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About Gamemaster77

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Gamemaster77

    Something funny happened today

    I once got shot at with a silenced M9 in cherno. However, as soon as he shot me he came over to bandage me and blood bag me saying he didn't mean to kill me. Then he gave me his FN FAL with a scope and we played for a bit until he had to leave. The funny thing is he shot me about 5-6 times before he realized to stop I guess.
  2. Gamemaster77

    Not all hackers are bad

    How are they ruining the game at all in this example if they have their own private hive? Just don't play on the server then.
  3. Gamemaster77

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    Not necessarily. I used to play MAG a lot on the PS3, and that was able to fluidly hold 256 players on one map.
  4. Gamemaster77

    What software do you use for voice comms?

    You should have put the steam voice chat in this poll, that's what I use. Nice and simple since I run the game through steam anyway.
  5. I once lost the FN FAL that comes with a night vision scope due to tent bugs/lagging. I asked the server admin (who you can talk to through direct chat) when the server reset. I wanted to see if the reset brought it back in the tent. He asked why and I told him. He just gave a new one to me and my friend for free. He came up behind us as we were just rolling down the hill at stary, lol. He even gave us his coyote pack as a bonus. We saw him ride away on his bicycle. Best admin I've met!
  6. This is literally one of the funniest stories I have read on this game. I'd recommend you just have a nice sniping session at cherno or electro before playing again. If you find me, I can give you a spare AS50 :P.
  7. Gamemaster77

    Vehicle and Tent Saving

    Usually the only problem I get with tents, is when the server restarts, and it collides with a tree, rendering it unusable.