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Looking for sexy woman to playing with

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This thread sent me through more emotions in a 15 minute time span then a funeral for a relative you really didn't know. Laughing happy shudder OMFG WHY EYES BLEEDING awwww well hell...

On a positive note, I'm 28, love gaming, walks through the snow. I like to cook as well. Favorite past times have been RPGs, pen and paper as well as any game with a zombie in it. I have a running tally of the movies that have head shots in them that I enjoy. Skype info is in my profile and can't wait to talk to whom ever wants to answer *giggle*

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  On 9/13/2012 at 8:54 PM, Gavalin said:

On a positive note, I'm 28, love gaming, walks through the snow. I like to cook as well. Favorite past times have been RPGs, pen and paper as well as any game with a zombie in it. I have a running tally of the movies that have head shots in them that I enjoy. Skype info is in my profile and can't wait to talk to whom ever wants to answer *giggle*

You're post (Especially "*giggle*" ) says "I'm a girl". your porfile says MALE and you're responding to someone looking for a woman / lady / girl / female. picture says "woodland warrior" NOT "Warriatrix"

I'm in that weird part of the internetz again.

correction - there ain't no non-weird parts left. NVM.

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Over the past few days I have been told & learned there are no girls on the internet.

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  On 9/13/2012 at 9:41 PM, Highspiral said:

You're post (Especially "*giggle*" ) says "I'm a girl". your porfile says MALE and you're responding to someone looking for a woman / lady / girl / female. picture says "woodland warrior" NOT "Warriatrix"

I'm in that weird part of the internetz again.

correction - there ain't no non-weird parts left. NVM.

Nope just a quack. Yes I do giggle, I'll admit it. I hiss purr growl, all kinds weird shit. Just because.

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  On 9/13/2012 at 8:05 PM, Fraggle said:

Urgh. This threads just making me feel ill now... "orange Cheeto's fingers..." That's going to haunt me.

You could just wash them you know.

Edited by Max Planck

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  On 9/13/2012 at 7:51 PM, Paddy0610 said:

Try to contakt Matt Lightfoot

He´s/She´s the right for you take a look:


Sorry dude, your mom is not type of woman I'm looking for

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Rocket, give us sexy, scary female zombies lusting for our flesh!!! :P

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  On 9/13/2012 at 8:23 PM, Fraggle said:

Here's my friend Jenny:


She's clever and has a sexy voice.

Everyone's ideal female gamer image.

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  On 9/13/2012 at 7:53 PM, Highspiral said:

Betcha he finds a nice 45+ yr old hairy sweaty guy who likes playing DayZ in his underwear in a vinyl chair, with some awesome voice altering software. I even see fingers stained orange with Cheetos. *shudder*

Hey, my webcam is private! :blink:

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  On 9/13/2012 at 11:57 PM, Highspiral said:

Would that be Urban dictionary entry #18 or #19 ?


I have no clue can not access the site from here so a shot in the dark and 18! You've officially made my night. Laughed a few times, hate being sick :(

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  On 9/13/2012 at 7:53 PM, Highspiral said:

Oh god I just grossed myself out.

Did you also throw up in your mouth because i sure did.

@OP I think this is a wonderful idea and I would also like some bitches to run with, maybe a little stable of bitches so that there's always one around.

You bitches must be: Good lookin, because I likes my bitches fine, not like some fugly old troll with missing toofesis.

My bitches gotta work: Because I don't and I gots to eat, right?

My bitches need to be good looters: because I'm tired and don't wanna have to do everything myself.

Please PM me so that we can get this party started!

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Looking for sexy woman to playing with

  On 9/13/2012 at 7:06 PM, Dudeist said:

Must be with sexy voice and with nice look. Mature and not stupid. Some DayZ skills welcome!

My time is GMT+0

Send me pm baby!

This is no joke – Thanks

Edited by CerebralZombie

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This is Off-Topic or Survivour HQ stuff but I'm not sure which !

Anyways, I'm not getting involved.

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  On 9/13/2012 at 7:25 PM, Fraggle said:

Well if this goes well we'll have to start a dating section.

hmmm DateZ sounds intresting.....

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I was about to call it a night....but no I just had to walk into the one thread with freaky pics galore.....

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Hi. You posted this in the New Player Discussion which is a wrong area. I moved the thread to Survivor HQ.

Please read the pinned/sticky threads before starting a new topic!

Are you looking for others to team up with? Want to announce clan? Read this!

Read this before starting a new topic!

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Hey where all the white women at?

Edited by Smalltown
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The internets: Where men act like boys, boys pretend to be men, women are usually men and little girls are FBI agents.

  On 9/13/2012 at 10:58 PM, PygmyJess said:

Over the past few days I have been told & learned there are no girls on the internet.

That's a sexy stache you got going on. I've never been into dudes but there is something different about you that I can't really place.

Edited by LunaTiK

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