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New map completly.

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So from me playing dayz mod the first thing I see is the huge potential it has. The thing I dislike right off the bat is the map. This would easily be my favorite zombie game if it didnt have this map.

This map is one of the most pretentious maps I have played on. Its huge for no reason and there is hardly a reason to play on it except for cherno and elektro. I was really hoping for a map this size to be multi purpose. An urban area, a downtown area (skyline) a rural area, an abandon area etc. Mutiple areas for all needs, random items so no area is better than the other, less open pointless space. (so either zombies in the outskirts and the forest or items, small shacks, more animals etc. )

I belive just a map change, small tweaks, and bug fixes is all this game really needs to be extremlly awesome.

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There are lots of reasons to play it. I mean, If you go up north, you can find stuff like Nightvisions, better weapons etc... Besides, I think the most of the people like the map as it is.

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I agree, Having a new map with more objects making the world look more "alive". Instead of just trees we could have shacks, and dirt roads. Fences? and misc objects There is alot of Open and pointless space, also constructing the map so that no area is better than the other would be awesome. some Urban areas which is mainly focused on pvp and scavenging would be great too. Having a Map Change would most likely please alot of people, Getting to Explore new places and such.

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There are lots of reasons to play it. I mean' date=' If you go up north, you can find stuff like Nightvisions, better weapons etc... Besides, I think the most of the people like the map as it is.


No, there's a big flaw because many buildings aren't enterable. Yet there is a temperature system. I wish there was a v2.0 of Chernarus but it's much easier just to take another map that doesn't have this issue.

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i think there are plenty of enterable buildings, sure it wuld be cool if we had more but that's what we have to look forward to in ARAM 3.

The map i thnk is perfect. I like the fact that there are vast open fields and greatly wooed areas. It's perfect imho.

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The map size is perfect for 40-50 players. If you want "alive" head for Cherno, Elektro, Stary Sobor or any airfield. If you want to survive, stay away from mentioned areas. I also have a problem with the concept of Chernarus being "alive", since 98% of the population aren't.

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...Its huge for no reason ...less open pointless space...

It is huge for a very good reason, the map was developed to be able to cater from very small infantry missions, to huge Team vs Team combat with a large variety of Infantry, vehicles and air units. This map was developed for a Mil Sim game, not for a zombie game. A mod, which has been out for a few months and is still in very early alpha may I add, happens too use it. Perhaps just be happy with what you have until other more pressing concerns are dealt with. Also this thread has been made a million times before.

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Would like a separate new map in future too. Current map is easily exploreable via armory. People can simply learn what they want in single player and go to live servers already knowing most of the layout. Of course at some point even new map could be completely explored but it will take longer and will be harder as explorers will be taking live servers' risks.

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ppl new to Arma2/Chernarus who are playing it for the first time may see the map as too large, but keep in mind that the map was not built for the mod, but the other way around. The game world of Chernarus is perfect size when you play the base game as it was designed & Arma 3's game world will be almost twice as large, so those hoping for smaller maps in A3 are in for a shock.

Now there are custom maps made by the mod community that are smaller in overall size, some have a more desert look/feel, others have a more tropical terrain, ect.. perhaps at some point there may be a DayZ version on those custom maps, but seeing that we are only at the Alpha stage, it will be sometime before the full release of the mod & any possible custom changes.

Personally I'm glad the Dev's haven't gone the ACE route were you literally have to download gig's of files to play ACE, instead they have kept it to one item to download in order to play, which is the best route to go, but I wouldn't mind downloading a custom map also if they went that route, just don't want to have to download 37 & each server be different.

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The map is fine as it is, it takes enough time to get somewhere so it doesn't feel like you get there in five minutes. If you want a lot of pvp, go to the coast. If you want to survive and get good gear, you head out of the coast. If everything was small, it'd literally be one giant pvp fuckfest.

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Would like a separate new map in future too. Current map is easily exploreable via armory. People can simply learn what they want in single player and go to live servers already knowing most of the layout. Of course at some point even new map could be completely explored but it will take longer and will be harder as explorers will be taking live servers' risks.

You need the map file stored locally... Changing the map will never change this.

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I like that Chernarus is full of forests and small towns. It's very dreary and spooky.

Zombies in Afghanistan or in some resort island sounds like a cheesy movie sequel straight to DVD.

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Would like a separate new map in future too. Current map is easily exploreable via armory. People can simply learn what they want in single player and go to live servers already knowing most of the layout. Of course at some point even new map could be completely explored but it will take longer and will be harder as explorers will be taking live servers' risks.

I disagree with that, I have been playing Arma II for quite a while and I thought I knew Chernarus quite well.

But traversing the country side on foot showed me a lot that I did not notice before, especially ponds and small lakes (very usefull for filling your cantines), I never knew that there where so many of them.

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