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Hackers. Hackers everywhere.

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So, about two weeks ago, me and iPro started playing dayZ together. After an hour of playing, we were killed by a hacker. Later that day (about four hours), we were killed. Again. On a different server. Both times, it was us being teleported TO and killed. A day after, I ran into a guy sniping with a TWS AS50, a silenced Makarov PM, a silenced SCAR in his backpack, tons of ammo for both. After killing him, I was immediately shot in the back by another player.

The same problems persisted every day for the next week, with a mix of us being shot, nuked to hell, dropped from 2000m, ran over, the list goes on.

Today, and yesterday, we encountered four hackers. Two today, two yesterday. Today, a bus teleported on top of us, my buddy was teleported to a flat, empty plain with no trees and shot.

Yesterday, we spontaneously combusted, and a guy named Rusty spawned an AS50 TWS and, thanks to lag, shot me in the face multiple times after having a clip of STANAG rounds unloaded into his head.

This is ridiculous.

Edit: One more thing ; Yes, after this wonderful day of shits and giggles, I'm going to consider myself paranoid and record absolutely everything we do.

Edited by nikinor

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I was telepoted in a bus once (basically kidnapped, lol) to a group of bandits looting a box of medical supplies in the middle of a FOREST. So, I took cover, then the people in the van who teleported me killed them and then got killed by one other bandit. He then broke my leg with a shot from an m4 then buried several more into my back.

I hate hackers, but I love the loot I get from their dead bodies :)

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They are script kiddies thank you. They do not deserve the high title of hacker.

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I hear you. Personally I think it isn't just ridiculous, its borderline embarrassing to get continuously ganked and our vehicles removed by fuck-wit hackers on a server my squad pays for, without the ability to control who can access the server.

I can see why the devs want open servers on the main hive. I can see why people report, name and shame abusive admin. But sadly, it seems it might be getting to the stage were if we aren't breaking admin rules, we're just idiots. I've been admin kicked from other servers so many times I've lost count. I see locked servers and 3-4 slot servers connected to the main hive on DayZCommander all the fuckin' time. The temptation to do the same is getting to us.

The first day I get some squad action going on with my friends we see a chopper circling above us. We dive into the bushes as the chopper descends about 20 meters away from us and I stop shitting my pants for long enough to equip my rifle and take a closer look to see how many people are on board. Two bandits, the chopper rotates, one pointing the side mounted machine gun right at my face. I take him out, watch the chopper land and then cap the pilot. At this point I'm pretty much convinced I'm the craftiest motherfucker alive. Buzzing off the adrenaline of one of our first player encounters we loot that shit and crawl away so utterly stoked that we have gear we've never seen and a chopper. Sadly, five minutes later, my friend sees a ghillie suited guy appear right behind me, unload half a magazine into me, then the same happens to him.

I'm pretty butt-hurt about that. QQ.

But nah, we'll continuously keep seeing our hard work and commitment to this fantastic mod undone by said assmasters. Infact, it just makes me want to be nicer to any player out there that isn't a hacker and isn't obviously coming right at me. It's hard to find a game that makes my heart beat double-time and on that alone I think Rocket and his fellows have made something truly special. Battle-Eye will get better, most hackers will lose interest and wonder off, hopefully into oncoming traffic. No hackers will soften the hype-boner I'm carrying for DayZ.

Edited by TheBaby
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It would be more helpful if you could list servers you were on and times and dates. It really sounds like you are having a torrid time of it. In six weeks I have had no confirmed Skiddie encounters - apart from logging into servers with burning skies and dozens of dead players. And there was the guy with the axe that seemed to be bullet proof, but I could just have been a crap shot.

I have found the occasional corpse with out of game gear - which i promptly 'hide' after removing any yummy beans and drinks, but NOT mountain dew.

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It would be more helpful if you could list servers you were on and times and dates.

I can safely say that every (every) single server I've been on, since I frequent the few that appear to be "hacker-free", have been infested with hackers.

I played on US 1808 for about a week, and didn't die once. A dozen murders. A sexy score. It seemed to be hacker free, and I set up a camp- funny thing is, as soon as I got a car and set up a camp, I was instantly teleported on top of and shot by an invincible guy in a ghillie wielding a AS50 TWS.

Morale of the story: Never set up camps.

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It helps to play on the low pop servers, while not as fun, at least hackers aren't as common (I guess it isn't as fun killing only 12 people). Lately I have been trying to keep the server pop to 12 and under.

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It helps to play on the low pop servers, while not as fun, at least hackers aren't as common (I guess it isn't as fun killing only 12 people). Lately I have been trying to keep the server pop to 12 and under.

Oh don't worry it is starting on low pop servers as well.

I should probably have seen it coming with the amount of deaths there.

Was just 3 people left on server late last night (I looked at that after I was dead).

I was running towards a barn that had no zombie spawns. Then suddenly 2 guys come out of it as I approach asking if I am friendly and then instantly shooting me.

Pretty sure I got a hit or 2 in on one of them but hard to prove.

Sure it could have been a coincidence but there was other killings on the server just a few minutes before and no shots heard in the area.

And if I missed them I am pretty sure the barn in middle of nowhere isn't the new in game hotspot :)

So I am guessing they where teleporting around and taking out people one at a time.

Was 15 or so on server when I joined and 3 left when it was my turn.

So point is even if mid/low population don't feel safe at least consider swapping servers if you see unusual number of deaths.

I guess I should have just ALT-F4 like others but that just feels wrong.

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Oh don't worry it is starting on low pop servers as well.

I should probably have seen it coming with the amount of deaths there.

Was just 3 people left on server late last night (I looked at that after I was dead).

I was running towards a barn that had no zombie spawns. Then suddenly 2 guys come out of it as I approach asking if I am friendly and then instantly shooting me.

Pretty sure I got a hit or 2 in on one of them but hard to prove.

Sure it could have been a coincidence but there was other killings on the server just a few minutes before and no shots heard in the area.

And if I missed them I am pretty sure the barn in middle of nowhere isn't the new in game hotspot :)

So I am guessing they where teleporting around and taking out people one at a time.

Was 15 or so on server when I joined and 3 left when it was my turn.

So point is even if mid/low population don't feel safe at least consider swapping servers if you see unusual number of deaths.

I guess I should have just ALT-F4 like others but that just feels wrong.

You're right. It's beginning to get just as bad on low pop servers as high pops.

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Welcome to HackZ.

And while the mod becomes unplayable due to hacking and very little is being done to stop it, rocket is still giving more pointless interviews.

Edited by Thorne

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The game is totally playable sir, what you mean to say is...it has become unenjoyable. There is plenty being done to stop it. This mod is in its alpha stages and we are here to test it. Battle eye is clearly working on it..although I wish we had VAC :(

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The game is totally playable sir, what you mean to say is...it has become unenjoyable. There is plenty being done to stop it. This mod is in its alpha stages and we are here to test it. Battle eye is clearly working on it..although I wish we had VAC :(

Battleye is not doing anything. It's just kicking people randomly for server-side errors and global banning.

They're just making the situation worse.

Then again, Rocket is just giving more and more pointless interviews.

Let's hope all of this doesn't end up like Bigpoint.

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I've been killed by hackers twice, both on Green Mountain, I've also been killed on very low pop maps in places like Kemenka in ways that arouse suspicion. One of the Servers was RU8, it was today about 530 GMT, I sneaked into the main gate and was teleported off the map and dropped from a great height, there goes 6 hours of hard work, lol.... I am knocking it on the head for a while, I love the game and the concept, I really think we will see many more in its wake, but the ARMA2 engine was not meant for DAYZ and is ripe for exploitation.

Whats the moral? stay out of Green Mountain....

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Welcome to HackZ.

And while the mod becomes unplayable due to hacking and very little is being done to stop it, rocket is still giving more pointless interviews.

Actually, hacking CAN'T be stopped until they modify the engine in standalone. Next time, read the Rocket said thread.

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Low population servers don't seem to help. I still get people teleporting infront of me with guns I've never seen before and shooting me to bits.

Where the fuck is the fun in doing this shit? I feel like I can't enjoy this game anymore. I'm alright with a Bandit killing me, I always have. But getting killed all the time by a hacker - especially after making progress is extremely frustrating.

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Can I make a motion that the script kiddies are no longer referred to as hackers but "Skids" as in skid marks. Which is what they really are.

And yes the "skids" are starting to get annoying, we were in ES 9 two and a half hours ago checking the apartments in Berezino (the ones beside the shop) when we saw a skid with a bike, ghillie, nvgs and rifle taking out zombies and expending copious amounts of ammo. We took the decision (before we realised what he was) to shoot, my friend missed but his legs instantly broke without him having moved.

That wasn't my first encounter with a skid and it won't be my last. However, I'd like the developer to give official permission for closed servers. It's the only thing holding me back from setting one up.

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Battleye is not doing anything. It's just kicking people randomly for server-side errors and global banning.

They're just making the situation worse.

Then again, Rocket is just giving more and more pointless interviews.

Let's hope all of this doesn't end up like Bigpoint.

the game is still playable and battle eye has been making an effort sorry if its not enough for you. But continue to cry if you like. and sorry but the amount of cats who are jocking Rocket and what he is or is not doing is lawl.

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Today, we've encountered three hackers.

All three in cherno. Shocker.

First, we came under fire by a guy wielding a MK12 (he wasen't conservative of ammo at all, the dude was going full auto just spamming at the building we were in)

Second, we were teleported to by a guy with a hatchet.

Third, I was shot and killed through a wall by a guy with a silenced holo SCAR, which I saw and identified after looking at him through binos.


Edited by nikinor

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I was about to say "four" because I thought one of the encounters the other day happened yesterday.


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been a month since I saw a hacker. Are us and rus servers really so badly corrupted that you can see hackers everyday?


What server have you been on? TELL ME.

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