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About Mattix90

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Mattix90

    Did sniping become obesolete?

    See, that's what I'm talking about. Sitting on the coast and pwning bambies running into fire stations with nothing more than an enfield is hardly a challenge. Taking down a huey hovering above NWAF is something entirely more exhilarating and I used to pull such stunts from time to time in the past. Now I guess all valuable vehicles are being hoarded far east/north and guarded 24/7. This game has been reduced to yet another FPS, where you grab first weapon you can put your hands on and bolt to the nearest city for a deathmatch...
  2. I just recently started playing dayz after few months of break. My gear remained intact so I decided to check if my abilities didn't get rusty during that time. After considering few of my usual sniping locations I decided to settle down near NWAF and begin my hunt there. I spent 2 hours on a 20+ server yesterday and about 1,5 hours today. I didn't see a living soul... I was gone for some time so maybe I've missed something? Do people even visit north anymore or did this game finish it's transformation to Cherno-Electro deathmatch and no one even considers leaving the coast?
  3. Mattix90

    What's Your Favorite Gear-Out?

    AS50 or DMR if it's night - helps keeping NWAF clear of any unwanted intruders :) M4A1 CCO SD - trusted companion for silent zombie extermination having NVGs is always nice and a Coyote to keep as much steaks and sodas as possible :P
  4. Yep, tents don't work. Pitched one literally few minutes before server restart, stuffed it with some gear and logged out. Logged in just after the restart, the tent was empty.
  5. Mattix90

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    My AS50 magically disappeared from my backpack (all the other stuff from my backpack did too) preceded by a cryptic message I didn't care to read. Does this mean I can no longer put big weaponry into my backpack or is this just me being unlucky?
  6. Well, I assume this is the only part of my post you actually read/understood. It is tragically sad :(
  7. Not killing on sight in a FPS game, huh? Weird... What I find most annoying and face palm stupid on this forum is players rambling about some silly bullshit like their game philosophy, their idea of dayz or how the mod should look like in their opinion. This game is like a huge sandbox and you have a numerous ways of having fun. I say - to each his own. As long as you don't stay on the coast deathmatching other newspawns in cherno/elektro I'm not gonna judge you or tech you how to play. Still, the neutral way of playing, collecting beans and shit, avoiding conflict gets really boring really fast. If you aquire end game gear, find a team of friends you van trust, the whole idea of traveling through Chernarus, looting markets and barracs becomes pretty redundant. The real thrill of this game is PvP encounters. This is the shit. I am a full blown -500k humanity bandit, I snipe NWAF, Stary, Olsha, Berezino and many other locations and have never nor will I ever hesitated when facing the opportunity of piercing one's skull with few grams of lead (Most people deserve it anyway - stupidity must be punished. Checking your gear or, for the love of God making fireplaces in the open = death). And I don't feel bad about it. Not one bit, because, for the love of Christ - THIS IS ONLY A GAME. It's not real life, it's supposed to be fun. I am having fun playing as bandit. I murder 10-15 people a day. In a game. In real life I am a lovely person, kind, supportive, helpful and I loath violence in any form. So please, be so kind and don't drag terms like "killer's mentality", "humanity", "decency", "cowardice" into a discussion about a fucking online game about zombie apocalypse. Accusing bandits of being immoral is like calling a killing of a virtual cow an offence against animals rights. It's stupid and makes me feel even dumber when reading it. Shooting people is fun and unless Rocket comes up with a legitimate idea on how to support team play it will remain the only way I can have fun playing DayZ. People play games to unwind - no one unwinds by debating moral choices or deciding whether clicking your left MB affects your humanity, so grab your gear and let's go kill some people ;)
  8. Mattix90

    DayZ Dupers?

    Yes, they probably were duping, there is a certain technique which leaves a standing, blooded body and from what I can see I am certain that they, on purpose or not have used it. I am not going into details though, as there are enough dupers already present on dayz servers
  9. Mattix90

    ppl who don't duplicate itens

    Holly Jesus Christ! Well, damn and blast my eyes, as we can see there is no single duper present in dayz. Only valiant white knights who refuse to sully themselves with such dirty tactics. I salute you shrewd and law abiding survivors! Astonishingly, the servers are still overflowing with as50s and l85s so I assume, from your testimonies, that those items must somehow magically appear in player's inventory thus forcing themselves on otherwise baffled and disgusted survivors which are being forced to use them. I... AM... APPALLED. For something like this to happen to unwilling and otherwise just players. Rocket, shame on you for implementing such treacherous mechanism in the mod...
  10. Yesterday, when I was sniping near stary, a heli suddenly appeared north of military tents. It has flown towards the tents and starten hovering just above them apparently shooting at someone. I didn't think much and decided to do something about it. I had an as50 with 5Rnd. mags, but i didn't really know how many shots to the rotor would it take to destroy it. After considering trying to shoot it down, I popped the gunner and run further into the forest, scared that heli might want to take it's revenge :( So there's the question - how many as50 shots to the rotor does it take to topple a huey?
  11. Mattix90

    If they removed backpacks!

    Jesus Christ... I am mortified that some of you are seriously considering that idiot's idea. Game without backpacks, eh? As someone said before - try game without bandages or make it randomly kill you every now and then, it will make it more challenging. No backpacks = no fixing vehicles, no scavenging (what's the point if you can only carry 1 gun, few mags and some cans and it's at BEST). What exactly would it add to the gameplay? What is wrong with the idea is pretty much everything. Why would I play one life without a backpack? How would that be fun? How do you play that game anyway? Go from coast to elektro and get killed by a sniper every time you aquire something more valuable than an AKM? Also - it's fucking zombie apocalypse, you're on your own, don't trust anyone. Other players are not danger to me. I am the danger, I snipe the shit out of stary looters and NWA barracks hoopers. If you think it would be fun to limit this game to just collecting cans and avoiding gunfight then you probably should think of another way to spend your free time as this game is clearly not for the likes of you.
  12. Mattix90

    Servers overflowing with AS50s

    You got it all wrong mate. It's nothing wrong if you play bf/cod, it's just that those games are fucking magnets for underage, immature shitheads. And they basically dig everything that is "on top" at the moment. So when they swarm Dayz servers they're like - dude, what a cool game,it's like, it's like bf3 but with zombies and hatchets! Whoa, mate, lets skip school and shoot eachother at the coast! It kills the purpose of this game and make it just-another-one-repetitive-fps. Also: >using coloured font >placing your signature under a post >chinese cartoon sig Not sure why, but it rubs me the wrong way...
  13. Mattix90

    Servers overflowing with AS50s

    Considering the audible range of this rifle is about 450m, those "snipers" were not using this gun properly if you have heard the "ting". Still, in times when everybody DC from combat it's nice to have something that won't give your target the time to escape. It sure does. Never actually seen one <lol>. Guess I'm no big fan of the barns :)
  14. So what's the deal with this huge ammount of as50s nowadays? The rifle in most cases is wielded by the worst snipers in the game, only today I managed to put down three yahoos camping roughly 150m behind military tents in Stary <facepalm>. To be honest it's the most common sniper rifle I'm encountering - I can hardly find M24 or DMR anymore. I don't have any numbers to support this claim but I think as50 may be one of the most if not the most duped item in the game.
  15. Mattix90

    Question about tents?

    Just wait till the serv restarts bloke and you can start grieving over your lost items.