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Tips from a 100+ day survivor

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Bit more background, I haven't been playing DayZ non-stop. I haven't played for a few weeks and just started playing again, but this is what I've done up to that point.

I've had this character for a quite long time though, and thought I'd just help others who are just trying to survive.


It can be a bit awkward at times, this is the first commentary I've ever done so I apologize for that.

Edited by Xpherion
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I generally don't worry about population because servers fill up pretty fast. I just look for a US server that has a good ping and that's pretty much it.

I usually play on Veteran because I know the map pretty well (although the server I was in on the video was apparently regular or something).

Playing on a high pop server can have pros and cons though. Sure you have a higher chance of getting shot, but you also have a higher chance of finding dead players with good gear.

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Sounds like a pretty boring gaming style, but each to his own.

I guess it can be. I consider myself to be a very patient player. I'm the kind of person that will take up a sniper rifle in a Domination mission and sit on a hilltop for an hour surveying the AO and reporting contacts to my teammates, while only firing a few shots.

I decided pretty early on that my main goal would be to survive as long as I possibly could.

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That's basically the game. Survive until you hit boredom.

Why'd you kill the 2nd guy though? Your explanation didn't really make sense to me - maybe you left something out?

I hit Elektro or Cherno virtually every time I die. It's just so convenient and I run like hell, so I don't care.

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That's basically the game. Survive until you hit boredom.

Why'd you kill the 2nd guy though? Your explanation didn't really make sense to me - maybe you left something out?

I hit Elektro or Cherno virtually every time I die. It's just so convenient and I run like hell, so I don't care.

He was laying on the ground almost dead, I had no medical supplies on me at the time but I didn't want to just leave him there, so I shot him in the head, took what I could use, and hid his body. He actually later thanked me lol.

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Good tips for someone learning the mechanics. Once they understand surviving then it is time to find bigger loots that typically come with PVP.

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I lasted for 28 days and was bored out of my skull. Once you can cook meat you just hide in the woods and live almost indefinitely. But it's DULL! So, so dull and boring.

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I do a combo of living in the woods and looting towns for the fun and ammo of it.

I usually am by myself, so the 800 blood from the meat is a great feature if u take a couple z hits.

My goal now is to see every town on the map.

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Sounds like he's playing it realistically. Training for 12/12/12 is a viable goal. I know the first thing a true survivalist will do if the world goes to @#$@ is to head for a secluded corner of the woods with supplies and survival skills and wait it out.

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100 days with no hackers?

Get the fuck out.

Ive never come across a hacker in this game. Only thing ive ever seen was some guy randomly spawning boxes full of all the weapons in the game and ammo. No thunderdome, no spawning in the air above the ocean, none of that madness thankfully.

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I could never play like this, seems extremely boring. The best part about DayZ (IMO) is the player interaction.

Edited by smasht_AU
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I could never play like this, seems extremely boring. The best part about DayZ (IMO) is the player interaction.

player interaction is the only option left when you know how to survive, and this makes it best.

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I think the key thing to recognize is that zombie survival really isn't that hard in this game.

This version of the alpha isn't really about zombie survival anymore.

Avoid other people. <----- MOST IMPORTANT

Learn what buildings have 1 entry/exit and which have two.

Learn to use those buildings to lose zombies.

Learn how to use hills and trees to lose zombies. (losing zombies is quite easy now)

Spawn, run into cherno or electro and try to find a hatchet, hunting knife and matches. (and maybe a water bottle)

(hit a grocery store, church, apartment buildings and maybe a hospital to grab morphine)

Run out of those towns and hide in the hills and hunt animals. (lots of animals around Vybor or Berezino)

Run into other towns to find drinks and a water bottle.

Most important - remember to avoid other people = Survival

Less boring survival. Try to find a bike to speed up those long runs between towns and get some binoculars to scan open fields for animals.

As long as you make no other human contact... you will survive.

Edited by astroz0mbie

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This vid is like introduction of your avatar in DayZ :).

I like the fact that you dont have rifle, it somehow makes it feel more realistic, like that you did not have luck enough to find it (I know, it got lost in water).

I think many people tried to play lone hermit hiding in the woods,but for most it gets boring pretty fast.

On the other hand this might be the most sucessfull way of surviving if such shit happened in real life.

Nowadays I mostly roam south, Cherno and Electro, interact with people (yes I die a lot but it does not bother me that much) and I play good guy (have hero skin and 10K humanity and rising).

For me the best stuff in DayZ is to fighting bandits, taking chances and talk to people before shooting and such.

Ofc I dont have uber leet, but I am pretty fine with winchester or some AKM anyway.

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Nowadays I mostly roam south, Cherno and Electro, interact with people (yes I die a lot but it does not bother me that much) and I play good guy (have hero skin and 10K humanity and rising).

For me the best stuff in DayZ is to fighting bandits, taking chances and talk to people before shooting and such.

Ofc I dont have uber leet, but I am pretty fine with winchester or some AKM anyway.

I think I will start playing this way... I have a ton of gear... DMR, M249 SAW, PDW, 2 NVG, 2 GPS, Ghillie etc etc...

I find I don't really need any of that gear to survive (my original goal) and unless I plan to start killing people I don't really need the DMR.

I've gotten so bored I'm about ready to just give my gear away and start over. Working so hard for all that gear only to realize how utterly useless most of it is... quite unrewarding. I started playing private hive servers just to get the excitement of gearing back up again and I do just as well with a hatchet and maybe a pistol to survive... and it's more exciting.

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Sooo .... Hide in the corner of the map on an empty server next to water and only log in once a month maximum. Alt + F4 the second anyone else joins the server. And make sure you never put yourself in any situation where a zombie even has a chance of spawning on the map.

Yeah, sounds like fun .... Why did you bother downloading DayZ?

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