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Dayz Horror Community | Multiple Servers | Website & Forums | TeamSpeak | Active Staff

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I'm one of the DZH Staff members here and enjoy the community to the extent where I end up spending more time time doing things for the community than I do playing the game.

I suggest you come and sign up now during this weekend and avoid the Monday rush.

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Hi community!

I started this game about 7 months ago, and i am still an active member in the community. Before i was proud owner of Surviving The Horror, but we changed into a new concept : DayzHorror

With the change we need some artwork done!

The Artwork Contest !

If you want to join please post you NickName in the following topic :


When the artwork is done post your creation in the following topic :


That way i can keep track of people that are in the artwork contest!

if you want to win $50,- create the following DayzHorror artwork.

Banner ( Forums/Website banner/Signature )



DayzHorror Info ( You may use this for artwork, that is up to you )

Whitelist Only

Custom Weapons

Custom Skins

Custom Vehicles

connecting Gamers

Active Staff




@ 08/12/2012 - My staff team and i will pick a top 3! The one with the most likes gets $50,- !

Also you can get a contract from us if you desire to be making more artwork fo our community

Have allot of fun, and i hope some awsome artwork will come out of this!


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Are you looking for a fresh start?

I am happy to announce that the DayZHorror Community will be giving you the chance to try out the new Taviana map with custom weapons and vehicles!

Not only are we giving this opportunity to single players though, we also welcome new clans to play on our new server. In addition, we will be providing clans with their own forum section as well as teamspeak channel (if you meet our requirements). With the future involvement of multiple clans, we will be implementing a leaderboard system to see who really is the best of the best!

Feel free to join our Taviana public server that is live right now while waiting for the whitelist upcoming on monday!

Eligibility criteria for teamspeak/Forum section:

* Clan leader and members must be registered on the forum

* Clan leader must have a minimum of 5 forum posts (No spam)

* Be respectful of those around you






Edited by Loxa

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Great community guys, if you've been wondering about joining but haven't really had the motivation to, maybe have a look at some of these videos from the community:


You'll get some action every day and it's a really good feeling to win a fight against the other clan, let alone addictive!



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This is just a post to say i have stepped down as owner/founder of CTH and left the DayZHorror community due to the level of curruption and dictatorship. I feel that its no longer a community but a forced playstyle and nothing is run like it used to be i.e the community used to be a democracy and you used to have a say in everything big that was happening and due to this no longer happening i have stepped down and left. I would strongly recommend people do not join this community. You will be banned for almost anything that you want to have a say in. My friend who was a member of staff there had his server admin removed in teamspeak, as he confronted someone about it was banned instantly. If you want to be able to play in a community like this then feel free but generally this is a bad place to be.

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all i will say is, i do not agree with what bobby has said,

i feel that this is being a bit childish.

this is a great place to play.

its plain and simple come here have fun, don't cheat, and enjoy dayz.

Edited by Dougel

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dougel, its childish to hide the fact that its a bad place, what you don't know is i have insiders and there has been 5 ban from zombie alone + this ban is 1 of many proof i have of this: http://i.imgur.com/MWNAZ.png (just for the information of anyone who is not in this community: marko is the leader of sth) do you need a continues flow of screenshots coz i have them. Here is a video a friend put together to show they insta ban people:

. I wasn't even gonna bother saying anything, but then all my friends seem to be getting banned over the most ridiculous of reasons. The staff team are out of control and banning as and when they please like they are a 20,000+ member community that has no worries about members. This is however now the case, you have maybe 30-40 Active members left and from what i see and hear that is also dropping which is why the desperate clan re-arranging and recruitment is happening. Edited by CTH Bobby

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hi bobby,

Nice to see you caring about other people.. First of all.. You did not resign.. We told you to step down because you rage to much.. The guy that exploded to many times is now saying our community is a bad place? We had a big reorganization and people are really loving it right now..

If you are really willing to start a flame in here do so, but that just makes me think that we made a good descision.


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i was not told to stand down, i stepped down myself while you was inactive and your community was falling apart, i raged because you had power hungry people trying to run the community in your absence, i have no need to flame. I just dont want the people of DayZ having there time wasted on a community full of corruption. I find it funny how your most active members online was while i was leader of CTH. I bet that if i was to log onto your teamspeak now i would be banned instantly for having my opinion. Something i was told i wasnt aloud to ban for when i was leading CTH. I also bet you have removed my resignation post on the forums so that i cant have that as proof aswell. I am being told i am the childish one while you have many people running around banning as they please. If you want to talk to me, you know where to find me. If not ask around, a few people know where i am, There is no need to do this on a forum.

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Let's keep things civil, thanks everyone. If you've made your point then move on. No point in dwelling on the past or dragging up old stuff.

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This is not the place to have an argument. If you want to sort your discussion out, do it somewhere else, not in public where everyone can see it.

If you continue to do so against my request, further action shall be taken.

Thank you.

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sorry inception, i am trying to get smkes to talk to me in teamspeak. hopefully he will take up my request and this issue can be resolved.

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Hi. i tried to apply to this community but i got banned after 2 minutes

seems what bobby said was right?

i dont want to continue this argument im just showing what happen to me.

Edited by Legacy

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sorry inception, i am trying to get smkes to talk to me in teamspeak. hopefully he will take up my request and this issue can be resolved.

Please take it to a PM. I suggest if you wish to contact them about a personal matter, then a PM is in order. Taking public drama to our forums is not in the best interest.

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All I can see here is Bobby attempting to make DZH look bad... In reality DZH is stable and nice community. That guy with the vid about being banned... Dude, really? I mean are you that dumb? If you are applying for a clan you first check the website and then

hop on TS. But all I see form your act you could be one of Bobby's minions. Seriously if you don't have a life you can leave this thread and go do something usefull instead of wasting time & effort. I suggest mods to delete posts and ban them for harrasing...

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Not long now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its so close i can taste it mmmmmm that Taviana Whitelist

(Monday 22:00 GMT)






Edited by Loxa
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Yes boi :)

Everybody come and register at www.dayzhorror.com to get whitelisted at 2200 GMT :)

This community is f**cking awesome, don't make your opinion based on ex-members words...come try it out and you will see it's really nice here :)

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2 hours to go!!

I hope everyone is ready for the Taviana Whitelist server

(22:00 GMT)


TS3: ts.dayzhorror.com





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Are you ready? If you haven't registered and got yourself whitelisted now would be time to do it...

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