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Dont play DAY Z today! Massive CD stealing while IN GAME

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I dont think that had anything to do with this, Im just saying if its possible to force players to execute a script then its probably possible to somehow take a CD while in game

Which people who seem to know what they're talking about say it isn't...

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Battleeye has made mistakes before, we all know they cant control this hacking problem.

Truth is they are going to say there are no false positives whether or not thats true, they have done it before.

Im just saying, eiether dont play or if everyone starts getting global bans then leave the server and wait it out.

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If people were stealing CD keys while we were playing, how would they get us banned?

We'd still be playing so they would just get the 'CD key in use' message when trying to join a server...

Even if they managed to get on, they'd have to switch registry keys, boot up the game, get in a server, execute a bannable script, quit game, switch registry keys and repeat for all 25 players, which is unlikely in the time frame you suggested.

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Bullshit. Got a global ban today, I've never used hacks or run scripts or any shit like that.

There's clearly a way that people are able to steal or spoof GUIDs or CD-keys. No other explanation, and the devs sticking their head in the sand and "vehemently denying" things doesn't help any of us.

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Yeah, unless they have a program doing it for them, I doubt someone is doing it step by step

They dont switch keys, they give you a banned one and then store yours to be sold online in a package with a group of useable CD keys

Its the same as real life, people say blahblahblah we will never have our seciruty broken into at the pentagon.....next thing you know some 13 year old in their parents basement has hacked into military files and stolen them.

Its the same here, battleeye will refuse to even say its possible because they cant do anything about it. Its easier to ignore it then try to make a futile attempt to fix the problem

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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Battleye has made mistakes before, we all know they can't control this hacking problem.

Truth is they are going to say there are no false positives whether or not thats true, they have done it before.

Then owned upto it and rectified them fairly quickly...

They dont switch keys, they give you a banned one and then store yours to be sold online in a package with a group of useable CD keys

You can't change the registry through DayZ.

People who have had their keys nicked/changed have either tried to download cheats, or got a dodgy lingor etc installer.

Edited by Dankine
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Yeah, unless they have a program doing it for them, I doubt someone is doing it step by step

They dont switch keys, they give you a banned one and then store yours to be sold online in a package with a group of useable CD keys

Okay, but it still doesn't make sense. There's no way someone could change the key in your registry while it is in use by the game. It would crash everything.

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Just because I forgot to add on the end of my post that battleeye rectifed them quickly doesnt mean im making things up.

Besides there are still loads of legitimate players out there that have global bans when they have done nothing wrong

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I think the remote execution of scripts on other players sounds actually more reasonable than key theft. BE claiming not false positives makes this even likelier, unless all 25 people were indeed hackers, which would be odd for sure. Maybe the hacker attacked specific servers, running small undetected (by the players, but not BE) scripts through some players and banning lots of people consequently?

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Just because I forgot to add on the end of my post that battleeye rectifed them quickly doesnt mean im making things up.

Okay maybe not. It means you are twisting things to try and make them look different to how they are.

Besides there are still loads of legitimate players out there that have global bans when they have done nothing wrong

I'd contest that. The fact that someone on a forum says they don't hack and have never hacked means precisely zero much of the time.

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Last week some intelligent guys released 3 different public cheats on a well known website, some other intelligent guys (many of them apparently) used them, believing they were "secure", because BE weren't banning anyone so far... without knowing that BS collects the GUID's for some days (or weeks) to ban all of them together... today is "the day", and all those intelligent players (actually: idiots) have been banned. End of story.

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So does the OP not know what he's talking about or is he correct?

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Complain about hackers then when a tonne are banned complain that you don't think the bans are legitimate, seriously? If it's a false positive, which BattlEye says it is not, they will be removed, like they were last time and if they aren't then awesome another couple of thousand cheaters to add to the list.

Edited by smasht_AU
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There's a whole massive chain of basic security failure that'd have to occur on a computer for the CD key to be stolen EVEN IF scripters could do it.

Seems pretty damn unlikely.

More likely is that 2000 people just got banned for running something they shouldn't have.

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Or maybe battleye is just getting around to banning a bunch of hackers. Most likely this is the case.

Everyone who has D/L a script or hack is finally getting their due.

Those on here saying they are banned and didn't hack...bullshit.

Those on here saying they know someone who was banned but are sure they weren't script/hacking...bullshit.

I have no fear of playing and look forward to the idiots not being present where I play. Good job Battleye.

Edited by Slyder73
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Hello there

I think slating BE with vague rumour and opinions isn't going to help.

Also, whilst Key stealing in game may have happened, anecdotal evidence isn't enough to move on. We need logs etc etc etc

IF any false positives happen BE will reverse em as before.

Let's wait and see before jumping to Conclusions. It's a long swim through the Sea of Knowledge back to the shore.



Edited by orlok
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Yeah your right, like I said the logs showed nothing out of the ordinary so it could be a legit series of bans.

Just seeing so many in one server when ive never seen these guys hack (and some of those banned have a real hate for hackers and always destory hacked gear) makes me think somewhere along the line someone has made a mistake.

Im going to wait this out

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Yeah your right, like I said the logs showed nothing out of the ordinary so it could be a legit series of bans.

Just seeing so many in one server when ive never seen these guys hack (and some of those banned have a real hate for hackers and always destory hacked gear) makes me think somewhere along the line someone has made a mistake.

Im going to wait this out

Most likely those the loudest "anti-hacker" folks on a server are also hackers. Unless you know them personally in real life there is no way to know.

The script running is really endemic and if almost an entire server gets banned, likely almost the entire server was running or had run a banned script in the past.

If you haven't seen them hack they just haven't been obvious. I think a LOT LOT more players than most realize are using scripts like the ones that remove trees and foliage or that shows where everyone is on a map etc. Those subtle ones don't stand out like the teleporting idiots, but they are hacks nonetheless. I am glad they are being banned.

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Most likely those the loudest "anti-hacker" folks on a server are also hackers. Unless you know them personally in real life there is no way to know.

The script running is really endemic and if almost an entire server gets banned, likely almost the entire server was running or had run a banned script in the past.

If you haven't seen them hack they just haven't been obvious. I think a LOT LOT more players than most realize are using scripts like the ones that remove trees and foliage or that shows where everyone is on a map etc. Those subtle ones don't stand out like the teleporting idiots, but they are hacks nonetheless. I am glad they are being banned.

Didn't know there were hacks for that. I'm glad I've yet to run into anyone using those.

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I've been playing most of this afternoon & evening on a couple of different UK servers.. about half an hour ago BE posted that they had just banned 2000 people & that there are "no false positives".. seen quite a few get banned though had no trouble myself..

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Last week some intelligent guys released 3 different public cheats on a well known website, some other intelligent guys (many of them apparently) used them, believing they were "secure", because BE weren't banning anyone so far... without knowing that BS collects the GUID's for some days (or weeks) to ban all of them together... today is "the day", and all those intelligent players (actually: idiots) have been banned. End of story.

err.... i dont want to get into this argue about if it is legit ban or false-positive... but u do realize that battleye or well "battleye team" are consist of human beings working together... and human beings CAN AND WILL make mistake time to time..... so u/me/we shouldnt "believe" everything that is being told/shown to us.... because even the most intelligent human on earth can and will make mistake sometimes

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err.... i dont want to get into this argue about if it is legit ban or false-positive... but u do realize that battleye or well "battleye team" are consist of human beings working together... and human beings CAN AND WILL make mistake time to time..... so u/me/we shouldnt "believe" everything that is being told/shown to us.... because even the most intelligent human on earth can and will make mistake sometimes

you're arguing that somehow they've ballsed up banning people who downloaded these rigged cheats?

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no lol.. just pointing out that mistake can happens.... how about lets say the kind of mistake that they accidently made it so that Battleye automatically bans people who uses lets say Logitech G15 keyboard (it reads program's memories) and lets say that over 2000 ppl HAVE/HAD G15 and now they are all banned because of that "one mistake"

and now dont come and argue about they are always checking and rechecking and other things... or about how unlikely it is and blah blah... i just sait it as an example...

my point is that.. people make mistakes.. even if they take a lot of measurements to ensure that those kinds of mistakes doesn't happens but in the end it's impossible to "never" make mistake... because otherwise we would never learn anything...

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So, what about steam then? Your steam copy's CD key is tied with your actual steam account, so I honestly don't think there's any possible way to change that for yourself, let alone have someone do it from the outside.

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