Plaguetongue 47 Posted September 4, 2012 KOS means Kill on "sight" not kill on "site" get it right Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Just a Goat 25 Posted September 4, 2012 (edited) On 8/31/2012 at 7:41 PM, Justine42 said: In a scary world, knowing that there is a ....It's not scary if you're not running around doing silly things getting yourself killed.Being anti-KOS does not mean running around shouting OH HAI THERE at everyone you see. Smart survivors pay attention, see others before they're seen themselves, and quietly move on.Unless you know the other person, there are really very few situations where anyone else has anything whatsoever to offer you.That fact that you really don't "get it" is evidenced by your comment about people killing you and "taking your axe and food and drink". They're not killing you to take your axe and food and drink, they're killing you so YOU don't take their stuff. KOS has nothing to do with the shooters robbing anyone. They're not "wasting" anything by "not looting your (crap) stuff", they're saving their own necks by not doing something that is stupidly risky with little or no chance for reward.If you clearly have nothing to offer them, then you're either a nonentity or a threat - at best, you're a well meaning person who will most likely get them all killed in some way if they don't get the hell away from you. That's all there is to it. Whether or not YOU believe in humanity has nothing to do with whether THEY believe in it or whether or not your actions will get them killed. If you don't understand this, you're a fool. That doesn't mean you have to shoot them - it means you need to see yourself from their point of view.Moving on.... Quote Well in the end, i didnt really blame him, and i do approve his tactic, as suggested quite a few times already in this post, best way to avoid a kos way for survival is to talk to the person when he can't see you, if he ignores you , avoid , if he loads up his gun and starts looking for you without replying, you annihilate him, currently i have an m107 looted inside the baracks from an afk guy's back pack (ho ho ho) and i am surely itching to use it on a bandit.This is foolish. Anything like this is foolish. I see a lot of people get the drop on other survivors and try to surprise them with contact, usually telling them to freeze or lower their weapon.It is the height of carebearish insanity to order someone to freeze, drop their weapon, or go prone and expect them to do anything other than turn and shoot you in the face. Nobody ever - and I mean EVER - points a gun at someone for that person's own good. Don't fool yourself; the moment you cross that line, you have committed to violence no matter how good you think your intentions are. Even if the other player means to be peaceful all it takes for you to shoot them is one incorrect surprised reaction.If the other player has their act together, their friend on the adjacent hill or roof is probably going to shoot you in the head about 2 seconds after you issue your ultimatum. And you'll have it coming, too.Running around pointing guns at people and creating conflict where there was none is ethically no different than playing KOS. Edited September 4, 2012 by Just a Goat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattix90 10 Posted September 4, 2012 (edited) Not killing on sight in a FPS game, huh? Weird... What I find most annoying and face palm stupid on this forum is players rambling about some silly bullshit like their game philosophy, their idea of dayz or how the mod should look like in their opinion. This game is like a huge sandbox and you have a numerous ways of having fun. I say - to each his own. As long as you don't stay on the coast deathmatching other newspawns in cherno/elektro I'm not gonna judge you or tech you how to play. Still, the neutral way of playing, collecting beans and shit, avoiding conflict gets really boring really fast. If you aquire end game gear, find a team of friends you van trust, the whole idea of traveling through Chernarus, looting markets and barracs becomes pretty redundant. The real thrill of this game is PvP encounters. This is the shit. I am a full blown -500k humanity bandit, I snipe NWAF, Stary, Olsha, Berezino and many other locations and have never nor will I ever hesitated when facing the opportunity of piercing one's skull with few grams of lead (Most people deserve it anyway - stupidity must be punished. Checking your gear or, for the love of God making fireplaces in the open = death). And I don't feel bad about it. Not one bit, because, for the love of Christ - THIS IS ONLY A GAME. It's not real life, it's supposed to be fun. I am having fun playing as bandit. I murder 10-15 people a day. In a game. In real life I am a lovely person, kind, supportive, helpful and I loath violence in any form. So please, be so kind and don't drag terms like "killer's mentality", "humanity", "decency", "cowardice" into a discussion about a fucking online game about zombie apocalypse. Accusing bandits of being immoral is like calling a killing of a virtual cow an offence against animals rights. It's stupid and makes me feel even dumber when reading it. Shooting people is fun and unless Rocket comes up with a legitimate idea on how to support team play it will remain the only way I can have fun playing DayZ. People play games to unwind - no one unwinds by debating moral choices or deciding whether clicking your left MB affects your humanity, so grab your gear and let's go kill some people ;) Edited September 4, 2012 by Mattix90 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ViperHawk85 0 Posted September 4, 2012 (edited) I honestly believe KoS should be a personal choice, because in the end, if you do it enough, you should expect to be KoSed yourself because of the bandit skin you've earned. I am conflicted about Ghillie suits because time and again I've read and experienced that most people shoot Ghillie suit wearers who have military tech on sight without any reason. They consider you a sniper or a bandit. I found a ghillie suit and wore it to avoid other players and managed to get ambushed three times because of it. I don't KoS unless I am shot at first, and that is not to say I havent fired at a bandit or two on a rooftop. I have yet to kill anyone and I've only died once from bullets due to a teammate during a firefight mistaking my head for a zombie. One instance I believe KoS should be applied, I was in the supermarket and an individual with a Lee Enfield typed Friendly, ran into the market with about a dozen zombies chasing him, and ran straight up to me. I aimed at him but didnt shoot, waiting to see what he'd do. He looted my backpack without me realizing it, took my Remington shotgun from the pack and took off out the back door, leaving me stranded in the Supermarket with a dozen zombies blocking the door. He then fired out back, aggroing MORE zombies to my position and causing me to die due to lack of ammunition. I think back now that despite him typing friendly, I should have KoSed him because of the danger he posed to me drawing the zombies into the store. Some survivors can be just as deadly without a gun if they wish it. It's hard to trust anyone in this day and age and from personal experience, I say avoid survivors like the plague unless you know them firsthand. Edited September 4, 2012 by ViperHawk85 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EboPinecones 1 Posted September 4, 2012 i started playing this game like you, looking to find someone to give me a hand or just to see that there are still people across this place. i was Sniped, right through the head while i was running from zombies. Then my friend risked his life t osave my life. i was low on blood and food so he ran to get me some. He came across a man who didnt just take his stuff but shot him in the legs and left him to die. im now hesitant to say hi to people or let my friends out of my sight, i think now ill shoot anyone who is armed on sight Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dutch_miller 159 Posted September 4, 2012 On 9/4/2012 at 10:42 PM, Mattix90 said: Not killing on sight in a FPS game, huh? Well, there's your problem.Don't respond saying how it isn't a problem. Just using it as a figure of speech. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattix90 10 Posted September 5, 2012 On 9/4/2012 at 11:31 PM, Dutch Miller said: Well, there's your problem.Don't respond saying how it isn't a problem. Just using it as a figure of speech.Well, I assume this is the only part of my post you actually read/understood. It is tragically sad :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steve.C 23 Posted September 5, 2012 If someone else is in my path, I typically avoid them. If they have basic gear or no gear, I'll establish comms but if they're geared up, I'm bailing. If we're in town and avoidance is impossible, try to get the upper hand before contact. No sense in dying for nothing; CYA.I've decided that command voice "Friendly, knock it off!" Will work sometimes when you're under fire by a close adversary. I give second chances if I have the upper hand.Otherwise, I do still use "friendly" and tell them exactly what I'm doing, i.e. "I'm behind you and have an M16A4 ACOG. Please don't point your weapon at me. Do you need anything?"My encounters with others have been overwhelmingly positive but I've been in two firefights and I've won both, one pistol-vs-pistol and one my revolver versus his FAL with NV at night. Stay friendly but stay alert.One thing I recommend: if you're going to give away a gun, drop the gun first and the ammo later. That way the recipient has to reload first and it'll give you some time to cover yourself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dutch_miller 159 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) On 9/5/2012 at 1:30 AM, Mattix90 said: Well, I assume this is the only part of my post you actually read/understood. It is tragically sad :(It's the part that stood out; if you start off saying DayZ is an FPS, people are not going to respect your opinion. Simple as that. Edited September 5, 2012 by Dutch Miller 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Numinak 10 Posted September 5, 2012 It's taken me some time to realize this, but I don't like killing other players, even if they are being dicks and killing people for the lulz. I've only killed another player three times since I've started playing. Once because I was still new and didn't want to take any chances. The second when a lone person decided to try and take on my whole group at once. And the last, when some fool tried to run me over with a car, as it was the only way I could survive. But an event a few days ago made me realize I'm not a fighter.Pretty much any enounter, even when I've had a ton of ammo, I've always always chosen to run away rather than stick around and fight. So two days ago I started eschewing the used of a primary weapon (with the exception of an axe, for zombie defense), and a pistol. I'm thinking of dropping the pistol as well, and I'm gonna try running as a medic type for a bit. I fully expect to get shot lots, but hopefully not too much if I don't have a weapon out and visable.Time to see how well this'll work out for me, and hopefully I'll start meeting other friendlies out there. I'm ready to change the pace of my game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
citizen_erased 9 Posted September 5, 2012 Shooting on sight doesn't sit well with me, but if they're trying to take me out then I will retaliate. If I see another survivor evading zombies or looting buildings, I'll leave them be and go on my way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DragoKnight 5 Posted September 5, 2012 I agree that shoot on sight is just stupid, but shooting on sight is safer then taking the risk of getting shot, so if you encounter someone keep you gun ready and aim at their limbs not head so if he/she goes hostile you can knock him/her out take some stuff and fix them up and leave, simple and friendly-ish. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sepulturus 2 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) On 9/5/2012 at 2:27 AM, Dutch Miller said: It's the part that stood out; if you start off saying DayZ is an FPS, people are not going to respect your opinion. Simple as that.I couldn't agree more . My Beanz for u :beans:Mattix90 : So you basically say that because Rocket doesnt provide you with Ingame-mechanics in a Sandboxgame (You smell something fishy here ?)and ure unable to create your own survival oriented content with your friends , Kos-ing is the only way to have fun ? :huh:I beg to differ . Due to the nature of the game , interesting gameplay only comes with the motivation and dedication of the players in your group and if your group consists of those who are unwilling or unable to understand the principles of a survival game in contrast to a FPS game , its quite understandable if u start going around killing people for your amusement .There are actually a lot of games where the main goal is to go around a map and shoot people without having a sound reason for it , and thats perfectly fine with me .I just think that when people play DayZ like a huge Deathmatch ,it's a big waste of potential imho .Thats why i play dayz and thats why ill always stick to being friendly ."Shooting people is fun and unless Rocket comes up with a legitimate idea on how to support team play it will remain the only way I can have fun playing DayZ." --- Made my day :lol: Edited September 5, 2012 by Sepulturus 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Justine42 35 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) On 9/4/2012 at 9:14 PM, Plaguetongue said: KOS means Kill on "sight" not kill on "site" get it rightDid you even read the thread? I explained my accidental typo in one of my first responses.It's obvious you guys cannot handle a simple discussion.Have fun, thanks for the few who can actually read. Edited September 5, 2012 by Justine42 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Justine42 35 Posted September 5, 2012 On 9/1/2012 at 3:10 PM, MikaelM said: I, like many other players out there, have quite a history with games which require you to kill others in order to win to the point of playing semi-professional in a clan for some time. I am used to shoot-on-sight and I understand why people enjoy this way of playing. Despite all that I have not shot a single person in DayZ, let alone killed anyone. I firmly believe that you can have fun roleplaying this game without crossing the border of humanity. Instead of a player killer I became a roaming medic, treating everyone equal. I have encountered many deaths, lost a ridiculous amount of stuff but to me that does not matter at all. The most enjoyable part of my job as medic is to get to know others. I hear about their gaming background, their real life, their personality. Instead of better equipment I got friends to survive with or playing something entirely else.great post thanks for sharing! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TehKolo 10 Posted September 6, 2012 I am a bandit and have no problem admitting it. I WILL shoot you the SECOND I see you. But (as someone posted earlier and I apologize for forgetting your name) it is not because I kill for fun. It's because it is safer to shoot, than be shot. While you are thinking "uh oh he's armed should I call friendly or run away?" I will be shooting at you to ensure my own safety. But I do have morals, I will not shoot unarmed people and I will not shoot people who appear to be afk. Call me stupid but that's my way. I truly dislike the "Kill on sight because it's fun" mentality, but, you have your opinion and I wil respect that. All I am hoping for by this post is that I will change a few people's minds on killing for fun and shooting for safety/survival. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jamie Jameson 1 Posted September 6, 2012 Killing on sight is just a sign of lonliness. Whoever this bandit is, has lost family, lost his friends, or just likes to shoot the anus out of people because it's entertaining and being evil is fun. No matter the reason, killing on sight isn't right, and this is why I only play with people I know.DO NOT PLAY WITH RANDOM GUYS FROM THE GAME! UNLESS YOU KNOW THEY ARE FRIENDLY!I REPEAT, DO NOT PLAY WITH RANDOM GUYS FROM THE GAME! THEY WANT YOUR STUFF. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
that 1 stranger 19 Posted September 6, 2012 There's several steps in this game that determine where people are in the line-up.Step One is usually when a person first gets the game. They probably don't know the controls because they bought the game for DayZ and not ArmA II. They also probably didn't play the tutorial missions to learn how everything works. This is where people usually die within several minutes of spawning because they think zombies are a serious threat. They compete with a learning curve of controls, finding out where supplies are, and learning how to use everything properly or have it glitch away.Step Two is when they actually have a solid grasp of the controls and what happens when you do x and y. This is when people start learning how to actually survive. They go raid towns and cities to collect supplies, and then run off to do it someplace else. They learn not to mess with zombies, where not to go, and what to look out for. This is usually when players first find bandits because now the bandits (at least the good ones) are waiting for them to move between towns and cities so they can collect. What usually gets players killed here are bandits.Step Three is when the player has died enough times they now know "the routine" and can gear up fairly quickly. Within an hour, the player has the five things they need to survive plus a little bonus. They head off to the most isolated areas of the map (usually North or West). Zombies are nothing more than a nuisance to the player at this point. Also, the player will start to notice the tent cities and take note of where they are. What usually gets players killed at this point are bandits who stay back at the tent cities, or hackers who do server nukes, teleports, or drops. Players will rarely ever go into the cities and just hold up in a central location. At this central location, they will either make a little tent city to put stuff in that will duplicate, or they will go to some industrial location near a tent city and just raid that.Step Four is where the character doesn't even go into the cities for supplies. They just raid the camps in the North and the West, or go to one they set up already in step three. At this point, going into the cities is mainly done as sport to either kill bandits, save survivors, or kill survivors. Players no longer fear dying because they can just wait a couple of hours and raid the camp (since tents respawn with equipment in them every four hours as long as you don't save it after removing the equipment). Players at this point really don't care if they die. They look for a challenge, and the game rarely delivers with zombies. This stage ends with either the player killing players (regardless of what the player is), or the player just stops playing because they are bored.Just my observations from myself and people talking about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
z1232 1 Posted September 6, 2012 I always call friendly when i see anyone. If the person doesn't answer then i'll call it again. If he still doesn't answer, has a gun and points it my way, then i'll open fire. If i see any new surviror i'll ask if they need help and then part ways. 95% of the time If someone says theyre friendly than thats that. i'll part ways with them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rebel1705 31 Posted September 8, 2012 well, yesterday I was playing with some1 I met in-game, did only have a makarov with 1 mag and my in-game partner had a axe...So, we went into the fire station up north, and he asked me, "should we kill any1 we see ? or should we try to be friendly ?"So I said "Let's try to be friendly" so we start looting the fire station, and we go into the tower, gues what happens, some1 sniped me and my in-game partner... And I am pretty sure he was listening to through the whole conversation.... I just hate some people like that... -.- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites