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About TehKolo

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  1. TehKolo

    make mg nest

    That made me laugh my ass off, beans to you my good sir.
  2. TehKolo

    Ghillie suit drop only from..

    I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't strip a zombie EVEN for a Ghillie suit. That would be extremley creepy...
  3. TehKolo

    For those who cannot get day Z

    No... it wouldn't even be possible. It's not the issue with the graphics, it's the issue with the giant ass map, shrink the map you say? What about constant loot spawns? Only spawn loot in the area you are in you say? What about massive hordes of zombies in the city, shrink the zombie amount you say? WELL COMBINE THE THREE AND MOBILE DEVICE GOES BOOM!
  4. TehKolo

    bigger and stronger zombies in nort

    Holy shit, maybe you need to seek out mental health. It's a game, and not as many people kill for fun as you think. You probably just get shot and whine that you got killed for no reason, maybe they are looting your body, how the fuck would you know? What because you watch 3 youtube videos of snipers shooting for fun? And usually in the north people will end up fighting other people who are either going to get geared up or are leaving after gearing up, there is still a shit ton of combat. And btw, this is a game, not real life, so no need to for it to become exactly like real life, so why can't people be driven mentally insane and take it out by killing every single fucking person they see? I know sometimes I want to do that.
  5. TehKolo

    bigger and stronger zombies in nort

    And, going back to the original purpose of this thread, the game is already kind of divided in to sections. Bandits to murder you in the north when you are strong, zombies in the south to kill you while you are weak. So we don't really need stronger zombies at all.
  6. TehKolo

    bigger and stronger zombies in nort

    I fucking said, they may have been driven insane by loneliness. Just because someone has a mental disability that drives them to kill other people, doesn't mean that they developed it by killing people. How old are you? 9? 10?
  7. TehKolo

    Game needs Standalone

    Because they have already announced that DayZ will use the ArmA 3 engine, and Rocket works for Bohemia, they will probably write the ArmA 3 engine to work and be compatible with DayZ, rather than it just being another add-on like in ArmA 2,
  8. TehKolo

    bigger and stronger zombies in nort

    No, it's not. But just because people kill other people doesn't make it anywhere near COD. COD's objective is to kill. I'm sure some people do that and get a kick out of it, but realistically, would some people not be affected by mental diseases to the point where it's fun for them to see other humans die? Exactly, and considering it's a zombie apocalypse and most people who actually kill for fun are alone, maybe they were driven to madness by the constant loneliness. It is possible and it is realistic.
  9. TehKolo

    How about streetlights?

    Great idea, all they would need (as you said) is a workaround for the power issue.
  10. TehKolo

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    They should use those militiant skins, the ones with the bandana covering their nose and mouth, or the ones with the balaclavas/ski masks.
  11. TehKolo

    Ghillie + backpack

    There is already a giant risk of spawning in waterworld, debug forest or just instantly losing all your gear when you equip the ghillie suit. I know that these are just bugs but still, Ghillie suit is SUPER rare to find so there should be no drawbacks.
  12. TehKolo

    bigger and stronger zombies in nort

    The part of this game that makes it so intense is the threat of other players. Who can recreate moving through a city while trying to avoid snipers, then immediately being dropped by a sniper bullet to the head, what fun would this game be without people who kill on sight. We don't need a bigger zombie threat, the zombies are fine with the exception of the glitches and bugs and pathfinding issues and such.
  13. TehKolo

    Introduce yourselves

    Tehkolo here, (Phil ingame). Mostly play on Seattle servers. I'm the kind of guy that shoots first and asks questions later! Hope to loot your dead body soon :D
  14. TehKolo

    Too many sniper rifles

    Good idea, but it would remove much of the intensity of moving through a large city like electro or cherno, I love always having to be careful of which positions you are facing, which you are not, not running out in the field but sticking to densly bushed or urban areas. I think the high threat of snipers just adds to the intensity of the game and removing it might also remove a bit of the skill it takes to maneuvre through a city and collect loot.
  15. TehKolo

    A small amount of tools

    It would be good, making people have to band together, I am a bandit but it would be cool to have people band together more because they would need more people to carry around all types of tools. And it would also make for more decision making on what to carry and what to leave behind.