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Ander (DayZ)

[DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

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Speaking of statistics whats the situation with the leaderboards? I've been asking for a while and cant get a simple response from anyone. Im on day 28 right now and know im in the top 20 again I just wanted to see it and be happy incase I die to a hacker tommorow. So anyway can I get my rank on longest life or are the leaderboards coming back up soon? Have they been tracking our progress since they went down more then a month ago? Thanks!

Edited by SpecSniper

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I would love to know how long I've been alive, hours/minutes... my player id is: 14342406 (Name: SoV-Sneaky) - and other stats, that would be awesome.

Edited by Sneaky

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Speaking of statistics whats the situation with the leaderboards? I've been asking for a while and cant get a simple response from anyone. Im on day 28 right now and know im in the top 20 again I just wanted to see it and be happy incase I die to a hacker tommorow. So anyway can I get my rank on longest life or are the leaderboards coming back up soon? Have they been tracking our progress since they went down more then a month ago? Thanks!

I feel you. I am on day 60 at the moment (I think I played 2h/d on averege) and I´d really like to know some basic statistics about my char.

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Are we talking about < 7 days ?

Not quite sure what cha mean?

Speaking of statistics whats the situation with the leaderboards? I've been asking for a while and cant get a simple response from anyone. Im on day 28 right now and know im in the top 20 again I just wanted to see it and be happy incase I die to a hacker tommorow. So anyway can I get my rank on longest life or are the leaderboards coming back up soon? Have they been tracking our progress since they went down more then a month ago? Thanks!

The leaderboard was disabled as the queries are too intensive for the Hive right now. So the plan was to improve the gear so that a server can daily-query hassle free and the users would load a cached version of the leaderboard, though some of the stats still need to be worked out, some people kind of like "cheat" in that they just stay in woods and never do anything or they play 2 chars, 1 fetches, 1 hides. And some have ranked up 2-3 months this method, which I think makes the stat a bit unrealistic.

I feel you. I am on day 60 at the moment (I think I played 2h/d on averege) and I´d really like to know some basic statistics about my char.

Statistics based on personal character will be in soon, twe're just waiting on a solid method for players to verify their character to their forum username.

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Not quite sure what cha mean?

I mean, will the statistics be released within seven days?

The leaderboard was disabled as the queries are too intensive for the Hive right now. So the plan was to improve the gear so that a server can daily-query hassle free and the users would load a cached version of the leaderboard, though some of the stats still need to be worked out, some people kind of like "cheat" in that they just stay in woods and never do anything or they play 2 chars, 1 fetches, 1 hides. And some have ranked up 2-3 months this method, which I think makes the stat a bit unrealistic.

I ranked up 60 days and I do not intend to die. Can you PM me my personal stats, please? Ingame name is hobbicon, before a long time hobbicon [CB]

Edited by hobbicon

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I mean, will the statistics be released within seven days?

I ranked up 60 days and I do not intend to die. Can you PM me my personal stats, please? Ingame name is hobbicon, before a long time hobbicon [CB]

I cant send specific stats for 2 reasons: 1 I'd need proof you are that player, and 2. I dont have direct access to the live stats, i build on an backup.

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so the online stats are coming back up shortly from what I gathered? Still just a bit confused :P

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1. What is the average life expectancy of a vehicle (from the time being driven for the first time until it is despawned/destroyed)?

2. What is the share of the vehicle's life where it is actually used (driven)?

3. How long do vehicles remain at their spawning locations?



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so the online stats are coming back up shortly from what I gathered? Still just a bit confused :P

Vekien said the number of players made the leaderboards too taxing to update more often than once per day, so they're going to bring leaderboards back after they've been changed to update once per day.

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Statistics based on personal character will be in soon, twe're just waiting on a solid method for players to verify their character to their forum username.

How about a field in the clients profile for their GUID?

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The heatmaps is in the works :) just collecting a bit more data over time.

What is this, Halo?

Edited by jesquik

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Is there a way to also find out who's been shooting Cherno? coz I'd love that statistic

I registered just to say that this joke is awesome. Really.

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Is there a way to also find out who's been shooting Cherno? coz I'd love that statistic

I registered just to say that this joke is awesome. Really.

Ander, please please please be up to this task! :D

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I would like to know which is most popular. Cola or Pepsi, and how many cans of Beens that have been consumed.

Lol I like this one.. When I first started I found a coke and a Pepsi on the ground and I only took the Pepsi....Granted now that I realize SOMETIMES it is hard to find a drink when you really need it in BFE...ill pop a Coke here and there lol

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It's not that I think no one else has found them, it's more that the people who have found them are likely to be like minded survivors looking for quiet areas.

Heat maps just make it easy for griefers, snipers and noobs to run straight to those locations looking for easy kills.

Why would a griefer spend hours trecking up to some place in the middle of hell nowhere because they saw a heatmap that says people hide their?

Griefers want a quick laugh or a high adrenaline killing spree, they will do so in the costal cities.

besides, there are SO many players i bet 90% of the map is going to be yellow with the exceptions of the costal cities ,nw airfield, and stary sobor which would tip into the red.

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All these personal stat info requests.....

Why not make an api? This way the community can produce nice scripts & histograms, sigs etc etc.

a plain & simple json interface would suffice

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Did you read the thread's content?

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Did you read the thread's content?

Well, not all pages but quite a few.

what im saying here is that an api opens gazillion of oppertunities.

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Vekien said the number of players made the leaderboards too taxing to update more often than once per day, so they're going to bring leaderboards back after they've been changed to update once per day.

Thanks for elaborating I was quite tired and didint understand. I hope they change it one update to day soon enough Day 30 is tommorow for me lol. Thanks for the reply!

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what im saying here is that an api opens gazillion of oppertunities to ddos the Hive by random load.


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You all want heatmap? I think that it's quite obvious where people die the most...

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Well, not all pages but quite a few.

what im saying here is that an api opens gazillion of oppertunities.

You should read the whole thread or a least skim it to get some knowledge of how things are progressing.

There is also a thread specifically for API http://dayzmod.com/f...ou-have-an-api/ but right now we don't really have the intention of doing it, this might change in stand-alone but who knows. Statistics affects game-play and so do website tools, eg the in-game "map" is pretty much useless now, and the sense of "explore for loot" is gone as people just go to specific spots based on map loot tables. Adding more global statistics can take away more gameplay so as I said in previous posts, it ultimately comes down to Deans decision and right now he is swamped with work and some of these statistics are not priority.

For the web development team, we are currently making character profile pages where you can see your own individual statistics, inventory, health status, and so on but it is still heavily in development. There was a preview at "Rezzed" presentation and I will try ask Dean if we can throw up the concept image, but a lot of things change so we will have to see.

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