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I'm.. I'm.. I'm a horrible person!!! *sobs*

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Do you have any idea how long it takes, in EVE, to get to a position of responsibility great enough to rob a corporation? And you're bitching about three days?

if you have a carrier/jumpfreighter...not that long.

"yeah guise. i'll jump your navy scorps and carebear tengus down to null, just pay the fuel!"



although, it is certainly different being a pirate/bandit in eve. killing everything is easy, but gaining trust and taking away things that people have worked a long time for...it's different.

you can't just head up to the NWAF and kill a person along the way and be at "endgame" status. people have months and months worth of time and effort into single ships that can be taken in the blink of an eye.

a single mole can destroy an alliance of five thousand players.

one pirate can blow up a ship carrying $2500usd in game cards.

it's fantastic.

6 months in eve? nothing. you're still a zero.

two years in and i only have about another year until i'm where i want to be skill wise. and that's subcapital ships.

Edited by tigerpr0n

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I bet for somebody who was trying to get people to like you, it's funny you only got one can of beat out of 100+ replies. lol, troll.

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it is a perfectly valid way to play the game. my point was people fuck over the ones they have been playing alongside for months in EVE. you lot harping on over three days seems pretty ridiculous. thus, carebears.

the validity of the bandit playstyle has absolutely nothing to do with being an asshole. they're two entirety different entities.

now (and here's the point again, so try harder to understand it this time), if you're going to post on AN OPEN FORUM that you're an asshole, then expect TO BE CALLED AN ASSHOLE. this shouldn't be a surprise.

I mean, if the op wanted a round of bandit handjobs, he could have posted this in the bandit campfire sub forums (and I bet a fair number of bandits would call him an ass as well, which brings me to this point)...

you also assume that everyone who has called out the op is a carebear and therefore stereotyping heroes as goodie two-shoe bronies, and that bandits are void of any and all moral and ethical conduct. the lines are much more grayer than that in dayz. I would believe you would understand this better than most...

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