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Trying my best to not stop playing this mod. but its making me.

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im on my 3rd survivor. ive been playing for around a week now. after finally getting myself a good foundation on supplys, tools, weapons, ammo and food i set out and jogged it to the airfield in hopes of finding better firearms. i was lucky and found an AK-74 Kobra in a fire house off the bat and scavenged 8 mags for it. once at the airfield, i didnt find much of anything. i logged out in one of the surrounding forrests near the airfield to go do some RL stuff. logged back on at electro, with my 3 day charactor, with none of my gear. WTF. and its not the first time i logged back in and was tele'd to one of the starter spawns. with this charactor and the supplys i was finding i was hoping to get a tent going on a server, but after reading all the complaints on stuff not saving, whats the point. whats the point to even keep playing this mod? please change my mind.

no sympathy asked for, im just frustrated with how this works. im sure many of you are also. im pumped for the stand-alone, and will def be getting it. i just hope that dosnt go south, as well.

if anyone can refer me to some good servers that youve been playing on with no poblems (no problems with charactors, hackers, logins, your camps, ect..) it'd be greatly appreciated. im anti-hack, and friendly. unless im given a reason not to be.

Edited by Viaticus
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Try one of the private hives you have to sign up and get white listed for.

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Wait 'till standalone. It'll save you from frustration and getting burnt out on DayZ.

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Try one of the private hives you have to sign up and get white listed for.

how would i go about doing this? and thanks for the tip..

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Haha back in my day you wouldn't have lasted 5 mins ;)

hah, how so?

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There are private servers if you look around I'm sure you can find one. There fun to play on but I don't play to survive, so I'm sure that would be good for you.

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Because the average survival time was probably about 5 mins lol.... but seriously, getting the damn thing running was hard enough, but the worst part came when trying to get into a server. Tried for half an hour and finally found one? You were one of the LUCKY ONES lol. Don't even get me started on the shit that went on when you finally got into a game after all that effort :P

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Hey bro check out our server we're pretty much helping out everyone that joins our server and setting them off into the right direction, we also can pick you up or give you a vehicle if you need. Admins are online for the most part of the day/night

US East Coast NY [Mature Gamers Please NO BS] **Side Chat** - [Admins Online] - TS53.gameservers.com:9270


Team Speak 3 - ts53.gameservers.com:9270

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Because the average survival time was probably about 5 mins lol.... but seriously, getting the damn thing running was hard enough, but the worst part came when trying to get into a server. Tried for half an hour and finally found one? You were one of the LUCKY ONES lol. Don't even get me started on the shit that went on when you finally got into a game after all that effort :P


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If you read this post it will save you a lot of headache.

This happens to me about every 6 load ins. Your data has not been lost, the server simply didn't load it in correctly. Quit the server completely, join a different server. Your gear should load up fine. A few times I've had to load up different servers 2 or 3 times in a row, but eventually my gear/location is found and properly loaded.

It is just a server hiccup, no need to panic or get angry. Just promptly quit the server and join a new one. You will get your gear.

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Because the average survival time was probably about 5 mins lol.... but seriously, getting the damn thing running was hard enough, but the worst part came when trying to get into a server. Tried for half an hour and finally found one? You were one of the LUCKY ONES lol. Don't even get me started on the shit that went on when you finally got into a game after all that effort :P

Wasnt like you spawned with a pisto - oh wait

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Because the average survival time was probably about 5 mins lol.... but seriously, getting the damn thing running was hard enough, but the worst part came when trying to get into a server. Tried for half an hour and finally found one? You were one of the LUCKY ONES lol. Don't even get me started on the shit that went on when you finally got into a game after all that effort :P

Back in the old days, no hackers, no clue, took me weeks to figure out kamenka was a bad spawn, found my first ghillie, nek minute, *You're Dead* , First time going to Elektro, ? whats so bad about this, *You're dead*

they were the dayz

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If you read this post it will save you a lot of headache.

This happens to me about every 6 load ins. Your data has not been lost, the server simply didn't load it in correctly. Quit the server completely, join a different server. Your gear should load up fine. A few times I've had to load up different servers 2 or 3 times in a row, but eventually my gear/location is found and properly loaded.

yea i got my gear back a few servers later, not location though... its whatevs.

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To clarify.

The bug that causes people to spawn on the beach with no gear on login, is a known very old dayz bug.

There is no fix for it atm, but some servers are more stabil then others.

If you already feel like the game isnt worth it, after dying 2 times, then i think you should stop mate. Coz you will die alot more and loose all your stuff alot more lol. Thats DayZ.

Facts of life really ;)

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To enjoy the mod as it stands you will need to get used to dying. Sometimes from pvp, other times it will be from bugs or hackers. It's a frustrating game with a steep learning curve. The standalone will be a lot more user friendly although according to Rocket it will be even harder than it is now but with better balance and less chance of dying from random events. It's your call really. I'm not going to tell you that you should enjoy it for reasons A,B or C. The simple fact is it's not for everyone.

P.S - There's some good advice above for finding a server that suits you.

Edited by Fraggle

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I just lost a motorbike, a silenced M4, an SVD Camo and NVGs/rangefinders/GPS to some guy who said he was friendly and wanted a ride felt the need to put an AS50 bullet in the back of my head.

I'm still playing.

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i almost like when i'm teleported without my stuff on the coast..maybe starving or low blood. it wakes me up from my habit to just kill animals and searching deer stands and puts me on some real action

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i almost like when i'm teleported without my stuff on the coast..maybe starving or low blood. it wakes me up from my habit to just kill animals and searching deer stands and puts me on some real action

I know the feeling, sometimes i "choose" to die hehe. just to start over at the beach ;)

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Yup, me and a friend got fully geared the other day, loaded up our pick-up and then drove into Cherno for a suicide mission. We lasted about 10 mins and Cherno was even more dangerous after that for quite a while. We wanted to start fresh just for fun.

It was so much fun I might put a thread up next time to advertise when and where we're going to do it. It'll be a blood bath!

Edited by Fraggle

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Last night we had "chopper wars" on my server :)

awsome aviation battle, both choppers ended up crashed hehe.

but damn it was so much fun.

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Dude, your problem is you're swapping between PRIVATE and OFFICIAL hives. They have their own unique characters. Just filter it to public only (official)

ill try that, thanks for the tip.

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To clarify.

The bug that causes people to spawn on the beach with no gear on login, is a known very old dayz bug.

There is no fix for it atm, but some servers are more stabil then others.

If you already feel like the game isnt worth it, after dying 2 times, then i think you should stop mate. Coz you will die alot more and loose all your stuff alot more lol. Thats DayZ.

Facts of life really ;)

its not the fact of dying, im content with that, becasue its my fault/bad choice/whatever,lol. its the fact that im still alive but nowhere where i left off with none of my gear. (probably 45 mins after posting this thread i spawned on the coast with my gear,was happy, then i died pvp, and thats ok with me. was a good gunfight!!)

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