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About ATao

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  1. ATao

    Don't fix waterpumps

    Pretty please? It's so much more interesting searching for water ponds now!
  2. ATao

    "Flawed Concept" - Discuss

    Yep. But DayZ sells. Rocket made it possible where all others failed miserably.
  3. ATao

    "Flawed Concept" - Discuss

    For me DayZ is "flawed concept" because it is not a MMO. I mean that I want not just 100 people on a single shard. I want like 1000-3000+ playing together in single world, MMO scale not some online shooter one. And that's pretty much it. 100 +- for single shard is a scale too small for grand endgame concepts. I strongly believe that idea of "no need to lvlup or grind for skills" aka natural interaction coupled with harsh survival setting (not necessarily with zombies) is a way to go for a good nextgen MMO. That doesn't mean that DayZ in it's current form should be abandoned. Even perfectionist should understand the importance of finishing his projects.
  4. Dean, do you understand that I bought DayZ only because I have trust in your vision and project organization? And I bet not only I but many of us, customers. Bohemia's community = arma fanboys and they are few. Even though I enjoy playing arma from time to time I'll never play it as much as DayZ. And I'll never believe that some indie-like Bohemia will manage to pull off a beast project like DayZ. You brought us DayZ and showed that multiplayer horizon could be set so much further than casual theme parks and usual shooters. Only DayZ made us shit bricks and experience adrenaline rushes on regular basis! Search for ideal gameplay is endless. Like any other road to perfection. You should understand that better than anyone else. With each new day, with each new job, with each new interaction you learn something, evolve and want to build a project better than before. But there's no point in that if every time you toss off unfinished things and hop to others. With experience you understand that you have to learn to complete your projects, even if they seem imperfect. Otherwise you can easily find yourself leaving a trail of half-baked and not finished projects. And complete things always, I'll repeat myself, always bring you closer to that distant unreachable perfection. The experience of finishing the job completely is that much more valuable for your future goals. Dean, you are a Steve Jobs for DayZ! Don't leave! PLEASE FINISH IT!!1
  5. ATao

    How to end kill on sight?

    Absolutely :blush: , Something still needs to be done. The value of life is nowhere near where it should be. Items have value but life itself doesn't which is totally flawed. But don't forget that even if something is done and even if that something is very effective.. we'll still KOS. Because that's still a PC game and we are PKs. Oh and limiting the resources isn't going to affect KOS. I do agree that military and other automatic weapons should be seriously limited and very rare (their ammo too of course). But that only means that victims will have less resources to protect themselves. If I have 5 bullets then that average Joe may have same or even less. I'll kill him and will get some more from his corpse.
  6. ATao

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    So uh... stock parts give you average accuracy, rare parts give you good accuracy, quality of parts can make it bad or near perfect. What's wrong with that? There would be no point in upgrading M4 components if stock parts were as (or almost) good as MP. Realism or some other complicated whatnot has nothing to do with the question. Upgrades are not for the looks only or they won't be really needed otherwise. That's it, your captain. The only problem is with CQB handle. It's pretty much useless atm. No real benefits and terrible accuracy penalty.
  7. ATao

    I am a cold-blooded murderer

    This. Imo the root of many problems with KOSing (and other connected things) is that life itself is too undervalued in DayZ. Things you wear have value, that rare sniper rifle has value, antibiotics have value. LIFE ITSELF HAS NO VALUE. When I'm freshly spawned I can take risky actions without a problem. I'm not loosing much afterall, maybe just a slight inconvenience of unlucky far spawn. And that is HUGE problem. Life is the ultimate most precious commodity at man's disposal. If DayZ is not some deathmatch in zombie apoc and is about survival (i.e. staying alive) than value of life should be at the top. But it's not even near it. How can this even be? That's major inherent design flaw. I personally don't believe that penalizing KOSing (whether it's humanity system or something else) is going to fix the issue. It's like applying painkiller instead of curing the disease. Penalties aren't raising the value of life afterall. Now what really can raise the life's value? Difficult and interesting question it is. Maybe some skill system that gives bonuses to character accuracy, crafting, some other whatever. Maybe when freshly spawned character can't even hit with an axe properly and only after surviving for about a month can he land accurate shots with his pistol. And if he dies he looses all his skill bonuses which he can't regain any other way than staying alive longer. Maybe we can even have a teacher system when more experienced chars can transfer aka teach some of their prowess to new ones (and who will teach a total lonewolf kosing sniper?). Maybe then most people will value the single life of a character more and that will be enough to improve overall gameplay experience. Now maybe my "skill idea" is a crappy one and there are better ones. I can only hope that rocket and other guys from DayZ team will try to do something to solve this problem.
  8. ATao

    Very Low FPS with Good PC

    Even with the guide optimization and my 4771+780ti I still get ~30 fps observing a city (cherno or electro) from a hill or some other height. That's with no shadows and no aa. FPS is stable high in wilderness but as long as scene complexity goes up FPS goes down. That is the case with arma3 as well but to much lesser degree.
  9. ATao

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    THIS :D ! Can you derive k/d ratio with deaths from pvp damage only?
  10. Shooting moving target from 800+ meters is not that easy. Especially if that guy knows that there may be a sniper. Yes it's a piece of cake to kill some nab in Cherno who doesn't know the layout of the city and never checked for good sniping spots. But if it's an experienced survivor or other sniper who knows where to look and when to move real quickly to avoid being hit... good chances are that you'll miss your first shot or won't 1shot him. And after that if you won't change your position quickly you may soon find that he had some friend on his ts\vent\skype\whatever and they are going to you from behind. tl;dr: Killing noobs is always easy, different story with veterans and groops with good coordination. Noobs are plenty right now. For now. >>>By the way, if you're the kind of bandit/group of bandits that doesnt just randomly snipe people from a day away, I have no big issues with you. It's all about experience man, believe me. If it's a lone sniper on lets say nw airport fs yes he may be annoying at first. But later you know that someone can sit there. You go prepared, from the right side, have cover etcetc. There's no need for any gamemechanics changes as everything is already there. Learn the terrain, people's behaviour and there you go you aren't scared of random bandit anymore. Also this "lonely sniper threat" is countered more easily when you are not alone yourself. Partners can cover your back, spot that sniper and countersnipe him, patch you up etc. So in fact bandits are proving a good reason for other players to cooperate to have better chances of survival. And I've seen people in other threads asking for more reasons to cooperate. It's already there. Bandits alone are reason enough. And when we return to numbers... yep you can find someone trustworthy to help you from those >80%, your enemies still remain <20%.
  11. In dense woodland a good group of 2-4 ppl will circle you and get you. Or you'll disconnect. Trees are providing enough cover for attackers. And I'm not going to argue about your' or their' skill level here. Go shout about how kewl you are to someone else ;) . Playing bandit in current disposition is in no way easier or more difficult than any other role. You can still be killed like anyone else. It's a question of one's readiness to defend himself and nothing else. And when skill (experience) level of players is comparable it's all about numbers.
  12. Numbers are our best friends. I'm monitoring bandit numbers since the patch that removed skins and they seem to stabilize. As of now: - Bandits are ~14,7% of Unique Players. - Bandits are ~18% of Alive Characters. And those aren't changing for at least 1 week. After the patch they rose from like 10-12% respectively but now are pretty stable. And I don't really see them going higher than 20% (25 is the most I can possibly imagine) as PKs were always a minority in MMOs. So basically all those qqing about crazy killers etc are a good bunch of ppl like at lest 8 out of 10. And those 8 can't defend themselves from those 2? Just LOL.
  13. Same question here. Are you guys alive & kicking? Is your service working?
  14. ATao

    New map completly.

    Would like a separate new map in future too. Current map is easily exploreable via armory. People can simply learn what they want in single player and go to live servers already knowing most of the layout. Of course at some point even new map could be completely explored but it will take longer and will be harder as explorers will be taking live servers' risks.