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Dinosaurs !!!

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I can think of no other game other than DayZ that would suit a Dinosaur mod so well.

Players have to survive as they do now in the world of Chernarus, however not only do they have to survive against Bandits, there are masses of Dinosaurs roaming freely and trying to eat everyone they find.

I think this would be awesome, and something that could be done if the Devs put their minds to it :)

Think of the revenue, the only game to have a Dinosaur mod! Kick BF3 out the water with its fake build up and speculation of Dinosaurs!

Imagine treking through Elektro only to find a T-Rex walking down the street !! :-D

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Not suitable for DayZ at all, zombies and dinosaurs don't mix.

But as a separate mod for ArmAII? Hell yeah! :)

Give it a similar setup as DayZ but with dinosaurs instead of zombies. So, DayD? ... ;)

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i had to laugh , imagin fighting a T-Rex in Elektro. Or Groups of Raptors hunting freshly spawned PLayers with a Flashlight.

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Pterodactyls doing flyby's around the map, making it dangerous to be in a chopper without a couple of experienced gunners?

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He means instead of zombies. I think it could work, definitely has the core elements required. I just think it would need a bigger map.

Imagine running through Cherno getting chased by a velociraptor. Amazing idea.

Edited by Jim Bean
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>be a wookie bandit sitting on a hill near Cherno

>Aiming down, looking for potential player targets

>Spot one

>Suddenly, screeee

Congrats, you just reenacted Jurassic Park's best scene.

Seriously, it wouldn't work in Dayz.

But, I'd play a jurrasicDay mod.

Slow zombie are easy.

there's only so much a player can do again a pack of Compsos [Compsognathus]


Look at it, tell me you wouldn't enjoy getting ripped to shreads by a few dozen of those.

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what about xenomorphs prouling through elektro feeding on bodies

Now that would be amazing. Then we would not need Aliens Colonial Marines.

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why would anyone think fighting dinosaurs would be fun and or a good idea to mesh with Dayz? Stick with the dutchy my friend and stop smoking that base

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no one said anything about meshing it. We're talking have the same back story and throw dinosaurs insted of zombies. It's like a survivor mode Carnivores game!!!!!

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Why do we want to fight dino dicks wen we can play DayZ

sorry to tell you but this is DayZ forum not Jurassic Park forum <_<

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Hello there

Dino's mod with Dayz survival mechanics? Great.

Dinos in Dayz? no.

Have dinos not already been modded for Arma?

Check sites like Armaholic and the Bohemia forums for lists of available mods



Edit I seem to remember all dino mods fell flat on their face so far.

Edited by orlok

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I would play a dinosaur mod. Better suited for lingor though.

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no one said anything about meshing it. We're talking have the same back story and throw dinosaurs insted of zombies. It's like a survivor mode Carnivores game!!!!!

Ah, Carnivores. I remember how much that game scared the crap out of me as a kid. In fact, I'm fairly certain that was my first PC game ever. The memories :)

And a Dino mod for DayZ? Sounds like the best suggestion I've heard in a long, long time. No joke.

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Hammond just bought the forums. Welcome to Jurassic Park...

Why has nobody ever made like, a good modern Jurassic Park game? Dinosaurs would work so well with survival horror. The Turok reboot can't be the best we have. :/

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