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About Bikker

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Bikker

    Snipers are everywhere and NO WHERE

    This is why the no skill 1 shot snipers should be removed from game. at least give survivors a chance and give me a sense of achievement when i snipe someone. never lay down, easy target. try to keep moving and when u are shot at: RUN!
  2. Bikker

    too many 50 cal snipers

    And how would u know they wont make the same 'mistake'?
  3. Dont mind barbed wire. just make it so when someone removes it it doesnt come back after server restart.
  4. Bikker

    too many 50 cal snipers

    Was thinking and thought that if u used a 50cal rifle u shouldnt be able to carry a backpack (maybe only small ones). think thats a nice and realistic downside to using a 50cal.
  5. Bikker

    too many 50 cal snipers

    Started playing on private hive server with white list. and they are still common there. even after So starting to think they also spawn too much. and with 3 helis in game it isnt hard for people to locate crashsites (not that its dificult with a car).
  6. Maybe i'm the only one who is bothered by this, but i think the 50cal snipers are way to common. I've been trying to find a M24 for ages now and durinfg my search i've come along like 3 m107s and 2 as50 and 1 DMR 0 M24 (yeah, i dont just check crashsites). In my opinion the 50cals should be rare as hell. Since u can spam 10 bullets at 800m+ and if u hit someone's little toe he dies. And now there is the situation that half of the server pop is walking around with one. Further more getting the superguns is lowrisk, because of the randomnes of crashsites (no players camping them) And why are there 2 50cals in game? 1 should be enough i think. Btw dont get me wrong i think there should be a gun like the as50 in game. Just make it super rare.
  7. Why would a clan nuke his own server? btw happened around 1830 cest. died also... back to the coast :)
  8. Bikker

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Disconnecting to avoid death IS an exploit. http://dayzmod.com/f...to-avoid-death/ imo people who disconnect during firefights shouldnt be helped out.