Pure Awesomeness!

We are Also Adding a VIP Section to our Website for Trusted Donators. VIP Members are Whitelisted Members that will have access to a an active vehicle map (Limited), Custom Loadout 1 Main Weapon of Choice, Donators Skin, Backpack, which the player will respawn with after each death. Note: The Weapons loadout comes with 1 Magizine.


Video of Admin Staff, was Streaming to Twitch.tv forgot that I had it on until midway.


As soon as you start playing on the server you will be given a custom loadout "Map, Alicepack, Beans" which will set you off on your journey. Everyone is welcomed to play. We are a growing community , With active members. Tired of hackers? Admins are online 24/7. Our admins are grown with plenty experience ( top 15 ranked public servers). We have added Police cars to the server! 12 Choppers! 75+ vehicles!!! So its pretty easy to find a ride for our group! Once a week we tend to have a Role playing event. Have questions Join our TS !!!

Noob Friendly Means if you join our Teamspeak other Players will help you out. We also have a "No Shoot if in TS" Rule which if someone is in your Channel and you shoot them all of your gear will taken away.

Clans are Welcome to this Server but you will be monitored.

Players that Donate $5+ towards the Server will Receive a Custom Loadout with either The Hero Skin or Rocket's Personal Skin + a Random Weapon.

Also Trusted Members that donate more than $15 will get a LIVE Vehicle Map, showing you where most of the vehicles are, but don't expect to join our group donate $15 and get this map.


Server IP:


Some of our Rules:

1. Foul language directed toward others will not be tolerated

2. no cheating/hacking

3. No combat logging

Side chat enabled


RESTARTS: Every 4-6 Hours

Server IP | W Port |

Player slots 40

Side chat enabled

Website - Thematuregamer.com

Teamspeak server details


Server name: Mature Gamers (Privatehive | 75 + Vehicles | Custom loadout | 450 Max ping


Loc=*ATL,GA Map=chernarus*, Slots=40*, TZ=off, 3DP=on/, CH=on, NP=on/off, DM=on, SC=on, PW=no, WL=noContact: Thematuregamer.com ()

Wanna play with us After hours?

Goto http://thematuregamer.com


Join Teamspeak 3 @


To Apply!

Also you will not be subject to "Admin Abuse".

If your hacking you will be kicked/banned for the server it's that simple.

if your mic/chat spamming you will be warned 3 times by a Admin then you will be kicked for 1 minute, come back in and spam again you will be banned.

Racism will be a no warning just a simple Kick, and if you rejoin and do it again you will be banned from the server.

The Rules are simple so here they are.

Our only rules is PLEASE

No Hacking Please this kills game growth (Come on guys)

No Mic Spamming

No Racism

Report Hackers to Admins in Side Chat

Just Play the Game for what it is and enjoy it!

When you come into our server just say I'm Friendly in Side Chat and none of the group members will shoot you, unless you shoot first....

Team Speak 3 Info


To Speak in Side Chat

Default is Caps Lock (Left Side of your Keyboard above the shift)

To Type in Side Chat Press ( . ) until it says "Side Chat" then " / " to bring up the chatbox, type your message hit "Enter"

View the Chatlog by pressing " / " & Page up

Edited by zombietampons

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Thanks, i'm at my first experience in DayZ, i've played for about 10 minutes, and the first time i spawn i was setting the video quality and something kill me, so i respawn, hide in a bush to finish the video setting and i was killed again, i respawn a 3 time, i climb a stairs, i fall down and break my leg.

So yes, maybe a server where people help you to survive could be the right choice for a new player.

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So, what's the overall issue when it comes to PVP on this server. I'm totally down for shooting bandits on sight... but is PVP absolutely frowned apon? Does this mean you shoot on sight if you see a "Tree Wookie"? Or someone in Camo Clothing [both of which are items fairly easily obtained ingame]

is this private hive or standard hive?

Anything else you care to add about this server?

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Since sidechat is enabled I'll assume this is a private server.

Moved the Private Hive forum.

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PVP is allowed but we're pretty much friendly, if players want to kill each other then well do it. We as a group have just been helping noobs, teaching them how to play really. If were fired at we will return it.

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Also in DayZ Commander our server is greyed out? Don't worry our Server is up to date with all of the latest builds.

We had a few guys come in last night and they learned alot, even how to steal beans...

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Sounds like just what I have been looking for!

I'm a total noob and have no problems with NORMAL PvP. I hate when someone teleports in behind me with them being invisible or reskinned as a rabbit. I don't mind being killed fairly, but, I can assure you, I'm NEVER worth killing. My big plan to to find a way to survive in the wild, avoiding zombies altogether.

DayZ, for me, is virtual camping. If you find me, I'm friendly, pull a chair up alongside my campfire and have a bite to eat (if I have extra, I'll give you mine). Crazy as it may seem, I don't want any free gear. Finding my own and not using the map is the fun for me.

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Hi, I am brand new to this game and am loving it! However in my first 20 minutes of gameplay I was killed by random snipers, and a re-textured player (he was a deer) so im really glad that I could find a friendly server where I can play the game as I intended, A virtual zombie survival/ role playing game, with of course the occasional skirmish.

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We've disabled Side Voice Chat in the Server and leaving that up to our TS3

Join our Communty Teamspeak 3 Server @ ts53.gameservers.com:9270

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Hi! I just found this post and I've jumped into the server for a quick run around. I was told that the server may go private? If it does does that mean your going to password protect it? If so how do we get permission to join the server or do you have a web site that will require registering first?

I run a Clan and we are all friendly (till shot at) non hacking!!!!!! group. And we need a server with excellent admin scrutiny. Absolutely sick of our vehicles we find being hacked to the other side of the map. (Atleast thats where I think they go)

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Hi! I just found this post and I've jumped into the server for a quick run around. I was told that the server may go private? If it does does that mean your going to password protect it? If so how do we get permission to join the server or do you have a web site that will require registering first?

I run a Clan and we are all friendly (till shot at) non hacking!!!!!! group. And we need a server with excellent admin scrutiny. Absolutely sick of our vehicles we find being hacked to the other side of the map. (Atleast thats where I think they go)

Yes we're thinking of going Private not really sure yet, it will require all of the users to signup and be approved before they will be able to join onto our server. Why? Just to help with the hackers.

We aren't a clan but we will welcome in clans with open arms until they violate our rules, We are not a Clan just Community of people playing the game.

After donations we've purchased a second Server and we're more than likely going to have a

"Noobs" Server & Teamspeak Channel so the new guys can run around learn the game trust each other .etc .etc

"Veteran" Server - Veteran meaning you know how to play the game and we'll would be just regular server possible with a Username List.

You & Your Clan is welcome on our server and we do monitor the server for hackers and have wrote some programs to work with our server to seek out and ban these guys, yes we have our own custom anti-hack that we've created for the game.

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^ This is the important part for me as well. What weapons are in this private hive? What vehicles are up? What's the population like? How many people during peak hours?

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Just logged into the server and the server is connected to the main hive, it's not private. I'm not sure how you got side chat turned on, but this isn't a private hive so it's in the wrong forums.

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Actually it was a Private Hive, and will be a private hive in less than 24hr again. Our host reinstalled our DayZ for us and deleted all of our files updating with the Normal DayZ. We are transferring our host over to viLayer now and should be back private in less that 24hrs. So it is in the Right Forum, Game Servers.com just screwed up our setup.

Edited by zombietampons

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Both of our Servers are ONLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chernarus Server:

Lingor Server: [30 Vehicle Spawn 3x Choppers]

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on the 27th of this Month we are going to a WHITELISTED SERVER ONLY! Meaning you will have to join our TS3, Apply for an account to be able to join our server. This is going to help us battle "Hackers, Spammers".

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Update: viLayer Transferred us over to there Dallas, a Much FASTER Server for our Lingor Map.

Lingor Server:

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