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Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

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When it says we need the beta patch, is the current 93825 beta patch off their website or the patch that bumps the game to 1.69something?

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When it says we need the beta patch' date=' is the current 93825 beta patch off their website or the patch that bumps the game to 1.69something?


What ever is the most current. Beta patches for the most part are Backwards Compatible so it couldn't hurt to stay up to date.

So after playing for the past week. Is there any chance we can see more skins added to the game? Maybe make some less rare than others? Maybe some that really serve no purpose but for looks. Oh and you can add back in the bandit skin. Sadly Iv never seen it in person' date=' only in videos of the game before I got it. I kinda thought it looked cool. Very different.

Long story short. It would be nice if people looked more different. Thanks, love the mod =)


Character Customization surely must be on the list of things to do with the idea of finding clothing that upgrades stats one way or another (quieter soled shoes, warmer clothing, waterproofs, camo, body armour (leather jackets for 1st tier protection to stab vests to bullet proof), woolie hats (for warmth) to zombie proof crash helmets, knee / arm pads etc.

Lists is near endless no doubt.

In the end i'd envisage a combo of protection and looks

Sorry for the double post. While I don't think this idea(s) should be a priority, I think they are absolutely great ideas and I hope they eventually get implemented.

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the 93825, or the one who follow.

Many of change have be done, like Radio-Channel, toneMapping, and some bug fix. In all case you should install the lastest for less bugs and more fps.

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I'm envious. I've been searching for one high and low.

The only Ghillie suit I've found, was at a crashed helicopter.

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" The only Ghillie suit I've found, was at a crashed helicopter. "

That comma is not needed :X

Sidenote I am hoping zombies still zigzag...made them hard to hit, everyone seems to want them to run in straight lines.

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I'm envious. I've been searching for one high and low.

The only Ghillie suit I've found' date=' was at a crashed helicopter.


I have never seen a crashed heli, or any vehicle except boats and a bike.

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Came across two of them the one night after being shot in the face by a Winchester. Second one I found had the suit laying right next to it. I've gone weeks without seeing a crashed helicopter before, but it seems when I find them, I find multiples.

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ok ok

rocket hit me with updates

while those two were smoking a blunt

michael bay jumped with this idea and did the mo cap work for dayz

so we will see zombies with jumping like mcgywer

they gonna catch you with mid air chuck norris strafe-jump and knock u down and shit.

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I'm envious. I've been searching for one high and low.

The only Ghillie suit I've found' date=' was at a crashed helicopter.


I have never seen a crashed heli, or any vehicle except boats and a bike.

I do not see crashed helicopters often, but when I do I find a few of em. I have only found them on two servers before and on both of them I ended up finding three crashed helicopters, however neither me nor my friend could loot them in any way no matter how much we searched for the loot spot.

As for vehicles, if the server has them (meaning you found boats and bikes) then you just gotta start looking in the right places. So far my group has had and lost or currently has: 4 bicycles, 3 ATVs, 1 motorcycle, 1 white off road truck, 1 off road military, 2 jeeps, 3 cars, 2 helicopters and 5 boats.

Look inside large warehouses, in alleys, around shacks out in the middle of the woods with civilization a fifteen minute walk away, in clearings, under bridges, in the ship wreck, partially submerged in ponds/lakes, at the ends of dead end roads, and all of the places that make you think "Damnit, this is gonna be a bitch to fix" due to the location. Once you find one just stock it with parts and cruise for more.

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You should add a melee weapon. There should be a way to take out one zombie without alerting the swarm of them all.

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You should add a melee weapon. There should be a way to take out one zombie without alerting the swarm of them all.

There are items like this already in the game:


-Silenced M9

-M4a1 with Silencer

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You should add a melee weapon. There should be a way to take out one zombie without alerting the swarm of them all.

There are items like this already in the game:


-Silenced M9

-M4a1 with Silencer

M9SD is stupid haha, shoots high & has an awful range

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I'm envious. I've been searching for one high and low.

The only Ghillie suit I've found' date=' was at a crashed helicopter.


I have never seen a crashed heli, or any vehicle except boats and a bike.

I do not see crashed helicopters often, but when I do I find a few of em. I have only found them on two servers before and on both of them I ended up finding three crashed helicopters, however neither me nor my friend could loot them in any way no matter how much we searched for the loot spot.

As for vehicles, if the server has them (meaning you found boats and bikes) then you just gotta start looking in the right places. So far my group has had and lost or currently has: 4 bicycles, 3 ATVs, 1 motorcycle, 1 white off road truck, 1 off road military, 2 jeeps, 3 cars, 2 helicopters and 5 boats.

Look inside large warehouses, in alleys, around shacks out in the middle of the woods with civilization a fifteen minute walk away, in clearings, under bridges, in the ship wreck, partially submerged in ponds/lakes, at the ends of dead end roads, and all of the places that make you think "Damnit, this is gonna be a bitch to fix" due to the location. Once you find one just stock it with parts and cruise for more.

Well, if someone finds those spots first, no vehicle. I find a lot of those kinds of buildings with the doors hanging open. I continue to search, but I believe that people get hold of the limited number of vehicles on a given server rapidly, then move them off the map.

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You should add a melee weapon. There should be a way to take out one zombie without alerting the swarm of them all.

No Melee in ArmA afaik. I'd love to see it but it would need to be added to the engine separately - maybe in ArmA 3? Haven't watched much on it.

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Where do I get the update and how the heck do I install it?

its not out yet.

No I meant the updates for the Arma 2 beta patches.

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Where do I get the update and how the heck do I install it?

its not out yet.

No I meant the updates for the Arma 2 beta patches.

the script will load up the beta version.

My mistake.


And that link should fix the problem I have been having with me having 1.60 and I am required to have 1.60.93825?

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Where do I get the update and how the heck do I install it?

its not out yet.

No I meant the updates for the Arma 2 beta patches.

the script will load up the beta version.

My mistake.


And that link should fix the problem I have been having with me having 1.60 and I am required to have 1.60.93825?

Yeh save the link they update the beta patches regular, they are backwards compatible

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Rejoice, the latest ARMA2 beta patch fixes the recent pitch-black problem with earlier beta patches.

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Rejoice' date=' the latest ARMA2 beta patch fixes the recent pitch-black problem with earlier beta patches.


Which pitch black problem?

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I just wanted to say.

This is the 1000th post.

How about that.

P.S. I love this mod, thank you Rocket.

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