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HOWTO: Use publicvariableval.txt to auto-kick players with hacked weapons

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Have to say love this new feature, have noticed alot of people getting kicked now for silenced uzi, as50 tws etc....

Anyway was thinking it would be nice if we came up with an abbreviated way to show that we have this running on the server..

Atm i got "Blacklisted Illegit Weapons/Items" in the server name, but that is atad long winded....

That way players can jump into a server, knowing they shouldn't get shot by a snipers with an as50 tws etc

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Awesome - I just got this all added, reloaded events and 2 minutes later got this

18:01:20 Player #3 Hughe G Rection (96476222591ea4689ac5818d0ae5049a) has been kicked by BattlEye: PublicVariable Value Restriction #53

I have 5 commented lines - He was carrying a revolver_gold_EP1 which is on line 59

Works a treat...


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I have added this to our BE install but I can't tell if its doing anything. Additionally we had a player running around with an AS50 TWS which is not in the game.

The file was added to the Bliss>BattEye directory which holds the scripts.txt, scripts.log, bans.txt, createvehicle.text and createvehicle.log.

Am I missing something or is there some way for me to test it?

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Dont forget to log into server via rcon


To get it to reload the file, or restart the server

If u want add the following either line to file to test it out

Will just log the players with either jack daniels or painkillers on them

1 "\"TrashJackDaniels\""
1 "\"ItemPainkiller\""

Once u are happy it works, u can remove the line & loadevents again.

After that, its just a matter of looking for typos in the file

edit:- Hope u updated your files @ http://code.google.c...se/#git/filters

There are afew new filter files for battleye lately

Edited by Torndeco

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I had only legit items on me while driving a vehicle. As soon as i pressed "ESC" I was kicked from the game. I tested this with several vehicles and was kicked as well.

Some of the players on our server complained they lost everything in their inventory when they were kicked inside a vehicle and pressed escape. They spawned again at the same spot, but their inventory as well as vehicle was gone...

Any ideas? Should I just remove all the horns from the list, since it is not a "leathal" weapons?

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BikeHorn is also in the list, and I know I've jingled the bike's horn quite a few times since adding this filter, and I haven't been kicked. I don't believe you should ever have CarHorn in your inventory while using a car.

I have actually seen a player with the item "CarHorn" in his inventory, in the primary slot. It was in my infected lobby a few weeks ago. Also in his inventory was an item called "HellFire". He used this on me while we were playing. It leveled half of the 1km playing area in rapid fire.

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I had only legit items on me while driving a vehicle. As soon as i pressed "ESC" I was kicked from the game. I tested this with several vehicles and was kicked as well.

Some of the players on our server complained they lost everything in their inventory when they were kicked inside a vehicle and pressed escape. They spawned again at the same spot, but their inventory as well as vehicle was gone...

Any ideas? Should I just remove all the horns from the list, since it is not a "leathal" weapons?

I had the same on my server. Any ideas how to fix this?

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If i were u just change the horns to log only i.e 1

or u could just comment it out.

Would be nice to see a log extract if someone has one for when someone got kicked kicked after pressing escape, while in a vehicle.

Edited by Torndeco

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I got kicked for BikeHorn the other night. :-) I didn't think much of it, as within 2 seconds of it, a hacker had just teleported most people to one spot in the server and killed them, and I was just trying to hit Escape and Abort.

Anyway, I've updated my instruction post, removing any Horn entries, as it seems like the horns go into your primary weapon slot when you're in the driver's seat of a vehicle (so you can honk with your Attack bind, and hitting escape likely triggers a hive update that otherwise wouldn't happen.

Edited by Mister_Magotchi
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heh, glad I checked - just updated my eval.txt file.

thanks for the update... had a guy get kicked for a horn last night, twice, banned him for repeats, but failed to check to see what the item was... unbanned him this morning.

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Can someone explaing the publicvariableval-local to me? Also, I took out the car horn and the bike horn after two of my clan were kicked while in vehicles. I double checked their inventory in the logs and they weren't carrying anything out of bounds.

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"publicvariableval-local.txt" is just what I named my file (and put in my instruction post) in which I put the list of hacked item entries (with a line break at the beginning).

Every time my server restarts, as part of the batch file that manages my log rotation, etc., I have it download the latest copy of publicvariableval.txt from the DayZ Community Banlist, and then I merge publicvariableval-local.txt onto the end of it.

This way I can benefit from regular updates to the publicvariableval.txt that the DCBL provides while still kicking for hacked items.

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Can I message you and pick your brain a bit on server management?

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Good catch. The list I copied over is direct from Gotcha-Antihack. So, this means Gotcha-Antihack by default is kicking for the M16A2_M203 as well. I'll edit the original post and remove that gun from the kick list.

The weapon is legit

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That's correct, I've also noticed people with two items (horn and something else) in their inventory when they (got) disconnected while driving a vehicle. That's why I'm glad I set everything to 1 instead of 5.

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Ugh. 1 is almost useless IMO, unless you only have a few players in your server at a given time.

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Ugh. 1 is almost useless IMO, unless you only have a few players in your server at a given time.

Almost useless, except I wasn't kicking people for driving vehicles. I find it very dangerous to use these rigorous measures when nobody here has 100% knowledge of ARMA2 and DayZ mechanics (vide your post just one page ago where you said nobody should have a horn in their inventory at any given time).

Edited by Frop

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Which server are you guys operating? I am sick and tired of players using illegal weapons. They are having unfair advantage over players who plays legit.

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I kind of get the idea behind this, but in the end it's pointless. Person just spawns a box and hops back on your server using dayz weapons instead.

Which server are you guys operating? I am sick and tired of players using illegal weapons. They are having unfair advantage over players who plays legit.

They have a perceived advantage, and the jerk players are just going to come back with regular DayZ weapons obtained through illegitimate means, and ruin your day anyway. This isn't a fix and it's hardly a band aid. All this does is punish new players and players who don't do a lot of research with kicks and no explanation as to why. it's a minor inconvenience and if anything a motivator for hackers to nuke your server.

Edited by Lobo

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Almost useless, except I wasn't kicking people for driving vehicles. I find it very dangerous to use these rigorous measures when nobody here has 100% knowledge of ARMA2 and DayZ mechanics (vide your post just one page ago where you said nobody should have a horn in their inventory at any given time).

The problem of kicking people in vehicles (and only when they hit Escape, anyway) has been fixed. These measures aren't rigorous (only a kick, not a ban). I admit I don't have perfect knowledge, obviously, but that's why we have logs we can review to improve things. It's your server of course, so you're welcome to configure it as you please, but I personally believe only logging would be a nightmare to deal with as an admin over logging and kicking.

Edited by Mister_Magotchi

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Beans to you OP, I have set this on my Server now but I have removed the Radio from it as I see no issue with the item or players who carry no other illegal items and I myself traded to get my hands on one.

Now to see how many people get kicked for illegal weapons ;)

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The problem of kicking people in vehicles (and only when they hit Escape, anyway) has been fixed. These measures aren't rigorous (only a kick, not a ban). I admit I don't have perfect knowledge, obviously, but that's why we have logs we can review to improve things. It's your server of course, so you're welcome to configure it as you please, but I personally believe only logging would be a nightmare to deal with as an admin over logging and kicking.

It differs, but I usually give them a warning in admin chat to get rid of the non-DayZ items in their possession. It has actually worked with a few people, the rest get a boot up their ass.

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I've updated my bad item list and instructions with the most up-to-date stuff.

Bad items added:













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