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Remove all military sniper rifles....

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If you're going to cry like a bitch over rifles, just leave. In the first place any military rifle is VERY hard to find in the first place. Hell I haven't even seen a CZ550 since 1.7.1 and I've only ever once seen an M107. Don't be a moron and stand still. Keep moving ffs,

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I agree with this post. Either make a deathmatch sniping game or a zombie game. You can't have both. Zombies are WAY to easy to avoid/kill, and this is with just a crap pistol. Once you play for 30 minutes you realize this.

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and if you wanna talk balancing, let's talk. Remove the AS-50 and the DMR if you ABSOLUTELY MUST, you nerf crybabies. That way we have a medium range rifle (M14 AIM) medium range scoped rifle (CZ550) long range precision rifle (M24) and a single .50 cal rifle to knock out car engines (M107). Instead of the DMR which can shoot 20 rounds in 3 seconds, and the AS-50, which can completely destroy any vehicle with one shot (explode it) and all the dupers seem to have.

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If you find a weapon at a heli crash site or deerstand since it is outside it would be rusted over and you cannot use it.

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If you find a weapon at a heli crash site or deerstand since it is outside it would be rusted over and you cannot use it.

Even gun inside after some time will be rusty.

Baked bean will be uneatable.

Gas station will be empty very fast.

Cow will die very fast to.

Medic stuff will be no good in no time !

So should we remove all of that ?

Edited by Tabarnator

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Im sick of dying guys, lets remove zombies,temperature,starvation and thirst. Lets also make all guns like tf2 i-i-i mean lets remove all guns! thats a hardcore game!

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Deer Stands -> CZ550 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CZ-550

Military -> SVD http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragunov_sniper_rifle, M24 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M24_Sniper_Weapon_System, DMR (apparently this just means "Designated Marksman Rifle" so no idea what the DMR actually is, so perhaps something more european, like a Bor, or a Steyr Scout http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steyr_Scout

Crash Site -> AW/M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accuracy_International_AWM, AS50 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AS50

Whilst I do think there should be a range of sniper rifles, I think it should at least make sense that they are dependant on where you are looking, perhaps add more hunting style equipment to find in deer stands, if the downed choppers are british lets have just british stuff, if the military bases are Czech, lets just find weapons that are Czech.

There can still be a place for American weapons, maybe there are two types of crash sites, American and British. American ones you find your M4's, M24's, M16's. British you find well, british guns. Infact, they could have a system where the helicopters are marked clearly as a nation and they have weapons at them based on the army in question, so perhaps German, American and English. Just an idea so that all the fanboys of certain guns get their taste .

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Every damn player (including me.. coz there's no other way to play atm) have a sniper rifle and an assault rifle (switching from backpack) ...and 90% of times i find myself doind what anyone else is doing as well: camping.. killing the first "idiot" who's brave enough to put his head outside of cover... because he got bored; because he's just a fresh spawn; because he didn't realized yet that this is a camp-fest.

I agree, eventually leave just the CZ into the game, with a limited zoom and put out all the others.. including my beloved AS50 (i honestly admit that it's too f****ing OP, whenever i continue to use it.. coz, hey should i be the first to trash it? :D ).

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You seem to forget this is a VIDEO GAME! And one that is open world for people to play as they like how they like. If you don't like the pvp in the game then may i suggest hello kitty online? It might be more your style where you don't have to worry about confrontation or competition.

The last thing I heard about anything sounding remotely close to Hello Kitty Online, there was mention of furry virtual orgies and catnip adbots.

On topic, I'd like to point out that we should be rallying for the really killer: Removing Cherno and Elektro from the game. I mean, everytime you want to get somewhere they're in the way. You KNOW there's going to be snipers or someone looting, so you're going to have to go out of your way sneaking through the alleys until an hour into rolling prone through cherno, you get shot. Can we get a petition started? Should have done this the first time I brought it up

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On topic, I'd like to point out that we should be rallying for the really killer: Removing Cherno and Elektro from the game.

Don't be stupid.

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Maybe treat the .50 cals like vehicles. A limited amount per server and they respawn if the player who holds it is offline for a week?

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I don't think they should remove all of them from the game, but be realistic for god sake, the russians use russian weapons, not m107s or as50s, which is why I think the only military sniper rifles in the game should be the svd and the sks and also the cz550, it's not a military sniper but it has good long range capabilities, ofc I guess you should be able to get an as50 of an l86a2 from chopper crashes sice they are supposed to be form the british army but you shouldn't be able to find an m107 in a barrack in a russian military base

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So maybe the crashed choppers shouldn't be American Hueys then. Maybe a nice Wessex or Lynx

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put sniper riffles that a normal person can actually own in real life. Not this military riffles, witch will be hard to get in a zombie outbreak. In other words take out military weapons and put in weapons you can find in a guns and ammo shop. Hell even walmart!

you're joking though right? you realise in the USA you can own legally pretty much ANY military sniper rifles with exception to a FEW 50.cal versions which I believe you can still own provided you can A. afford them and B. have the correct licence.

In other countries the laws aren't even that much tighter. you can pretty much shoot anything you please if you have private land and are a registered gun keeper..

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I should be worried about finding food/water than searching for 50 .cal bullets. If I was at close range (100m) with an m107 everyone would know I was there. At long range (600m+), I wouldn't shoot anything just because of the distance I have to cover to loot my target. Totally fine with me to have only small caliber rifles such as .223 that have more abundant ammo.

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Ya right!!

Lets just remove all the 7.62/.308's also and let the run n gun's steal this game too.

CoD and BF both caved in to the loudest whiners and ruined the sniper/recon class - go play them

You can have my M107 or AS50 from my dying hands - come get it

Also note: here in the states you can order a 12.7 from most any gun shop.

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Sniper rifles aren't the issue, it is how common they are for how powerful they are.

Take the DMR,AS50 and M107 for example.

How much easier is it to find one of these compared to a less powerful rifle like an M24? Ridiculously easy, the AS50 needs to go and the M107 and DMR should purely be a barrack spawn only gun

Edited by jdz

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Remove ALL weapons and add guitars and castanets. That way we could all just jam together.

On a serious note: DON'T remove snipers. That would be stupid. Seriously.

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Its part of the game, Dont complain.

Sniper rifles encourage banditry, And while its not really supported, Banditry adds alot to the game.

you misspelled 'faggotry'

And misspelled 'a lot' :P

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I wouldn't mind having a Savage Model 110.

I'm sure someone has got to have one in Chernarus.

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If you dont like the mil snipers dont jump in Namalsk, once you get creamed across the face with a rail gun riding bitch seat in a UAZ backseat you'll break your pc over it if you cant handle a tickle from the M107.

EDIT: Keep all weapons.. add a Military axe :D

Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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The game is much better without the .50 cals.

Playing on a server right now, only sniper rifles in the game are CZ550 and M24. Both guns are very rare, and the ammo only spawns with the guns. The rarity of the guns sort of makes up for the fact that everyone in DayZ can instantly pick up a sniper rifle and hit a target at 500m. Artificially limiting the number of snipers in the game, which I initially disagreed with on principle, makes the game a lot more fun in my opinion (and this is coming from a sniper).

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