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Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

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* [FIXED] Tent placement is completely screwed (now can place anywhere except in building)

OMFG Rocket. when can I have your babies?!

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I could be getting laid right now...

7323_1111466397999_1567078111_30301796_2427438_n.jpg On second thought working on the patch is a good idea..

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or you could just go north' date=' youll get shot the second you walk into cherno anyway, it wont be any different except you wouldn't be able to shoot back. What would you do if a zombie saw you, being stealthy isn't 100% fool proof, believe me zombies are more deadly than players. Even if you have a buddy he/she won't have a gun either, it's just a double kill for the zombies or bandits.

How would you go about getting gear if you had no gun to shoot zombies with, most new players alert zombies pretty often. Imagine trying to walk through a zombie infested town with no defense, lol...

Also I really don't care how many pros there are, because the con is that it make the game unplayable for many play styles. 1 fatal con > 100 good pros.


Judging by this post, you don't seem to have any actual in-game experience at all. Zombies more lethal than other players? Are you serious? Stealth not working? Wow.

In a prone position you are 100% invincible to zombies. If you don't crawl your way through towns, you are doing it wrong. You don't need a gun in order to deal with zombies. Getting attacked by zombies is entirely the players fault for being to hasty and careless. Stealth and patience is 100% the key to success.

most new players alert zombies pretty often

That's the point. New players have to adapt to the game, not the other way around. New players will realizes that they are defenseless, so their only option is stealth. The first weapon could lay anywhere in a 100 meter radius for all I care, you're acting like I want to remove all weapons.

Imagine trying to walk through a zombie infested town with no defense

This statement just further strengthens my assumption that you have absolutely no in-game experience. Like i stated earlier, you are invisible while prone. Zombies have to literally step on you in order to know you're even in their proximity.

The most lethal, dangerous and unpredictable individuals remain the makaroni knights. Kids who heard about this game, installed it, spawned with a gun in their hand a thought "Yep, this sure is a FPS, better kill some people".

Not only that but everything in this game should be precious seeing that it takes place in a survival setting. Something as valuable as gun shouldn't be given to the player for free, especially now that the game has blown up and everyone and their mom plays it.

This game is close to sending out a strong signal to everyone in the game industry that this is really a balls to the wall zombie simulator.

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More than likely this has been said before. But since I have checked these forums now many times I'm really surprised no one has really mentioned the real reason why no one really works together. Ive been a long time fan of Arma, absolutely wonderful game. The game doesn't force you to work together with others BUT life will be much easier when trying to take hard objectives or want to get inside cities with high number of enemies. I'm really worried about this humanity thing. Frankly IMO it is silly because it does not address the real issue of why no one working together. Sadly I do not think anything can be done for now to organically fix "working together" until zombies are much harder to kill and more dynamic. Especially so in cities. I guaranteed that would fix the whole co-op thing. Now of course not make it impossible, but life should be hell trying to enter populated areas by yourself. I think the real reason why this mod has taken off is because this is one true hope for that GREAT zombie game. Maybe when a new engine is available the core reason can be fixed which is more and tougher zombies. But a humanity system is going in the wrong direction. But hopefully all this can be corrected and in the future with a new engine a truly horrifying experience can be made.

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I agree with who ever said yes to no starting pistol, if we have melee weapons. As crafting is being talked about, maybe there is some way to improvise with items. It would totally add to the realism if you started with nothing, but found a branch, a spanner or a chair leg and had to use that to fend off some zombies before you found one of the (increased spawning) pistols.

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I just heard that in the next patch you will no longer spawn with a weapon!

please tell me this is complete utter bullshit

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"If you don't crawl your way through towns, you are doing it wrong."

doing it wrong? really?

"In a prone position you are 100% invincible to zombies."

i have never been invincible to zombies no matter what ive tried. guess im doing a lot of shit wrong.

anyway, if you are going to not spawn with a gun, i think you shouldnt spawn with anything. i usually do have a gun on me in real life, but not 2 cans of beans or morphine. i think it would be interesting to spawn with nothing, not even a pack.

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* [FIXED] Items for Eating and Drinking not removed instantly (allowed some duping)

* [NEW] DayZ: Now with additional cruelty!. Spawn with only a bandage, painkillers, and a torch.

Last fixes. Into closed testing now.

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Dont do this rocket.

you need a guns to spawn with

it would be fucking stupid to spawn without any weapon

it would ruin the game for me and id uninstall quicker then you could say rocket.

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* [FIXED] Items for Eating and Drinking not removed instantly (allowed some duping)

* [NEW] DayZ: Now with additional cruelty!. Spawn with only a bandage' date=' painkillers, and a torch.

Last fixes. Into closed testing now.


Carebears going apeshit in 3..2..1..

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* [FIXED] Items for Eating and Drinking not removed instantly (allowed some duping)

* [NEW] DayZ: Now with additional cruelty!. Spawn with only a bandage' date=' painkillers, and a torch.

Last fixes. Into closed testing now.


NICE - we will see how this turns out :)

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* [FIXED] Items for Eating and Drinking not removed instantly (allowed some duping)

* [NEW] DayZ: Now with additional cruelty!. Spawn with only a bandage' date=' painkillers, and a torch.

Last fixes. Into closed testing now.


Am I the only one who can't help but think of F8M0KDJBW0EQ2W33Z8.MEDIUM.jpg when people say torch(flashlight).

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and id uninstall quicker then you could say rocket.

Woah, beware people, carebears are able to make threats!

Seriously now, nobody cares. It's not like rocket gets money for every person that is playing the game. Leave, nobody will miss you. Tell your carebear friends too that starting weapons are getting removed.

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Dont do this rocket.

you need a guns to spawn with

it would be fucking stupid to spawn without any weapon

it would ruin the game for me and id uninstall quicker then you could say rocket.

Uninstall Arma 2: OA completely?

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Dont do this rocket.

you need a guns to spawn with

it would be fucking stupid to spawn without any weapon

it would ruin the game for me and id uninstall quicker then you could say rocket.

Uninstall Arma 2: OA completely?

There was a discussion in a thread about this before the decision was made. I think it's decided to try it.

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Dont do this rocket.

you need a guns to spawn with

it would be fucking stupid to spawn without any weapon

it would ruin the game for me and id uninstall quicker then you could say rocket.

Cry me a fucking river, just sneak into a building and reward yourself with a Revolver/M1911/Crossbow/Winchester/Lee Enfield/Makarov.

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Dont do this rocket.

you need a guns to spawn with

it would be fucking stupid to spawn without any weapon

it would ruin the game for me and id uninstall quicker then you could say rocket.

Uninstall Arma 2: OA completely?

Oh man :D

In the last few days messing with these hackers you've became a master of trolling :P

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