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About wolfgang784

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  1. wolfgang784

    Question about battleye bans and new game copies

    The program is perfectly legitimate and we use it for hex editing but BE decided he was cheating. Thanks for the quality reply. Anyway got one good reply so Im off to researching for more since it looks like I wont get much from here.
  2. wolfgang784

    Question about battleye bans and new game copies

    Because that ever works. I remember there was a bug hackers were doing that was causing hundreds of normal players to get flagged for cheating and banned back in Arma 2 and they didn't do shit. They left everyone banned and said it was fixed so it wouldn't happen to more in the future. Thanks a bunch, we couldn't find much for confirmation on that.
  3. wolfgang784

    Question about battleye bans and new game copies

    He wasn't even banned properly for cheating, it was one of those crap ones where it banned him for a program he had that "can be used for cheating" but also has many other uses. Thanks anyway I guess though, ill have to look for other communities to get info from.
  4. Hello everyone. One of my friends that I play with was banned on Arma 3 by battleye and now when we tried to play some Dayz Standalone the same ban carried over. My post is not about that, as ridiculous as it is, since I know that is something that will never be changed. Rather, we are curious if he simply buys DayZ again and on a new steam account if he will be able to play again. Does he need to clean his registry? Can he use the same game files copied from the steam directory like you usually can for games? Is there anything in particular that needs to be done to be sure it will work without being banned again for an old ban? Thanks.
  5. wolfgang784

    How do you decide to kill somone?

    Please do not comment if you have not read the whole post. Unarmed played are only a threat if we encounter them in an area where guns spawn. If I find an unarmed player on the beach I leave them. If I see them heading into a grocery store, they get shot. I have had full conversations with unarmed survivors and walked around with them for a while, chillin, and then get shot in the back by them as soon as they find a gun. If there is a CHANCE that they will obtain a weapon while I am still within 1km they are a threat. Eliminating possible threats does not make you a pussy or have a "mangina" it means you are not an idiot willing to die because you couldn't kill someone unarmed.
  6. wolfgang784

    How do you decide to kill somone?

    Anyone armed, or unarmed in an area where guns spawn often such as a city or cluster of barns, is a threat to me and my group and is therefore brutally murdered.
  7. wolfgang784

    My 3day experience at Lingor Island

    Because friendly doesn't mean friendly. I have been shot by "friendlies" almost as much as bandits. All who do not belong to my group are shot on sight. As for people with no weapons, I leave them alone if found on the beach. If its a town or something, I kill them. As with the friendly thing, I have left unarmed players alone in towns just to have them find a gun and come after me in a few minutes. If there is any chance of someone being a threat then they will die.
  8. wolfgang784

    Disappearing weapons in backpack.

    Also the more laggy the server is the worse it will be. Plus if hive is lagging which you can't always tell from in game. If I find something I really want to keep, I stay on for another good ten minutes to be sure of saving. Also whenever I save a vehicle I save it, wait a few minutes, save it, wait a bit more, and save it again to be sure. We have had dozens of vehicles vanish for no reason at all and a few to bad saving by people as well.
  9. wolfgang784

    The gear discussion

    There is no endgame content, its a sandbox mod. YOU make the endgame content, whether it is by yourself or with friends. Rescue dead allies down in Cherno from all of the other people, recover a crashed vehicle in the middle of starry while fighting off the server hoppers in the military tents, help out dieing survivors in Cherno by becoming a field doctor of sorts, kill snipers to save the noobs, approach people and die repeatedly until you find one that doesn't kill on sight and chill. Teach them, play with them, talk for a while, whatever. We have been playing this mod for two and a half months and have yet to run out of things to do. There is ALWAYS something happening or some goal to be reached. Our current goal is to find an SVD and satchel charges, the only weapons we have yet to touch. Also a rocket for the M136 so we can finally fire it. As for the thread point, gear attachment,the general sentiments of the community on "don't get attached to your gear" comes from the large number of bugs. Using the MMO comparison, imagine if your character got deleted after a few days of play. You make a new one and it is deleted after several hours. The next one takes weeks before it is gone and was better than the rest. This continues on an irregular basis with no explanation or way to know how long you have. You would eventually become frustrated and quit most likely. The same is true for DayZ. All of your time and hard work is randomly deleted and eaten by bugs. If you become attached to your gear, your character, then you will feel that loss when it comes so much harder. If you become attached to each load out with each new character then after so many characters you will simply give up. So basically you do not become attached to your gear if you plan on playing for a long time, because if you do the frustration will cause you to likely quit early on as so many already have.
  10. wolfgang784

    What are these boxs?

    Hacked ammo boxes. They can contain whatever items the owner wants them to. I have seen ones filled with every gun in the entire game and with plenty of ammo. Its weird that they are a different color from the usual ammo boxes though, but still hacked ammo boxes.
  11. wolfgang784

    Zombie 1shotting?

    Zombies have a super ultra low chance to completely 100% kill you in a single shot even at full health. That chance increases significantly when you are under 10k blood as well but is still very uncommon. EDIT:: Although re reading your post again it does sound more like you were sniped. Did you simply die, or did you blood go BELOW 0 blood?
  12. wolfgang784

    Do you play with a loot map?

    If you zoom in most of the way you can see water. Very time consuming though if you don't know what area to search and are generally looking for some water. As for a loot map, I use the one in my head. After playing this long I know where to find anything on most of the map. The only outside source I use is a map on my second monitor for easier travel in cars. I can get anywhere on foot picturing the map in my head if I have a compass and am on foot, but I need a map to pick the best route for a car.
  13. wolfgang784

    1.7.2 found a L85

    It was an accident and it should be back in with one of the future updates. It happened while trying to fix something so unless they find a workaround that puts it back in while still fixing the problem it might be gone for a few updates.
  14. wolfgang784

    Helicopter crash spawns

    Yes. To find more guns and ammo you must continue to find the other crash sites. There are between one and three random crashes on each server after each restart. They are literally scattered EVERYWHERE. We have driven around for the past few weeks in vehicles scavenging them after each restart and creating a nice route to follow each time.
  15. wolfgang784

    Change clothes bug: Workaround?

    No, you do not die. Your character begins swimming in place even on dry land. To the person doing it, you alternate between seeing an endless ocean and the real world. If you try to move you stop swimming and resume standing as normal but you lose everything in your inventory except for the tool belt. Guns, backpack, NVG slots, everything but the tool belt. You also do not get the outfit.