dgeesio 1034 Posted September 9, 2012 tbh punkbuster has done this before and a few times theyve been false poistives. no security is water tight but i do hope it is legit bans as DayZ is a hackfest on public servers. anyone who runs a server will tell you this with the amount of scripts people try to load 24/7 .hopefully standalone isnt same or it will be dead in a month. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dinnr (DayZ) 8 Posted September 9, 2012 Whatever happens I do hope in ArmA 3 BE wont be doing the anti-cheat because so far i've only seen posts complaining about them and no posts congratulating them.Or maby someone in the BE office just got dumped by their girlfriend and is taking it out on all the players of DayZ and ArmA.Just what I thought, we may never find out whats happening. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hawc 63 Posted September 9, 2012 I have been curious about something for a long time. Why don't server owners/devs make a script whitelist or blacklist? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Warrez 1 Posted September 9, 2012 (edited) we have blacklist actually lol.. about whitelist i dont know...and when u see something like"player was kicked by battleye "restricted script""then he was kicked by trying to execute blacklisted script Edited September 9, 2012 by Warrez Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnnieGYG 32 Posted September 9, 2012 Unfortunatly many people who are thought to be 100% clean are actually passively ESPing and it's very hard to tell, we played with 2 hackers in our clan for 2-3 weeks. Both seemed like awesomely nice guys. We started suspecting when, by their own stupidity they were telling us things when it was impossible to tell/see. We only caught one of them after a massive set up operation involving a friendly fire incident where the offender jumped channels immediately to rage at the guy that killed him even though we had all been telling him on chat the "murderer" was with us 5,000 m away.After this we confronted him and he said he paid $60 for his hack, we had absolutely no way of detecting it aside from what came out of his mouth making it clear he was ESPing. There was nothing in the logs for this guy at all out of the ordinary. Not sure if he got banned in the wave today or not.From my point of view, on our server today from 22 people we saw 5 people insta-banned, however none of the 15 people in Teamspeak were banned.I'm not sure what to say on this one, I wish I could support you, unfortunatly I do not have any evidence at all to back you up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Delta Smoke 01 765 Posted September 9, 2012 There is no way to prove it, I dont care about causing hysteria, as long as people know whats going on thats good enough.They can play at their own risk, theres just no way that everyone in our server could have been a hacker when many of them are regular players to our private hive and we have never had any problems with anyting showing in the logs that point to them hacking, yet they still get a global banYou should care about hysteria, when you have no proof of what you are talking about. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forgewolf 70 Posted September 9, 2012 Hopefully we will see a good decline in obvious hackers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
libertine 351 Posted September 9, 2012 (edited) FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WAY TO GO BATTLEEYE DEVS!!!!!!!!!I think i may just load up DayZ today :)According to BE, it's neither, just a massive ban wave. Edited September 9, 2012 by Thane 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 3 Posted September 9, 2012 This isn't a false positive, BattlEye just handed out 2000 bans.Nice, hopefully there will be twice as less hackers/scripters today. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daze23 549 Posted September 9, 2012 Didn't know there were hacks for that. I'm glad I've yet to run into anyone using those.how would you know if they were using it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dankine 377 Posted September 9, 2012 Whatever happens I do hope in ArmA 3 BE wont be doing the anti-cheat because so far i've only seen posts complaining about them and no posts congratulating them.Or maby someone in the BE office just got dumped by their girlfriend and is taking it out on all the players of DayZ and ArmA.Just what I thought, we may never find out whats happening.you will pretty much never see positive posts, only the people (hackers included) bitching. don't be fooled into taking that to mean the ac is shite. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Odrama Vin Laden 18 Posted September 9, 2012 Its been confirmed by an in-game battle eye message that there have been over 2000 global bans today. Battle eye is just cleaning house today, nothing to do with a hacker changing your key... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thelonewarrior 886 Posted September 9, 2012 Ok thats fair enough, it could have just been our server panicking in the side chat as it seemed odd at the time for so many people to get global bans.I still believe the people I play with were wrongly accussed, espiecally as one of them always destroys hacked gear and bans hackers a lot on our server. He is one who has no tolerance for hacking and hates cheaters so I doubt he would hack himself.I could be wrong as ive kept sayung, but from the point of view of our server, every player suddenly getting banned like that rose some red flags.We thought if it was a battleeye ban they would have banned everyone at the same time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Del (DayZ) 0 Posted September 9, 2012 I duno, last week I wasn't able to play because my CD just stopped working. It took little over a day for support at steam & BE to even reply. When they did it magically started working again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dankine 377 Posted September 9, 2012 I duno, last week I wasn't able to play because my CD just stopped working. It took little over a day for support at steam & BE to even reply. When they did it magically started working again.sounds believable Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DazTroyer 227 Posted September 9, 2012 Ah, maybe its safe to start playing again now a lot of the scripters are gone... :) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted September 9, 2012 Massive amounts of hackers.And massive amounts of bans.It just doesn't add up... 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skat3rat 1633 Posted September 9, 2012 I know it doesn't make sense to me either. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RaxUK 61 Posted September 9, 2012 Just so everyone is aware, if you have bough OA through steam, all you have to do to get your key back is run OA normally not through 6 launcher or dayz commander. Once you are in a server and playing on a key, however, even if yours get stolen and switched you wont get banned as you are still on the same key and they will get a "key is in use" error is they try and use it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted September 9, 2012 (edited) My partner and i just finished a 6 hour 20 minute session, bleeding eyes but a fuckton of fun :) Saw about four global and a couple of admin bans across two servers in all of that time. Funny thing is nobody in our group has ever been banned for hacking, probably because we don't.Hackers..how you doin... Edited September 9, 2012 by Hetstaine 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slyder73 94 Posted September 9, 2012 (edited) Ok thats fair enough, it could have just been our server panicking in the side chat as it seemed odd at the time for so many people to get global bans.I still believe the people I play with were wrongly accussed, espiecally as one of them always destroys hacked gear and bans hackers a lot on our server. He is one who has no tolerance for hacking and hates cheaters so I doubt he would hack himself.I could be wrong as ive kept sayung, but from the point of view of our server, every player suddenly getting banned like that rose some red flags.We thought if it was a battleeye ban they would have banned everyone at the same timeThen you were wrong. He has been using hacks as well, and probably justifying them to himself by telling himself they aren't the obvious scripts that torment people. He has been hacking as well, scripting, likely the more subtle ones that give him an advantage (no trees/foliage, map markers on, etc.) or has been scripting in equipment etc.A LOT more people hack/script than is obvious. They won't be missed. Edited September 9, 2012 by Slyder73 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dankine 377 Posted September 9, 2012 kinda looks like obama Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dakilla187 28 Posted September 9, 2012 I can never understand why people think, ohh this is my friend, ive known him forever, and never even met them in real life....Ive got plenty friends but their all on the internet.Get a life, you dont know if your so called best buddy is was a hackerBan more!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jblackrupert 308 Posted September 9, 2012 It has been known for a while hackers can execute undectable scripts through external programs and force other players to get banned by making them execute the script.BULLSHIT 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted September 9, 2012 kinda looks like obama Yeh..sorry, that was my full serious look ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites