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too many 50 cal snipers

50cal too common?  

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  1. 1. Are 50cal snipers (as50/m107) too common?

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Maybe i'm the only one who is bothered by this, but i think the 50cal snipers are way to common. I've been trying to find a M24 for ages now and durinfg my search i've come along like 3 m107s and 2 as50 and 1 DMR 0 M24 (yeah, i dont just check crashsites).

In my opinion the 50cals should be rare as hell. Since u can spam 10 bullets at 800m+ and if u hit someone's little toe he dies. And now there is the situation that half of the server pop is walking around with one. Further more getting the superguns is lowrisk, because of the randomnes of crashsites (no players camping them)

And why are there 2 50cals in game? 1 should be enough i think.

Btw dont get me wrong i think there should be a gun like the as50 in game. Just make it super rare.

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It's supposed to be super-rare, as are many other things. Duping is the main problem.

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Started playing on private hive server with white list. and they are still common there. even after So starting to think they also spawn too much. and with 3 helis in game it isnt hard for people to locate crashsites (not that its dificult with a car).

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Hive wipe would be good, for a few weeks at least.

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On most private hives everything spawns too much. The admins can mess with the settings so it's not the best example. And I'd be in favour of a hive wipe.

Edited by Fraggle
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Hive wipe would be good, for a few weeks at least.

Standalone will be better...at least a little bit.

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I'm looking forward to full standalone release, Rocket has hinted there would be more emphasis on civilian and more home made type weapons, such as hammers, baseball bats and what not which I think is better.

Edited by Box

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I don't think it's that there are to many 50cal snipers, it's more that so many hack or dupe the weapons that there are more in the game than intended. The standalone should fix that and ammo for them should be extremely rare imo.

Edited by DazTroyer

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the timer before rejoining the same server would fix duping partially..and ghosting

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For me it seems like CZ 550 is harder to come by than .50-cal AM-rifles. Yes, its fucked up. Helicrashes are not that uncommon and duping/hacking has ridiculously inflated the rare loot ratio. Thermal scopes and guns that can oneshot you from 1 km away are not nearly as rare as they should be.

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The number of .50 cal in game is definitly too high but the problem is not that they spawn too often (in 3+ months of game i've found 1 as50 and 3 m107 at heli crash site/barracks for the m107). I think that the majority of those .50 cal (especially as50) comes from duping/scripting.

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Thermal scopes and guns that can oneshot you from 1 km away are not nearly as rare as they should be.

I go further as to say they should be removed from the game entirely.

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well theres a 0.87% chance (i swear to god its higher, ive found SO many) of finding one on a crashed heli,

of which there are anywhere up to 4 weapon spawns at any one site (ive found 4 fals on one crashed heli)

of which there are 2-5 crashed heli spawns every server reset (server depending and i think its also randomised)

and considering most servers restart 1 to 2 times a day, thats potential for a lot of legitimate as50's to be floating around anyway..

once they fix duping i would like to see the m107 and as50 spawn % to drop dramatically, making them super rare


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i ve been playing dayz for 3 weeks now and i ve found and held/used ever sniper rifle in the game BUT the CZ 550 and i ve spent over the past 3 days about 9 hours searching for a CZ

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Ive played about ~6weeks and ive found 1 M24(Tents Berenzino), ~10+ DMR, (deer stands, barracks, heli, bandits), 3 SVD Camo(2 barracks, 1 tent), 5 FN FAL AN/PVS-4(heli), 5 M107(2 barracks, 2 heli, 1 bandit), ~15 as50(1 heli, 1 tent, 13+ bandits)

Yes.. there are to many 50 cal.

Edited by _Kane_

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They aren't common, I have played for 2 months and I haven't found one. The reason you find them so commonly are loot exploiters and hackers. They need to remove the zeroing from the 50 cal snipers to make it more difficult.

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They are way too common. Yesterday i was wandering around stary sobor and i saw 6 people in a field, all of these people had AS50s, i thought it to be a little strange, so i watched them for a while. They eventually moved off and left one guy behind. I quickly got out my M9SD and shot him in the face, when i looked in his coyote pack, he had another AS50 in there, then i noticed some tents, i went over to check them, there were four that i could see. In the first 3 tents they were full of AS50s, like 10 in each one. I saw some other tents in the distance, so i went to check them out. The first one had nothing suspicious in it, just high end gear like NVGs and satchel charges, but the other 5 all had AS50s in them, again about 10 in each.

I don't know whether this was due to duping, hacking or those people having no lives at all, but it pissed me off because they are meant to be super rare.

Also, i swear that the CZ is even rarer than the AS50, even though it isn't in the code. I haven't found a single CZ, but at least 90 AS50s in 10 minutes.

Even though i have very good gear, i think a hive wipe would be the best to get rid of all the hacked in or duped weapons.

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Hackers have made them common. I think the problem isn't that there's too many high grade snipers (if you exclude hacked/duped) but that there's not enough low grade snipers. Beyond the CZ 550 they're all military, it'd be cool to have more 'common' sniper rifles.

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Was thinking and thought that if u used a 50cal rifle u shouldnt be able to carry a backpack (maybe only small ones). think thats a nice and realistic downside to using a 50cal.

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I go further as to say they should be removed from the game entirely.

i am totally for the removal of .50 cals. replace them with regular sniper rifles like the M24. i really like sniping/sniper rifles. but .50 cals are just not needed

and take much to little skill to operate. while you´re at it, remove the rangefinder too. let people learn how to use the mildots to calculate the distance.

at least then you know the sniper that just killed you really had to have skill(s).

edit: for anyone interested, you calculate the distance with mildots by multiplying the hight of the target by 1000 and devide it by the number of mildots the target is tall

in maximum zoom level.

a standing person is 1.80m in general . so lets say a standing person is 3 mildots tall. 1,80m x 1000 / 3 = distance to your target in meters.

this works with every measurement. doesn´t matter if you use Meters, Cm, Feet, Yards, Inches etc.

Edited by Broter
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