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I have been playing this game as "friendly" as possible but for the past few weeks I've been getting killed by people who don't even give me a chance to say the word "friendly". I can spend hours roaming the country side, avoiding zombies and picking up tid bits of gear just to survive when along someone comes and shoots me without question or care. Last night I had enough and decided that I was gonna just shoot and ask questions later and I happen to be on the top floor of the fire tower this morning, just picked up an AK and a few rounds, feeling pretty invincible when I heard someone coming up the stairs. I was shaking thinking about it. No way in hell I was going to get blasted...not today sir!

This guy come up and sure enough I pulled the trigger - unloaded the entire clip.

Feeling pretty proud of myself for my kill when I realized the person I just shot down in cold blood didn't even have a weapon. In fact he had the default items in his backpack. Probably just spawned in down the road like I did. Made his way here to find a gun or food just like I did.

And so to you duder, whom ever you once were - please accept my apologies and hope theres no hard feelings.

Edited by ZedKiller
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...you're a monster... no don't touch me!! get away from me :(

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That apology doesn't give him his life back. Or boost your humanity.

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Mmmmm, yes let the anger flow through you and become one with the dark side. We need more people like you, running rampant through Cherno and Elektro just gunning down everyone and everything (not sarcasm). I'm a recent convert from do gooder to bandit, along with my entire clan as we're done dying all the time by people to scared to even take the chance to see what will happen if they don't pull the trigger.

Operation Genocide ftw.

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Better safe than sorry. :D

Edited by Alopex
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It happens to us all, I hated the thought of killing but like you hated dying so often. Raged and slaughtered a few noobs for a while, then came to my senses and found god, now I'm a good person again. :)

Best fun I had was being the Tensionator, just shooting at guys but not intending to kill, just to get their blood pumping, lol ;)

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I hear ya man,

i was trying to play the friendly game but i just snapped the other day, i found a mk48 mod 0 and 400 rounds and walked through Cherno like it was the end scene of Rambo 1.

I got through 300 rounds, about 150 zombies and about 15 humans human players of any skin i saw. I shot anything! rabbits, zombies, unarmed survivors, nothing survived for 30mins. Before i got hack killed and respawned as a bandit (id started the life before as hero)

and after 30 mins of running thru the forest im back to survivor skin.

I feel better now :)

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Friendlies are rare in this game but there are some out there. I enjoy killing players because I just can't stand wandering around place to place collecting items to just survive. Some people like that I just can't do it.

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Aww this was so familiar, I now actually play on Takistan as a Killer. I too did not meet any like minded friendlies until I was armed. Thing is, You will have to do this sometimes anyway whether they are armed or not, It's kill or be killed.

If you want a group of friendlies you can join one, however outside of your friends and team mates your not really given much option to be a nice guy. Since Chat was brought back into the New maps etc I have found a hell of a lot more people out there who are willing to team up and be cool about it because they can Communicate.

Don't feel sorry for the guy, shit happens, as I'm sure he / she well knows.

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ye ..it is hard to make the right decisions...myself when i am in inferior position just shoot. if i can control the situation than i try not to shoot on site...but the longer my character stays alive and with all the nice gear i have now...i get more paranoid …and every time i kill some one i feel bad coz i even didn’t try to communicate...

yes i play a survival game, and when i wont DM..i go to Electro DM server and have some fun...

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I used to be friendly. But after three months of hatchets in the backs from supposedly friendly players, cars spawning on top of me for lols by the script kiddies, snipers playing God from the hills of Elecktro and Cherno, I was twisted.

Torn with hate and a desire to spread the pain I had endured I became what I hated the most.

The deceitful sniper.

I was playing on a server last night which had Side Chat enabled and I stumbled across an UAZ in the server near the NWAF where I guess someone had left it to raid the area. I promptly steal it and head south just to the north of Sosnovka where I part it near some trees on the side of the road.

I whip out my M4 SD and shoot out a wheel and damage the windows to make it look "battered".

I then head west to an overlooking tree and start the baiting mission of some friendlies or even just someone who might try to screw me over like has often happened before. I soon get a hold of a bloke saying he was in a group in Zaleno and had the necessary wheel to fix the car I claimed I stumbled across.

I told them a rough location stating I had just found it wondering from Zaleno to Vybor to meet a friend but had no way of getting it going.

They state they will come straight away and I can't hardly wait already!

It takes about fifteen minutes before they start talking on the side chat once more asking for an update. I say I'm right next to the car hiding in a bush and that I don't have much ammo left because of some zombies. Really trying to sound like a complete noob with odd references to "some huge pole in the distance" and "my AK47".

Exventually they say they can see the car from the trees and pop smoke to let me walk them in to my position. Like really professional blokes that may have been friendly.

I talk them in and say I can see one of them with "a big cool gun".

They reach the car and one immediately starts fitting the tyre whilst the other two run around the trees trying to find me. "Where are you, we can't find you" says the leader...

Three harsh cracks echoed through the long valley. As the smoke lifted from muzzle brake of my M107 I can see three folded forms of humanity littering the road.

The side chat is suddenly full of abuse and ill intent...

Mission Accomplished.

Or more recently.

I was at Starry Sobor on overwatch looking for targets. After a good twenty minutes of not much. I heard a car to the West and some odd sounds of gunfire in Novy, I finally spot someone.

To the West I spy a sniper in the trees looking over the military tents. Ghillie Suit and the noticable brake of the AS50 visible even at this distance.

Range finder says 1080m.

Dial for 1000 and hold just high on the prone form's chest.

I shoot.

I see blood and the bloke collapses flat. But I don't see any death message. Ah, I twigged. The server had them switched off.

I check the debug. My Murders (!) had gone up by one, damn I was hoping to kill another bandit. I wait a little incase he wasn't alone. Which was lucky because I see another ghillie'd sniper running away from the trees and to the West.

I decide to bug out incase the bloke leaving had a rough estimate on my location.

It's risky but I head to the hill overlooking Starry towards the NE. I get into position and spot a chopper crash in the distance. A likely mark that might lure some prey in...



I wait for five minutes, not even a sniff. Can't even hear any action down below in Starry. I opt to get up on a knee to get a better view of Starry (first person only server) when I hear a noise...

I spin around with my rifle up and see a survivor running up the hill towards me. He notices I have seen him and he runs behind a tree not twenty metres away.

Weighing up the odds of a M107 at close range with no crosshairs, I initiate negotiations.

"How you going there, mate?" I state. Pretty good he replies still behind cover.

"So how are we going to go about this?" I ask, "are you friendly?"

"Friendly! Friendly! Friendly!" he yells over the mic. Either way I'd be fluffed so I lower my rifle and invite him to peek and confirm this.


He acknowledges and meets me on top of the hill. We exchange a little banter and how much we were both packing our dacks just then.

In thanks for not shooting me on sight I drop my M4 SD on the ground and tell him to go nuts. I get a water bottle out of him since I was starting to get a bit thirsty...

I ask what he's after and advise him the tents have already been raided and the chopper crash I spotted only had a couple of weapons with bugger all ammo present from a distance.

He says he's after NVGs and a GPS. Merry Christmas, I pop my GPS and NVGs in his pack and tell him to be careful.

Snipers are everywhere in these parts...

It does feel good to interact with other players in words and not bullets.


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I used to be friendly. But after three months of hatchets in the backs from supposedly friendly players, cars spawning on top of me for lols by the script kiddies, snipers playing God from the hills of Elecktro and Cherno, I was twisted.

Torn with hate and a desire to spread the pain I had endured I became what I hated the most.

The deceitful sniper.

I was playing on a server last night which had Side Chat enabled and I stumbled across an UAZ in the server near the NWAF where I guess someone had left it to raid the area. I promptly steal it and head south just to the north of Sosnovka where I part it near some trees on the side of the road.

I whip out my M4 SD and shoot out a wheel and damage the windows to make it look "battered".

I then head west to an overlooking tree and start the baiting mission of some friendlies or even just someone who might try to screw me over like has often happened before. I soon get a hold of a bloke saying he was in a group in Zaleno and had the necessary wheel to fix the car I claimed I stumbled across.

I told them a rough location stating I had just found it wondering from Zaleno to Vybor to meet a friend but had no way of getting it going.

They state they will come straight away and I can't hardly wait already!

It takes about fifteen minutes before they start talking on the side chat once more asking for an update. I say I'm right next to the car hiding in a bush and that I don't have much ammo left because of some zombies. Really trying to sound like a complete noob with odd references to "some huge pole in the distance" and "my AK47".

Exventually they say they can see the car from the trees and pop smoke to let me walk them in to my position. Like really professional blokes that may have been friendly.

I talk them in and say I can see one of them with "a big cool gun".

They reach the car and one immediately starts fitting the tyre whilst the other two run around the trees trying to find me. "Where are you, we can't find you" says the leader...

Three harsh cracks echoed through the long valley. As the smoke lifted from muzzle brake of my M107 I can see three folded forms of humanity littering the road.

The side chat is suddenly full of abuse and ill intent...

Mission Accomplished.

Or more recently.

I was at Starry Sobor on overwatch looking for targets. After a good twenty minutes of not much. I heard a car to the West and some odd sounds of gunfire in Novy, I finally spot someone.

To the West I spy a sniper in the trees looking over the military tents. Ghillie Suit and the noticable brake of the AS50 visible even at this distance.

Range finder says 1080m.

Dial for 1000 and hold just high on the prone form's chest.

I shoot.

I see blood and the bloke collapses flat. But I don't see any death message. Ah, I twigged. The server had them switched off.

I check the debug. My Murders (!) had gone up by one, damn I was hoping to kill another bandit. I wait a little incase he wasn't alone. Which was lucky because I see another ghillie'd sniper running away from the trees and to the West.

I decide to bug out incase the bloke leaving had a rough estimate on my location.

It's risky but I head to the hill overlooking Starry towards the NE. I get into position and spot a chopper crash in the distance. A likely mark that might lure some prey in...



I wait for five minutes, not even a sniff. Can't even hear any action down below in Starry. I opt to get up on a knee to get a better view of Starry (first person only server) when I hear a noise...

I spin around with my rifle up and see a survivor running up the hill towards me. He notices I have seen him and he runs behind a tree not twenty metres away.

Weighing up the odds of a M107 at close range with no crosshairs, I initiate negotiations.

"How you going there, mate?" I state. Pretty good he replies still behind cover.

"So how are we going to go about this?" I ask, "are you friendly?"

"Friendly! Friendly! Friendly!" he yells over the mic. Either way I'd be fluffed so I lower my rifle and invite him to peek and confirm this.


He acknowledges and meets me on top of the hill. We exchange a little banter and how much we were both packing our dacks just then.

In thanks for not shooting me on sight I drop my M4 SD on the ground and tell him to go nuts. I get a water bottle out of him since I was starting to get a bit thirsty...

I ask what he's after and advise him the tents have already been raided and the chopper crash I spotted only had a couple of weapons with bugger all ammo present from a distance.

He says he's after NVGs and a GPS. Merry Christmas, I pop my GPS and NVGs in his pack and tell him to be careful.

Snipers are everywhere in these parts...

It does feel good to interact with other players in words and not bullets.


Agreed! I love finding friendlies, once found a guy at NW airfield blasting HEYAYA....

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well i just got my hero skin so i guess that makes me one of the friendlies. Although i wasnt always nice back in the days when the bandit skin was a german KSK guy from ARMA 2 I used kill people left and right but thats behind me as helping people is more difficult and far more entertaining

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This is awkward I have -70k hummanity :(

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Why the F did you bait those guys with the car? That's decidedly unsportsmanlike.

ANYONE can lie. What's the point?

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hhahahahahaha your a legend that's exactly how I play if their close enough to kill me I'm friendly if their in my crosshairs their dead

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Why the F did you bait those guys with the car? That's decidedly unsportsmanlike.

ANYONE can lie. What's the point?

It's the apocalypse.

Sportsmanship got old a few dozen murders ago.

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All friendlies, all Chernarus heroes have done stuff they wish they could take back.

If you weren't able to feel remorse and regret for killing another player, you're only option is to play DayZ as a bandit. Because you are able to allow yourself to feel these feelings, even though it's just a game, you've opened up a new element of the gameplay. You can either treat this as a pure game, where killing another doesn't have any actual consequences or you can use this unique oppotunity to experience the emotions that comes from having to make a moral choice.

Remember noone survives DayZ with their humanity intact.

Either you lose it completely or you struggle with it, everytime you meet a stranger.

Stay safe, stay alive and stay humane ;)

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It is written:

And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.

Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.

Edited by Dr. Shepherds

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Yesterday was the first time ever I met someone who saved my life. Near the hospital in Cherno and down to 3500 blood I was as good as dead. I asked for help in the direct communication channel and got an answer from "Survivor". He came up to me, attached a bllod bag and gave me a M911 SD with five rounds. For free!

Thank you, buddy! You restored by believe in humanity!

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I think Rocket created the mod for the survival aspect, sadly that aspect is gone with all the COD kiddies en hackers destroying it all.

The survival aspect is really why i started this game.

Wish all the COD kiddies went back to COD so the normal people get to play.

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Personally no matter how many times I wind up dead at the hands of a bandit, I refuse to kill another player. Truthfully, this has led to many a fine meetings with other players that actually acknowledge my call of "friendly" and meet it without feeling the need to gun down a decidedly neutral party like a massive prick. But that out of the way, the reason I choose not to kill other players is quite simply because I value the survival aspect, and we've seen how screwed that can become via negative reinforcement from some trigger happy bullocks, I'm quite curious to see how well it can be reclaimed by the positive reinforcement of some... much less violent bullocks...... Anyway, personally I can't wait to become a hero, at which point, you'd better believe that every bandit skinned player i see within a kilometer of me will wind up full of more parts lead than blood, or marking another murder notch on the butt of their gun.

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