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Not all hackers are bad

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I ran into a group of hackers who decided they were going to go on a private hive server and set up a trading post, as well as a taxi service. Now tell me, is that really bad?

Likely response:"OMG ALL HAX0rZ musht DIEEEE"

My response: The game(mod, whatever, don't get your panties in a knot)is so devoid of content that basically all you can do is either hunt people, which gets old, or hack. Many members on the community have taken the latter option. I am just proud of some who are trying to do a bit of good with their magical powers.

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You got it all wrong.

All hackers are bad.

That's why they hack.

Because they suck.

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Yes, just because they are "good", they are still cheating and ruining the game. They aren't working for their shit like we do. Cheaters ruin games regardless of how they cheat and for what purpose. They are not survivors...

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Breaking rules to stop other rule breakers, or to prove a point. Just because they did it, doesn't mean you can do it as well, nor should you ban evade to prove a 'point'.

It's a rule.

They're hacking, and that's bad. It's like killing in defense, it's still bad.

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In my opinion, the only ones who impact you significantly are the ones who thunderdome or kill everyone on the server. The ones who do those stupid raining cows crap is funny as hell. Or those that stalk you for the entire time your playing but never kill you are great as well.

Still don't like it though...

Edited by The True Nova

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saifallofjmr is clearly being sarcastic. On the other news, hackers suck, they give hacked shit and well, thats why he have so fucking many AS50 TWS now..

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Nah sorry man, hacking shouldn't be done under any circumstance. Yes they may not have been out to ruin your fun like the majority of hackers are, but it still unbalances the game.

The only time I would see hacking as appropriate is if it was done on a private server that was designed for the sole intent of people to go on their with their hacks, and even that can be questionable.

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I ran into a group of hackers who decided they were going to go on a private hive server and set up a trading post, as well as a taxi service. Now tell me, is that really bad?

Likely response:"OMG ALL HAX0rZ musht DIEEEE"

My response: The game(mod, whatever, don't get your panties in a knot)is so devoid of content that basically all you can do is either hunt people, which gets old, or hack. Many members on the community have taken the latter option. I am just proud of some who are trying to do a bit of good with their magical powers.

FYI, you can do this without cheating. And who really cares about a trading post in a private hive. You know you can't take gear from public hives right? Basically you would be joining a server where you know the admins are hackers and exploiters...

Edited by sostronk

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Yes, just because they are "good", they are still cheating and ruining the game. They aren't working for their shit like we do. Cheaters ruin games regardless of how they cheat and for what purpose. They are not survivors...

How are they ruining the game at all in this example if they have their own private hive? Just don't play on the server then.

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All hackers are bad, they are breaking and destroying the game.

It's not even a fucking beta yet and already a huge chunk of the playerbase has taken to hacking.

Just the day before yesterday I was in a supermarket with my friend, and someone called out friendly and we let him in. We talk for 5 minutes when suddenly this little kid shows up out of nowhere and shouts friendly. I know for a fact that something is up, because the only way he could of gotten here without us seeing him is if he came through the northern field of Elektro which is covered by a sniper up on the hill.

I already think he's using teleport. After he talks some shit about being so good and how he could kills us all whenever he wanted he steps out to take care of the sniper.

As soon as he leaves, we decide to shoot the little cunt in the face when he gets back. He runs around a building and is gone. 30 seconds later, a gunshot. Another 30 seconds and he runs in through the back of the supermarket and says "yeah I killed the sniper, he only had a makarov".

Our buddy, the original guy we met sprays an entire magazine of M4 STANAG rounds into him.

The little kid just says back "haha godmode fucker" and shoots him in the face, then us. I lost a 25 day character, my friend a 15, and the other guy was geared out a tonne probably around 8 days.

All hackers are fuckers, if you can't play the game legit - fuck off.

>hurr but they're on a private server setting up a trading-post

1. It better be their server

2. It better have [WE USE HACKS BECAUSE WE'RE FUCKHEADS] in the server name.

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Drop out of school before learning how to speak??

Drop out of school before learning what a satire is?

It's like killing in defense, it's still bad.

No, it's not.

Edited by Angel_
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Do it on your own servers, sure. Just make them private and don't let anyone else in that doesn't know about it. Why? Because every edge you give to yourself and your friends/associates, etc, means that your robbing the thrill of the kill, the success and the endorphin flow from other people who don't want to partake and giving it to yourself or the people you gave the nice weapons to.

Edited by Thane

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I support all script kiddies in DayZ, whether malicious or not. Want to hack in DayZ? Do it. Do it now.

Why do I support skiddies using scripts right now?

Because, that way, when the game is completed and has made its standalone release, THEY WILL ALREADY BE BLACKLISTED FROM THE GAME.


Edited by Dreganius
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I support all script kiddies in DayZ, whether malicious or not. Want to hack in DayZ? Do it. Do it now.

Why do I support skiddies using scripts right now?

Because, that way, when the game is completed and has made its standalone release, THEY WILL ALREADY BE BLACKLISTED FROM THE GAME.



I cheated.

I got banned.

I am back.

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No, nononono, I'm afraid you are dead wrong.

These are the child products of years and years of sheltering from their parents.

They are bred into impatience and entitlement, which leads them to scripting.

Also - 99.99% of people aren't smart enough to "hack" Arma 2, don't lump that .01% with all the other faggots.


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No it's not terrible, but it's still not right either. All hackers cheapen the game to some degree. Honest non-hacking players spend hours and hours getting themselves geared, surviving PVP and zombie attacks to get to the point in the game where they are. Hackers just press a few buttons and they have everything they want in seconds, where's the fun in that? I would rather spend a few hours finding my own gear rather than have a hacker just give it to me.

Eg. I was once saved by a hacker. I was being mauled by zombies, had broken legs and was bleeding out pretty quickly. He came riding in on his ATV rocking an FN FAL and killed all the zombies for me. He gave me a blood transfusion and some morphine, then drove me to safety. I didn't realise he was actually a hacker until he spawned a helicopter right in front of me and spawned in a bunch of military grade weapons and gear and said that I could have them all if I wanted. But I politely said thanks, but no thanks.

The point I'm trying to make is that hacking cheapens the game. If you're bored playing DayZ to the point that you have to hack the game to have fun, then perhaps this isn't the game for you.

I hate the stupid script kiddies who murder everyone on a server or just play "thunderdome" with everyone, they are definitely far worse then the hackers that just spawn stuff in for fun and to help others out. But it's still hardly a fun way of playing the game.

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The hackers that mind their own business - I'm ok with

The faggots that kill or teleport people - gtfo

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If you justify taxi by hackers, or trading with hackers, you seriously devalue the services offered. Further, maiking anything easy in DayZ is against the basic premise of the game, it is supposed to be unforgiving. If you see a hacker, get an admin. If you cannot get an admin to do something about it, find another server to go regular on.

The private hive is no excuse. Anyone who joins the server will be subjected to the consequences of their hacking, whether they claim they do it for good or bad. It sets a different standard, which people then carry over to the main hive ("Why can't we have friendly hackers here? They are doing good on the private hive").

And what is next? Hacking to get a medic to a wounded character? Hacking to avenge a betrayed clanmate? Hacking to get rid of the annoying n00b raper down by Cherno? Hacking to replace lost gear by a glitch? or a miscalculated zombie getting a one in a million kill?

To sum up, I don't ever think hackers add something positive to the game, and their actions do have negative consequences for us all. Ban them. Ban them all.

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If you justify taxi by hackers, or trading with hackers, you seriously devalue the services offered. Further, maiking anything easy in DayZ is against the basic premise of the game, it is supposed to be unforgiving. If you see a hacker, get an admin. If you cannot get an admin to do something about it, find another server to go regular on.

The private hive is no excuse. Anyone who joins the server will be subjected to the consequences of their hacking, whether they claim they do it for good or bad. It sets a different standard, which people then carry over to the main hive ("Why can't we have friendly hackers here? They are doing good on the private hive").

And what is next? Hacking to get a medic to a wounded character? Hacking to avenge a betrayed clanmate? Hacking to get rid of the annoying n00b raper down by Cherno? Hacking to replace lost gear by a glitch? or a miscalculated zombie getting a one in a million kill?

To sum up, I don't ever think hackers add something positive to the game, and their actions do have negative consequences for us all. Ban them. Ban them all.

The admins on the server are hackers, so really, they weren't doing much harm ;)

And they were nice people. They never killed anyone. I was with them for an hour and the whole time we just chit-chatted while looking for a trading post spot and played with para-cows :D

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