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Head near exploding.

Guys. The point has been made over and over that some people want a longer log out timer.

Rocket has said that for now' date=' he can't go over 5 seconds without a significant effort. Now what? Keep making the same point over and over until.... What happens?

It's not going to change from 5 right now. Let it alone.


Maybe go read my original post before posting recklessly. I was proposing what I think would be an optimal long-term solution to the disconnection issue. For now, the five second delay will work more than well enough.

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It's not so much "cheating" or what have you to adjust the gamma settings when it's a fact that night–no matter where you are on Earth as long as you're outside–will never be pitch black. This has obviously been discussed at lengths before and while I do agree that there are great tools for lighting up the night and people just have to use them' date=' it's pretty ridiculous that nights are so dark it's impossible even to see what's in right in front of you.

You say you adjust your settings only to get the most realistically looking experience, and that's exactly what I think I'm doing when I yank up the gamma too. The pitch black hours of ArmA 2 just aren't realistic, so in order for me to have a realistic experience (which is being able to at least make out [b']something in the dark) I need to increase brightness and gamma.

I see your point. It's unlikely that every night is the dark side of a solar eclipse (where its pretty friggin dark) and that starlight makes little to no light. The issue is that gamma effects calculated by the ArmA engine will make kind-of-dark greys stand out a lot as changed gamma adjusts your view for maximum white-balance. The only way to fight this problem is to change the amount of light at night to something damn small so that this exploit can't be used - the payoff for that is that people can no longer see a damn thing without assistance from artificial light. The only routes I see out of this are removing night time all together, leaving it as it is, reverting it so that people can exploit again, everyone gets NVGs (which is essentially what the exploit does), or changing the way ArmA handles gamma so that it doesn't have as low a "threshold" for raising white balance (this is explained really well in another thread by Slamz). This would allow moonlight to light up the nightscape somewhat while at the same time preventing gamma from making a big difference. But I really don't know how feasible this is.

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A 'hotfix' could indeed fix the problem' date=' but it isn't something you'd download and install. As far as your computer is concerned, the connection to the ArmA server (eg. UK3) is fine. The ArmA server to Central Server is where the problem is happening, so this is where the patch is to be applied. Sure it could probably be fixed with some kind of fast little patch, but it would require the server owner (not the player) to download and install that as well as the new major patch coming in a couple of days. Remember the patch is still in development and it is MUCH easier to fix/add a lot in one go than to ask the server owner to run a bunch of small annoying updates - no one wants to do that.


I understand where the issue stands (server to central server). I also understand that with the number of servers and players Rocket cannot do "daily patches". This is kind of a unique situation though and I still think the issue is a priority. As it is now having all the servers down for the hotfix would be no different than not playing at all. The lag renders the game unplayable - it's not just "annoying". That's exactly the kind of situation where "servers down for maintenance" would be a great thing.

As long as Rocket understands how bad the "lag" is (I feel the word "lag" is not even strong enough) then I guess it's nuff said.

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Rocket are you ever going to fix the fact that animals don't flee from you when you're trying to hunt them? It would really make it more challenging

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A 'hotfix' could indeed fix the problem' date=' but it isn't something you'd download and install. As far as your computer is concerned, the connection to the ArmA server (eg. UK3) is fine. The ArmA server to Central Server is where the problem is happening, so this is where the patch is to be applied. Sure it could probably be fixed with some kind of fast little patch, but it would require the server owner (not the player) to download and install that as well as the new major patch coming in a couple of days. Remember the patch is still in development and it is MUCH easier to fix/add a lot in one go than to ask the server owner to run a bunch of small annoying updates - no one wants to do that.


I understand where the issue stands (server to central server). I also understand that with the number of servers and players Rocket cannot do "daily patches". This is kind of a unique situation though and I still think the issue is a priority. As it is now having all the servers down for the hotfix would be no different than not playing at all. The lag renders the game unplayable - it's not just "annoying". That's exactly the kind of situation where "servers down for maintenance" would be a great thing.

As long as Rocket understands how bad the "lag" is (I feel the word "lag" is not even strong enough) then I guess it's nuff said.

I think anyone who complains about lag on servers should first be running the BETA Patch of Arma 2 before complaining and demanding fixes.

Make sure to play on BETA servers, too. It literally fixed all problems I had with the game.

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Rocket are you ever going to fix the fact that animals don't flee from you when you're trying to hunt them? It would really make it more challenging

Problem about that its that only rabits and dogs have running animations on arma2. So unless they made new anims its not posible :-/

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Problem about that its that only rabits and dogs have running animations on arma2. So unless they made new anims its not posible :-/

Nothing wrong with speeding up the hovercow.

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I think anyone who complains about lag on servers should first be running the BETA Patch of Arma 2 before complaining and demanding fixes.

Make sure to play on BETA servers' date=' too. It literally fixed all problems I had with the game.


I'm on beta patch, beta servers. Horrendous lag

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A 'hotfix' could indeed fix the problem' date=' but it isn't something you'd download and install. As far as your computer is concerned, the connection to the ArmA server (eg. UK3) is fine. The ArmA server to Central Server is where the problem is happening, so this is where the patch is to be applied. Sure it could probably be fixed with some kind of fast little patch, but it would require the server owner (not the player) to download and install that as well as the new major patch coming in a couple of days. Remember the patch is still in development and it is MUCH easier to fix/add a lot in one go than to ask the server owner to run a bunch of small annoying updates - no one wants to do that.


I understand where the issue stands (server to central server). I also understand that with the number of servers and players Rocket cannot do "daily patches". This is kind of a unique situation though and I still think the issue is a priority. As it is now having all the servers down for the hotfix would be no different than not playing at all. The lag renders the game unplayable - it's not just "annoying". That's exactly the kind of situation where "servers down for maintenance" would be a great thing.

As long as Rocket understands how bad the "lag" is (I feel the word "lag" is not even strong enough) then I guess it's nuff said.

I think anyone who complains about lag on servers should first be running the BETA Patch of Arma 2 before complaining and demanding fixes.

Make sure to play on BETA servers, too. It literally fixed all problems I had with the game.

Right. Or maybe you either haven't seen a zombie in days. Or maybe you have not played recently. Or maybe I was not "demanding" anything...

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I think anyone who complains about lag on servers should first be running the BETA Patch of Arma 2 before complaining and demanding fixes.

Make sure to play on BETA servers' date=' too. It literally fixed all problems I had with the game.


I'm on beta patch, beta servers. Horrendous lag

If you're running the latest patch and on the latest beta servers then I dunno. :S I'm running a GTX 260 and as soon as I installed the Beta Patch and Joined a beta server (version 1.60.9xxxx) the game suddenly went ridiculously smooth - could even headshot running zombies with ease.

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I only play on beta servers with the beta patch, and I do see some severe desync sometimes. On the other hand, sometimes it's fine.

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* [NEW] Player body exists for five seconds after disconnect (UNCONFIRMED IF WORKING)

This will not work. It will bug and keep ppl in there for mins... I can already see this happening.

Why are you punishing the good players for the shitty few that exploit-meta? Or, better yet, why are you placating to the fucking CoD kids?

Who cares what they want. If they had their way, they would lessen the size of the map, increase the player count and give everyone a rifle on spawn.


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A 'hotfix' could indeed fix the problem' date=' but it isn't something you'd download and install. As far as your computer is concerned, the connection to the ArmA server (eg. UK3) is fine. The ArmA server to Central Server is where the problem is happening, so this is where the patch is to be applied. Sure it could probably be fixed with some kind of fast little patch, but it would require the server owner (not the player) to download and install that as well as the new major patch coming in a couple of days. Remember the patch is still in development and it is MUCH easier to fix/add a lot in one go than to ask the server owner to run a bunch of small annoying updates - no one wants to do that.


I understand where the issue stands (server to central server). I also understand that with the number of servers and players Rocket cannot do "daily patches". This is kind of a unique situation though and I still think the issue is a priority. As it is now having all the servers down for the hotfix would be no different than not playing at all. The lag renders the game unplayable - it's not just "annoying". That's exactly the kind of situation where "servers down for maintenance" would be a great thing.

As long as Rocket understands how bad the "lag" is (I feel the word "lag" is not even strong enough) then I guess it's nuff said.

I think anyone who complains about lag on servers should first be running the BETA Patch of Arma 2 before complaining and demanding fixes.

Make sure to play on BETA servers, too. It literally fixed all problems I had with the game.

I run the beta patch and have at times had lag that makes the game unplayable, although its nowhere near as bad as some people on the forums make it out to be, for me at least. I can play for 30 mins fine, then hit a bit of turbulence which makes me lag to the point zombies are going Michael Jackson Thriller sliding across the map, then passes after a 5 minutes. Although that's probably not as bad as the average, it leaves me in a position where I can't really comment for everyone.

All I can really say is reinforce Mromson's suggestion of using the beta patch. I won't tell you to play something else (only asshats do that), I know how much we all want to play on a lag-free server, but I'm sure there's an even better reason to what I posted that's causing the devs to hold back some form of "hotfix".

Rocket are you ever going to fix the fact that animals don't flee from you when you're trying to hunt them? It would really make it more challenging

Problem about that its that only rabits and dogs have running animations on arma2. So unless they made new anims its not posible :-/

I wonder if they'll make rocket do the boar/cow anims with mocap.

* [NEW] Player body exists for five seconds after disconnect (UNCONFIRMED IF WORKING)

This will not work. It will bug and keep ppl in there for mins... I can already see this happening.

Why are you punishing the good players for the shitty few that exploit-meta? Or' date=' better yet, why are you placating to the fucking CoD kids?

Who cares what they want. If they had their way, they would lessen the size of the map, increase the player count and give everyone a rifle on spawn.



It says UNCONFIRMED IF WORKING. He's even put it in big capital letters, and you still failed to see it, and went straight on to the doom mongering. Also I have no idea where you're getting the CoD idea from. Just because a game doesn't fit your and only your idea of something doesn't make it CoD all of a sudden :S. If I am not mistaken, CoD doesn't keep you there for 5 seconds after you disconnect - correct me if I'm wrong I haven't played since MW1.

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Would love to see the equip-a-skin spawn-in-the-ocean bug this patch' date=' it's the main reason I refuse to play 1.7

I have camo on at the moment and with NVGs that I've had for about 3 weeks.. don't really want to risk it.


Me too!

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have you ever been on a survival trip ?

or imagined a real survival situation ?

logging out or sleeping takes time to prepare a save shelter and a secure place, if you do that in game you can lay down for hours, without some one finding you. what is the problem ?

snipers lay down for a long time and don't get spotted, so what is the problem with a few seconds ?

just know where to log out and be secure before you log out. simple survival training more basic than handling a gun if you ask me.

see the plus to it,

some noob idiot DC's in a firefight, you go to his body and have his beans.

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have you ever been on a survival trip ?

or imagined a real survival situation ?

logging out or sleeping takes time to prepare a save shelter and a secure place' date=' if you do that in game you can lay down for hours, without some one finding you. what is the problem ?

snipers lay down for a long time and don't get spotted, so what is the problem with a few seconds ?

just know where to log out and be secure before you log out. simple survival training more basic than handling a gun if you ask me.

see the plus to it,

some noob idiot DC's in a firefight, you go to his body and have his beans.


People will fight for their right to disconnect in the middle of a firefight. That's the human problem for ya :P

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All of these tears are just scrumptious.

Gamma glitching is gone.

Disconnecting during a firefight is no longer safe.

Zombies are more dangerous.

Cry, my sons. It sustains us.

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A 'hotfix' could indeed fix the problem' date=' but it isn't something you'd download and install. As far as your computer is concerned, the connection to the ArmA server (eg. UK3) is fine. The ArmA server to Central Server is where the problem is happening, so this is where the patch is to be applied. Sure it could probably be fixed with some kind of fast little patch, but it would require the server owner (not the player) to download and install that as well as the new major patch coming in a couple of days. Remember the patch is still in development and it is MUCH easier to fix/add a lot in one go than to ask the server owner to run a bunch of small annoying updates - no one wants to do that.


I understand where the issue stands (server to central server). I also understand that with the number of servers and players Rocket cannot do "daily patches". This is kind of a unique situation though and I still think the issue is a priority. As it is now having all the servers down for the hotfix would be no different than not playing at all. The lag renders the game unplayable - it's not just "annoying". That's exactly the kind of situation where "servers down for maintenance" would be a great thing.

As long as Rocket understands how bad the "lag" is (I feel the word "lag" is not even strong enough) then I guess it's nuff said.

I think anyone who complains about lag on servers should first be running the BETA Patch of Arma 2 before complaining and demanding fixes.

Make sure to play on BETA servers, too. It literally fixed all problems I had with the game.

I run the beta patch and have at times had lag that makes the game unplayable, although its nowhere near as bad as some people on the forums make it out to be, for me at least. I can play for 30 mins fine, then hit a bit of turbulence which makes me lag to the point zombies are going Michael Jackson Thriller sliding across the map, then passes after a 5 minutes. Although that's probably not as bad as the average, it leaves me in a position where I can't really comment for everyone.

All I can really say is reinforce Mromson's suggestion of using the beta patch. I won't tell you to play something else (only asshats do that), I know how much we all want to play on a lag-free server, but I'm sure there's an even better reason to what I posted that's causing the devs to hold back some form of "hotfix".

Rocket are you ever going to fix the fact that animals don't flee from you when you're trying to hunt them? It would really make it more challenging

Problem about that its that only rabits and dogs have running animations on arma2. So unless they made new anims its not posible :-/

I wonder if they'll make rocket do the boar/cow anims with mocap.

* [NEW] Player body exists for five seconds after disconnect (UNCONFIRMED IF WORKING)

This will not work. It will bug and keep ppl in there for mins... I can already see this happening.

Why are you punishing the good players for the shitty few that exploit-meta? Or' date=' better yet, why are you placating to the fucking CoD kids?

Who cares what they want. If they had their way, they would lessen the size of the map, increase the player count and give everyone a rifle on spawn.



It says UNCONFIRMED IF WORKING. He's even put it in big capital letters, and you still failed to see it, and went straight on to the doom mongering. Also I have no idea where you're getting the CoD idea from. Just because a game doesn't fit your and only your idea of something doesn't make it CoD all of a sudden :S. If I am not mistaken, CoD doesn't keep you there for 5 seconds after you disconnect - correct me if I'm wrong I haven't played since MW1.

I can see that, skip! My point still stands, though. Keeping a player in the game after they log out, was mainly the suggestion of all the players that just suck at this game. It is not really about making it fair, in truth. It is about giving those piddly fucks a chance to get even. I can see the rule bugging and keeping players in the server for longer periods of time. And 5 seconds? What does that even do? It wont solve anything if it only stays for 5 seconds and will castrate the game for the player logging out, if it bugs and keeps you there longer.

This is a horrible idea, brought on by horrible newbs. Fuck them!

The disconnect issue is really a moot point.

There is a central database and if you wanted too, you can just file a report with the server, time and place you fought at or tried to fight at. The admins can check the central database and pinpoint where you were firing at and they can see who was/wasn't there. Then if they notice that said person logged in a fight, they can take the steps accordingly.

This 5 sec rule will bug and fuck lots of players. Mark my words.

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Why are you punishing the good players for the shitty few that exploit-meta? Or, better yet, why are you placating to the fucking CoD kids?

You must have not been in much firefights with players, because it's nearly everyone who has more than a bean filled makarov to lose that does this. I'm no CoD kid or whatever other generalizing term you'd like to come up with; I don't camp spawns or shoot on sight for that matter and I still want to see this fixed. I usually travel in a group and it's aggravating when someone tries some pot shots at us and find nothing but air when we hunt him down.

Also don't give me that bullshit about 'what if my internet breaks down' or 'I have something really important to do at exactly the moment I get into a fire fight'. Where in the world is internet so unstable? Or since when do gamers have lives (that last one was not serious btw).

I'd rather die 500 times when my connection fails or by having to answer the door, than once by some exploiter that uses disconnect to travel behind us on another server and get the unfair jump on us. It really breaks my immersion and these days most of the times when I'm in a shoot out with someone and he runs inside a building I don't even care anymore to surround it with my team and clear it using proper communication, because nine out of ten times we're chasing ghosts.

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Nope...in fact I didnt have this problem until I loaded 1.7 (without arma2 beta). Been playing becuase it got to the point that I couldnt join ANY servers.

The beta patch is basically where most of the netcode improvements come. If you are still running the non-beta patch, the server has to go into backwards compatibility mode to serve you data, basically you not only fuck yourself with connection, but you also fuck everyone else on the server because you kick up the server lag.

Upgrade to the beta, and fix all of your problems, you are going to have to with 1.7.1 anyway, might as well get it setup beforehand.

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Why are you punishing the good players for the shitty few that exploit-meta? Or' date=' better yet, why are you placating to the fucking CoD kids? [/quote']

You must have not been in much firefights with players, because it's nearly everyone who has more than a bean filled makarov to lose that does this. I'm no CoD kid or whatever other generalizing term you'd like to come up with; I don't camp spawns or shoot on sight for that matter and I still want to see this fixed. I usually travel in a group and it's aggravating when someone tries some pot shots at us and find nothing but air when we hunt him down.

Also don't give me that bullshit about 'what if my internet breaks down' or 'I have something really important to do at exactly the moment I get into a fire fight'. Where in the world is internet so unstable? Or since when do gamers have lives (that last one was not serious btw).

I'd rather die 500 times when my connection fails or by having to answer the door, than once by some exploiter that uses disconnect to travel behind us on another server and get the unfair jump on me. It really breaks my immersion and these days most of the times when I'm in a shoot out with someone and he runs inside a building I don't even care anymore to surround it with my team and clear it using proper communication, because nine out of ten times we're chasing ghosts.

You seem to play on shit servers, brah!

Play on well admined servers and this won't happen. And what is wrong with shooting on sight?

I have 7 murders on this char. All of them were drop kills. Meaning, I got the drop on them and they never had a fucking chance. Why would I want to give anyone a chance? This is survival... but that is neither here nor there, we are discussing something else.

My point, no matter what your argument is, still stands. Play on a well admined server and you will get decent gameplay without all the BS disconnects and such. Punishing all players with a rule that keeps you in the server, vulnerable for any amount of time after the fact, is bogus.

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Gamma glitching is gone.

It is? That is truly awesome! :)

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no way dude. the ones that suck at this game are the ones that disappear as soon as they realize they are getting shot at. the good players can handle themselves. i agree 5 seconds doesnt really solve it, its not long enough. a real firefight doesnt happen close quarters-thats (should be) hand to hand. 5 seconds is still sufficient time to lay down behind a rock and log out. by the time i realize whats going on and get there, 5 seconds is long gone.

its obviously not punishment for those that log out properly. it is of course punishment for those that disappear on sight. if you have a problem with this, you are clearly a player that dos.

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^ this is what I'm talking about.

I can already see this changing to a 1 min log out state, because of people like you.

Go play CoD...

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