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About baeks

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  1. dayz 1.7.7 destroyed it...cant even crouchwalk through the woods without 100 zombies aggroing you!
  2. awwww....I need to be part of this...my teammate got a respond and I didn't...that suxx...
  3. Best Servers EVER! Come and visit us at www.dayzhorror.com
  4. new update is awesome!!! server is perfect!
  5. baeks

    2 vs 5+ skirmish in Lyubol (DayZ Taviana)

    looks good and I really love the comments, best would be if you would do it with voice comments...like pause the video make it some kind of black&white for the moment and then just say the thing you typed in earlier...:)
  6. Come and Join this really awesome community!!! http://www.dayzhorror.com Join one of the existing clans or CREATE YOUR OWN CLAN You will get your own Forum and TS3 Section Just hop on our Teamspeak and talk to DayZHorror Staff ([DZH]) TS3: ts.dayzhorror.com
  7. Yes boi :) Everybody come and register at www.dayzhorror.com to get whitelisted at 2200 GMT :) This community is f**cking awesome, don't make your opinion based on ex-members words...come try it out and you will see it's really nice here :)
  8. baeks

    [LFM] CTH wants you!

    GO JOIN CTH!!!