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I'm.. I'm.. I'm a horrible person!!! *sobs*

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I've re-located his gear since his death into our tents. He was already back at our tent location and re-geared within 45 minutes of his death. We're now playing again.. Wow I feel like a dickhead. That was actually messed up, I'm sorry if you guys think im a sociopath or something.

lol ... fuckin psycho :lol:

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The saddest thing about this is your lack of imagination would you could have done with your "friend" except shooting him in the back like a coward. I don't think that it was an opportune move, you're just an asshole. But, to be honest, if being an asshole makes you happy then that is the right thing to do for you.

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you've gone from imaginary sociopath to actual sociopath. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! YOU'RE A REAAALLL BOOOYYY NOW......

ps troll already fed plenty so whatevs.

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So for the last 3 days I have been reading the forums when I came across a complete cock who decided to tell everyone what an asshole he is and how he killed some guy he made "friends" with. What he neglected to add that at the time of the murder, roughly 6:07 EST Sunday 9th September, he was also masturbating over it.

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Haha, this kind of reminds me of when I played with my brother way back in the beginning. We were slowly working north and for the first time had all our necessary survival tools and it felt good. After looting a barn we ran to the woods to finish of the Zeds that were following us. When we made it to the tree line I turned around to shoot one and caught my brother in the face with the first shot with my enfield Lol. I felt like dick but I had the akm now. It was an accident and I ended up killing myself to start over with him again. But it was funny tho right?

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Remember its just a game. But OP has taken it outside of that and into the realms of actual bullying sadly, with his Skype cowardice....

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This was such an asshole-move from the OP. I cannot believe that someone who connects with someone else on skype and plays 3 days together can be proud of such a horrible deed.

Seriously - you thought this is a funny story? You were laughing because he likes to play with you and you killed him that way? What kind of person are you? Why does such a move make you happy?

If you want to be a bandit, then try to rob people. Talk to them ingame - force them to drop their weapons. Take their beans. That is funny. But to kill a buddy who is connected with you through skype is so incredible cowardly. Shame on you! Such douches like you ruin that game. You did not think a second about your buddy. You had no reason to betray him and the worst thing about it - you come to these forum and think you will be celebrated for your poor behaviour.

I hope you get hacked all the time. You do not deserve something better. You are an asshole. Period.

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I hope you get hacked all the time. You do not deserve something better. You are an asshole. Period.

This is plain bullshit. Even if you don't like his move, 1 hacker is a lot worse than 100 assholes. Edited by phnordarossa

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That is a pretty douche move.

When a Day Z forum Team Member even says so. That's pretty bad bro.. Dick.. MOVE!
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holy fuck man, you're as hard as baby poo...

Edited by ptk

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Find this story unlikely, surely the guy would have posted on the forums to tell everyone about the sphincter that had killed him and warn others not to trust him, has anyone seen a post like this?

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Find this story unlikely, surely the guy would have posted on the forums to tell everyone about the sphincter that had killed him and warn others not to trust him, has anyone seen a post like this?

Not everyone is a crybaby.

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Sometimes i wonder why 99% of the broken and damaged people on the internet come to play DayZ.

This is plain bullshit. Even if you don't like his move, 1 hacker is a lot worse than 100 assholes.

Honestly i don't see the difference. Assholes are assholes.

Edited by Fenrig

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ah gotta love the carebears giving judgement.

then why post it in an open forum? isn't that the point, a response from other community members? and what of the non- carebears? they don't judge? if they approve of it, they have passed judgement as well...

seems to me that you have some general misconceptions of what forums are and what judgement is. I stand by for your googled definitions...

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i've tried to do that too several times. i had the chance but i just couldn't. i couldn't.. i could kill em all but now im in their clan :D

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Honestly i don't see the difference. Assholes are assholes.

The difference is that your technically equal to the asshole and you've got a chance to kill them, while hackers have non of these. Being an asshole is a total legit part of the game, while hacking is not. That is not so difficult to understand, but if your personal choice is to think of assholes like of hackers (which are much bigger assholes IMO), then you let hackers had a bad influence on you.

I do not like his move either, but I'd rather like a server full of assholes than of one hacker. (this will hopefully change if hacking stops... sometimes.... somewhere.... *dream*)

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Hahaha, so much carebear butthurt in this thread. You are playing the game how you want to play the game, and you're having fun doing it, good job!

Keep it up man. Way to immerse yourself into the game and become your character :)

My number one priority when playing a game is to make sure *I* have fun. I don't give a shit about anyone else's experience. That's up to them.

Edited by Netro

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The difference is that your technically equal to the asshole and you've got a chance to kill them, while hackers have non of these. Being an asshole is a total legit part of the game, while hacking is not. That is not so difficult to understand, but if your personal choice is to think of assholes like of hackers (which are much bigger assholes IMO), then you let hackers had a bad influence on you.

I do not like his move either, but I'd rather like a server full of assholes than of one hacker. (this will hopefully change if hacking stops... sometimes.... somewhere.... *dream*)

there is no difference between a small asshole and a big asshole; they both shit just the same...

write that one down.

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*presents a tray of cookies*

Welcome to the Dark Side.

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