Statik (DayZ) 2695 Posted September 2, 2012 So I recently heard that if DayZ Standalone does well enough on PC it could possibly be released to console. What is everyone's opinion on this? If feel that DayZ on console would not work out AT ALL. Console is made up of fast paced first person shooters, I feel like DayZ would not thrive on console like it does on PC. I think that it would be almost like Minecraft on Xbox; when it came out, there was a hype, but not very many people recorded it, and the one on top was still the PC version. What is everyone's opinion on this? And if DayZ Standalone were to be released on console, would you buy it? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
erocker 87 Posted September 2, 2012 Don't care as long as it doesn't hinder anything related to DayZ on the PC. I'm not a console hater or anything but the current line of consoles are very long in the tooth. However, if the devs announced that DayZ would be getting made for the next generation of consoles I would be a bit excited. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicraM 137 Posted September 2, 2012 Cross-platform, please!HAHA! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr_Information 19 Posted September 2, 2012 Don't care as long as it doesn't hinder anything related to DayZ on the PC. I'm not a console hater or anything but the current line of consoles are very long in the tooth. However, if the devs announced that DayZ would be getting made for the next generation of consoles I would be a bit excited.Agreed. (except the next gen consoles, I'll always upgrade my PC over paying out £300+ for something that is already outdated before it's release :P)The only problem I can see is if they start/have already started developing with a port to consoles in mind is that the controls will be simplified and ridiculous - think Skyrims ridiculous designed for controller terrible UI for weapons/magic/equipment.If they don't do that I don't care. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheDesigner 1197 Posted September 2, 2012 Threads like these have already been made multiple times. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magicool 115 Posted September 2, 2012 It will never come out for console Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dankine 377 Posted September 2, 2012 (edited) console is made for first person shooters? ahahahahhahais that why even the best console players get destroyed by pc shitters? Edited September 2, 2012 by Dankine 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colekern 1364 Posted September 2, 2012 I hope it comes out on consoles cross-platform. Not only would it be fun to play with my buddies that don't have a PC, it would mean simplified controls. Not dumbed-down, just streamlined. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dankine 377 Posted September 2, 2012 I hope it comes out on consoles cross-platform. Not only would it be fun to play with my buddies that don't have a PC, it would mean simplified controls. Not dumbed-down, just streamlined.cross platform won't happen. partly because it is an awful idea. the skill ceilings are so different that console players would have no chance whatsoever. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicraM 137 Posted September 2, 2012 Dankine, shh, don't tell them that. You will kill what little spirit they have left. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{CQF} PFC Demyan 43 Posted September 2, 2012 nope. .ot going to happen and shouldn't happen. console controllers lack the buttons Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted September 2, 2012 So I recently heard that if DayZ Standalone does well enough on PC it could possibly be released to console. What is everyone's opinion on this? If feel that DayZ on console would not work out AT ALL. Console is made up of fast paced first person shooters, I feel like DayZ would not thrive on console like it does on PC. I think that it would be almost like Minecraft on Xbox; when it came out, there was a hype, but not very many people recorded it, and the one on top was still the PC version. What is everyone's opinion on this? And if DayZ Standalone were to be released on console, would you buy it?Consoles are not made for fast paced first person shooters, at all. That said, I don't think DayZ would work very well on consoles but I'm no developer. If they have to trim the game away to make it work then it wont really be DayZ anyway. If they can shoehorn DayZ into the current generation of consoles without sacrificing the amount of players or zombies on a server then obviously it'll work. They'll rake in some cash but the FPS kids who think that's what gaming is all about would leave the second some other game is hyped down their throat. So it won't have a long life span but I guess that doesn't matter these days.If Rocket and Co learn from the development of the PC version and move to offer players more than the cookie cutter nonsense then I believe the game could be a wild success on all platforms. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
venthos 605 Posted September 2, 2012 Rocket has since confirmed it's inevitable release on the console. to: 5:40Also more at: 44:15I have been and am still against the console version. Console kiddies either will hate the fact that it's not a twitch shooter or it will have to be dumbed down heavily to accommodate lack of buttons/keys. The dumbing down of the game is what had me apprehensive that it would negatively affect the PC version.HOWEVER... Rocket has basically confirmed that the "true" DayZ will be for the PC. The console version will be an eviscerated version of DayZ that's cut away and trimmed down until it works for the console controllers and player base. So, this will be one of the few games that the console version is the port and the PC game is the true original design. PC always gets shafted with ports from console design. So, I'm fine with this. Console DayZ won't negatively affect PC DayZ, so they can just play with their crippled console version all they want.So, I'm totally fine with everything. As always, Rocket has proven he is about design and game quality for his original vision... not about marketing/finances. I love that guy. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sir Diealot 46 Posted September 2, 2012 Like others, I really don't give a single fuck if they do that, as long as it doesn't result in dumbing down the PC version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HighPiez 59 Posted September 2, 2012 His gonna have to either wait for next gen consoles or really cut down a lot on the game itself for it to get 30 FPS @ 720p.Will eventually lead to PC port, he will see the nice big bucks he gets from console players since every dick on the PC is gonna pirate it and play on private hives (yes possible + tunngle if it gets LAN). Always ends up happening so w/e. Enjoy Dayz while you can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Statik (DayZ) 2695 Posted September 2, 2012 nope. .ot going to happen and shouldn't happen. console controllers lack the buttonsRocket announced when DayZ goes Standalone, and if it does well enough, there is a possibility of it going to console. And yeah it has enough buttons..? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DoomsdayClock 34 Posted September 2, 2012 I do play console games, some games just work well on console. DayZ isn't a game that would translate well on console.It would have to be dumbed down - a lot. Could you imagine having to navigate the inventory and backpack with an Xbox controller?And even if it did come out on console, I'd still stick to PC. Consoles would attract too many casual players and 12-year-olds who would try and treat the game as a run and gun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{CQF} PFC Demyan 43 Posted September 2, 2012 Rocket has since confirmed it's inevitable release on the console. to: 5:40Also more at: 44:15I have been and am still against the console version. Console kiddies either will hate the fact that it's not a twitch shooter or it will have to be dumbed down heavily to accommodate lack of buttons/keys. The dumbing down of the game is what had me apprehensive that it would negatively affect the PC version.HOWEVER... Rocket has basically confirmed that the "true" DayZ will be for the PC. The console version will be an eviscerated version of DayZ that's cut away and trimmed down until it works for the console controllers and player base. So, this will be one of the few games that the console version is the port and the PC game is the true original design. PC always gets shafted with ports from console design. So, I'm fine with this. Console DayZ won't negatively affect PC DayZ, so they can just play with their crippled console version all they want.So, I'm totally fine with everything. As always, Rocket has proven he is about design and game quality for his original vision... not about marketing/finances. I love that guy.I love him too. thank you so much for this awesome and reassuring news. Have some beans! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrducky (DayZ) 33 Posted September 2, 2012 Consoles?+ Pros: Could finally get rid of the hacker plague that will always be present on PC.- Cons: Don't make me laugh... This game/engine barely runs properly on modern PC hardware, uses shit loads of memory, and is full of holes. Try running that on the current console hardware or even getting an approval for its release.So.. Yes... if they redo the whole engine first, then this might be something worth discussion. But, currently, the idea seems just utterly ridiculous. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maxgor 2314 Posted September 2, 2012 I think it's fine if they want it on console, but clearly it will be the dominant game on PC as the console version will have to be chopped up to even be made possible. Not that the PC version couldn't use alittle streamlining, but the console version and the PC version are gonna be very different games. You can look at Battlefield 3 as an example, despite what was the main focus of the game, the console version is the inferior version of the game, running with much less people and smaller maps. There wouldn't be 50 people on a server and a full sized Chernarus I think. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jamz 253 Posted September 2, 2012 I'd not want it going to console. Lets assume a basic, condensed version is to be released on console... looking at other console games I'd imagine that the temptation would be to get rid of the fear of losing all gear on death as that would potentially inhibit console sales of the game (thus removing the heart from the game). This numbed version potentially could still massively outsell the imminent PC standalone version and be very profitable....Eventually, down the line a sequel is anounced aimed at console for the sales, with a PC port from this. PC gamers end up with a good looking but frustatingly bland and unadventurous identishooter Dayz 2..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psychobob 155 Posted September 2, 2012 It's going to suck, just like every other console game. Lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 80 Posted September 2, 2012 I think it would be a good move down the line. I will never own a console system, but there is money in it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jblackrupert 308 Posted September 2, 2012 (edited) I can't wait for the console version supporters to start crying when the PC version of the game is left for ages in a buggy mess and promised additions never appear because the DayZ development team is too busy trying to shoe horn DayZ onto ancient console hardware [And yes, the next versions will still be ancient by PC standards] and kissing MS and Sony's butt and jumping through their hoops to get approved.Then theres the inevitable flood of consoltards coming to the forums crying.... Waaaaaaaa it's too hard..... why do i have to walk so far? , why are there no jetpacks........???? ... waaaaaaaa a sniper killed me... remove prone......we need killcams!!!!!!......... waaaaaaaa the bullets kill you to easy....... we need to be bullet sponges....... Waaaaaaaaaaa, which button do I a push to "WIN",.......waaaaaaa......waaaaaaaaa.....etc...etcIf any of you remember the Battlefield forums when Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 was being developed and in Beta you will know exactly what I'm talking about. Edited September 2, 2012 by jblackrupert 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 80 Posted September 2, 2012 Since the plan is to make the PC game happen first I do not see this as a problem. Asides I doubt they would play together. More likely a cut down version of the PC would be ported over to the consoles. BI seems to favor the PC, and I doubt they would drop their main support of PC gamers for watered down consoles. They put a lot into what they maek and get plenty of money from the Military bodies of the world to do what they do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites