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Your Final Words Before Death

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last words contained in this video, interesting encounter me being shot at by a bandit while im trying to make friends lol.

usually id probably just reply with "*****!" .. i guess im not very imaginitive when im about to die. :P

Edited by evil.piggeh
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fuck you bitch!


why?? i'm a good guy!

then satchel charge set to 30''(..it's a shame they are rare!), but not always there is enough time!

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Mine are usually

"was that a gunshot?"



or my most used one

"Damnit.. im dead, guys.. im dead.. go fuck 'em up for me" -.-

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1st death "Wait, what just...how'd we blow up clear out here?" Teleport hacker death north eastern most quadrant of the map.

2nd "Contact, gunfire M4SD, SHIT I'm down, *Starts throwing Mod 0 rounds into the forest all predator style* "Fuck, he got me, no I can't see him." Hacker with invis script on.

3rd. "Man what the fuck!" (Buddy replies to my outburst) "Nothing just I thought zombies weren't suppose to spawn on you and I have been ninja spawned by Mike Tyson zombies seven times today! Oh god damn it not again! (Then I waited patiently as my blood dropped and the zombie ated me. My buddy coming to shoot the zombie when I had 136 blood, bled out) *A sorrowful* fuck...

4th "Umm you can't crawl under the railing on the top floor? Good to know...*Me la aiming at stary from second floor go to ninja lean and does a barrel roll under the railing* "So ... ya don't listen when they say do a barrel roll, I just belly flopped from the top floor to the bottom, I'll be back."

5th."Ok you got left tents I got right." *AKM shot* "I'm down, my left. (Buddy says that didn't help him much) "Electrical box side. He should have aggro all over!"

6th death (First on private hive over side chat.) *Me la crusin in my white car* "Anyone need a ride" (Lotta people /play DayZ taxi, car full of common weapons for fresh spawns. Picked four people up, give them all guns. Cover the zombie aggro the car made with my Mod 0) *Suddenly gun first, I'm the first to die. People screaching "who was it who was it". * My simple reply "Who was here, didn't die, and no longer on the server any more...probably that one."

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"Okay, Greg, put the tent down by me."

*You are Dead*


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"Sorry for not going to church!"

after escaping a church zombies, and then getting shot by an AS50.

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"I'm going to go buy some cheats, teleport to you and nuke the server!1!1!!!!"

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Fuck no not again........................................

Then i think to myself





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"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"

Some random insult i think of on the fly,


I just screech "FREEDOM!" (Works best with the William Wallace face.)

Edited by Pendragon
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I've only had the displeasure of being able to utter a last word in a few deaths over my dayz career.

One i recall i was a fresh spawn, swimming from Otmel island to the mainland (shortcut). Some DOUCHE on the beach with a hatchet literally came up to me after i got out of the water and hatchet'd me to death. I didn't even make a move to run away.

All i did was type "Your fucking pathetic" and respawn.

In Kamenka.


Edited by Muncywolverine

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